THERE is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ says the Yorkshire Dales National Park as it updates its guidance for visitors and residents.

Neil Heseltine, chair of the park authority, said:“From today (Monday) everyone should follow the Government guidance to stay local, minimise travel and not to stay overnight.

“We’re already looking forward to April 12 when we can all travel more freely, with local hospitality back open and visitors welcome to come and stay. In the meantime, we’re asking everyone to stay local and to minimise travel to help keep themselves and our local communities safe so we can move out of lockdown in a planned and considered manner.

“We are all too aware of how difficult the past year has been for everyone, but we can see real light at the end of the tunnel. However, we need to show patience and respect for others so we can all enjoy what I hope will be a wonderful summer.

“For the moment the vast majority of local businesses remain closed, including cafés, restaurants, pubs, and many local shops.”

The park authority is asking people to respect the land, respect the community and respect each other.

The park’s ranger service will continue to support North Yorkshire and Cumbria Police across the national park to help keep everyone safe as national lockdown restrictions remain in place. Visit: