WITH many shops hoping to reopen on April 12, businesses and local authorities are working hard to ensure Craven high streets will be a safe place to visit.

Non-essential shops and personal care businesses such as hairdressers and beauty salons will be able to open their doors once again, if the Government’s roadmap to ease Covid lockdown restrictions goes to plan. Pubs and restaurants are also hoping to be able to serve customers outdoors from April 12.

Craven District Council’s Reopening High Street Safely (RHSS) campaign is also reminding shoppers to play their part to help stop the spread of the virus.

Council chief executive Paul Shevlin said: “We know it has been a tough time for everyone in the district, including our many brilliant independent businesses.

“I have been impressed by how well our shops, pubs, restaurants and beauty businesses have adapted to the Covid crisis, and I really hope everyone will continue to support their local high street.

“It is vital shoppers, residents and visitors take personal responsibility too so we can avoid any potential lockdowns in future. Please wear your face masks, keep your distance where possible and use hand sanitiser regularly. Many businesses will have their own restrictions in place, for your safety and their staff, and it’s vital everyone follows the guidelines in place.”

The RHSS project has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the Reopening High Streets Safely scheme, with the aim of promoting and supporting local businesses, particularly in the high street areas of Skipton, Settle, Grassington, Cross Hills, Ingleton and Bentham.

The government’s Covid roadmap, which is subject to change depending on the advice the government receives, will allow the opening of non-essential retail, hairdressers and beauty salons and public buildings such as libraries and community halls from April 12th.

Skipton market is due to reopen on Wednesday April 14, and will be trading on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays with a road closure in operation from 10am to 4pm. The market will also be open on Mondays, from April 19, but with no road closure in place.

Hospitality venues are likely to be able to serve people outdoors only from April 12. However, unlike last time, there will be no need to eat a substantial meal with alcohol and no early closing restrictions. Indoor hospitality could be allowed from May 17.

Around Craven, the district council has placed clear signage in public areas around the towns, reminding people of the importance of respecting social distancing guidelines.

Pedestrian-friendly routes have been waymarked in Skipton, directing people on the safest ways around the town, along with new bollard sleeves in Grassington, hand sanitiser stations, and planters in Ingleton, Bentham, Settle and Cross Hills.

New resources on the Craven District Council website outline the current government guidelines and interpret them specifically for the local area. Residents and business owners can visit www.cravendc.gov.uk/coronavirus for up to date information on restrictions and what they mean locally.