CANCER Support Yorkshire is counting the days to the reopening of its Preloved shop on Belmont Bridge, Skipton.

Sharon Topham, shop manager said: “We are looking forward to welcoming our customers back on Wednesday April14. It has been a difficult year for all traders and the impact of having to close our shop has had a devastating effect on the charity’s finances.”

The charity’s support centre on Otley Street, Skipton provides practical and emotional help to patients and their families. Although they had to close in March 2020 the team adapted quickly to working from home, successfully delivering free services, via telephone and online platforms such as Zoom, but they are looking forward to getting back to face-to-face support.

Money raised from the shop helps to fund the centre’s free services. The shop will be open on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Donations can be taken to the shop on these days, and anyone interested in volunteering should call in or telephone 01756 709514.