A MAN who broke one of his partner’s fingers, headbutted and punched her during weekend trips away has been given a suspended prison sentence by Skipton magistrates.

During one stay at Skipton’s Hotel Rendezvous, Andrew Mullen repeatedly punched the woman he had known for 35 years in her back and stamped on her glasses.

Both had been drinking and they had argued about her previous partner, the court heard at a previous hearing.

Despite causing pain, he failed to apologise and left her in the room. She locked the door, called the police and he was arrested.

On a visit to Whitby in August, Mullen had broken one of the woman’s fingers when he tried to get her phone off her during an argument, and while staying at a Holiday Inn Express, he had headbutted her before leaving her alone and going off for breakfast.

Mullen, of Culcheth Lane, Manchester, admitted at the earlier hearing two charges of assault by beating, on August 2 in Whitby, and on October 4 in Skipton, and of criminal damage in Skipton on October 4.

He also admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm at the Holiday Inn Express in Hunslet, Leeds on September 30.

At today's sentencing court, Mel Ibbotson, prosecuting, said the victim of the assaults had not wanted the court to consider imposing a restraining order, nor had she felt ready emotionally to make a victim impact statement.

Miss Ibbotson said the pair had known each other for 35 years during which time they had had an on-off relationship. There had been previous offences of violence, with Mullen being particularly offensive when drunk.

In mitigation, Keith Blackwell said Mullen was ashamed at what he had done and did not consider himself to be a violent man in that he did not go out looking for a fight. He had suffered depression and anxiety and while awaiting sentencing had been particularly anxious about the prospect of being sent to prison.

The magistrates bench chairman told Mullen he might not consider himself to be violent, but he was certainly violent behind closed doors.

Mullen was sentenced to six months in custody for the assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and four months each for both of the assaults by beating, to run at the same time. The six months total will be suspended for 18 months.

He will have to complete up to 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and do 250 hours unpaid work. Mullen will also have to pay £500 compensation to his victim, pay a surcharge of £128, and costs of £85.