COMPULSORY housing rules for poultry and captive birds are set to be lifted at the end of this month, Defra has announced.

The housing measures were introduced across Great Britain on December 14 and meant poultry had to be kept housed or in caged runs. It was brought in to protect flocks across the country from the disease which is circulating in wild birds.

The lifting of the ban comes on April 1 after the avian flu risk decreased to ‘medium’ according to the Animal and Plant Health Agency.

NFU chief poultry adviser Aimee Mahony said: “All poultry keepers have played a crucial role in minimising the threat of avian influenza and have therefore contributed to allowing these measures to be lifted. It will be a great relief to farmers with free-range flocks that have had to house their birds for over three months due to these government-imposed measures.

“They will be pleased that they can once again give their birds access to the outside range area.

“While the threat of avian influenza has decreased, it is still incredibly important that everyone who keeps birds remains vigilant and continues to follow enhanced biosecurity measures, whether they are a commercial farmer with thousands of birds or somebody with one hen in the garden.”

The last confirmed case in poultry in Great Britain was over a month ago on February 12 in Scotland.