HERE'S the news from around the district from our correspondents.


Church news: With the Government’s national ‘Step’ Regulations progressively enabling more activities to restart, we are now gradually reintroducing services of worship in our churches. Initially these are combined services to include everyone in the parishes of Clapham, Keasden, Austwick and Eldroth: Sunday, April 25, 9.30am, Austwick; Sunday, May 2, 9.30am, Eldroth; Sunday, May 9, 11am, Keasden. Ascension Day Thursday, May 13, 10.30am, Austwick; Sunday, May 16, 11am, Clapham.

Parish News: The current edition can be found on the link below or from the village website:

WI: We began the first meeting of the year with a Zoom presentation. Sarah Lister had been our last speaker in March 2020 and she returned in April 2021 with her talk about the surprising revelations from the Settle graveyard. Her excellent talk about two Settle families, the Ellis family and the Slinger family, revealed her findings about their very interesting lives. Fourteen members joined the meeting and we hope that more will join us in May.

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: Following the Government announcement from April 12, businesses will be able to open again. We will continue to support our wonderful local community in any way we can and deliver to the village and surrounding areas as quickly as possible, we are grateful for those who have chosen our services, enabling us to continue operating during such challenging times. The shop and post office will maintain regular opening times with the two person at one time policy and urge customers to wear masks and use the hand sanitisers provided. We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries. Thank you for all your continued support. Our contact details for orders are - 01524 251415 or email

Barnoldswick & Bracewell Benefice

Church: Sunday Worship will continue to be held each week until further notice in Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick, at 10am, with a Zoom service following at 11.30am. Please note that all continuing safeguarding Covid measures will be adhered to before, during and after each service. There will also be Night Prayer on Zoom at 9pm every evening. Please contact Rev Sheena by email at for the access code to the Zoom service and Night prayer. Upcoming events in May: Rogation Sunday will be celebrated with a service of the word at Bracewell St Michael’s on May 9 at 11.30am.

Our Parish AGM will take place on Sunday, May 16, after the 10am service at Holy Trinity Church. There will not be a Zoom service this day. We would like to thank all those who have placed and continue to place ribbons on the gates of our churches for the National Day of Reflection.

Bolton Abbey

Prince Philip: The funeral of Prince Philip on Saturday was a moving and uplifting tribute to an extraordinary life. Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal family said goodbye to a Prince and husband, consort and family man who gave wonderful service to this Nation. His funeral took place in Eastertide when we remember the disciples who were downcast in the aftermath of the death of our Lord but who were restored to new life by their encounters with the risen Christ. We hope that the Queen and Royal family will be similarly restored. However, the reading from John’s Gospel on Sunday morning reminds us that

Christ will soon ascend to heaven. It is a timely reminder, not only of heaven and earth co-existing, but also that we too are all, ultimately, journeying to God’s heavenly Kingdom.

Volunteer guides: Do you have any spare time? Would you like to help welcome visitors who come to discover Bolton Priory’s rich heritage or just come to take a look on their day trip? Our beautiful Grade I Priory will be open daily to visitors once restrictions allow. We have welcomed up to 160,000 visitors annually, from more than 70 countries. We urgently need extra guides who can spare an hour or two to be part of our meet and greet team, offering our visitors a warm welcome and to be on hand to show them round. If you would like to know more please contact

Church: It is now open every Sunday for the 10.30am service. Places have to be booked via the church office. The tower remains open for private prayer but the church is closed during the week. For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at


All Saints’ Church: On Sunday, April 25, Communion at 9.30am will be led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Embsay with Eastby

Pre-school playgroup: Embsay With Eastby Pre-school Playgroup has raised £488 from the Embsay Easter Trail. There were more than 300 participants and 40 villagers decorated their gardens or their windows for the event. The winners of the best garden or window display competition were Gary and Caroline North with their amazing display of knitted chicks. In second place came the Chutes and the Kiplings with their wonderful artwork of the Easter bunny and its friends and in third place came Catherine Kemp with the incredible bee garden. The winner of the best selfie was Marika. The winner of the prize draw was Ben Graham. We would like to thank everyone who took part.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

St Andrew’s church: There will be a lay-led service of Holy Communion on Sunday (April 25) at 11am. In order to attend you must wear a face mask and abide by social distancing guidelines.

Farnhill Parish Council meeting: The next meeting of Farnhill Parish Council will take place this evening (Thursday, April 22) starting at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held by video, but members of the public may attend remotely. Anyone wishing to join the meeting should contact the secretary of the council, Sue Harding-Hill, by emailing for login details.

Gardening: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the school’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field (opposite the school). No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. The aim is to support the school and get the garden bursting into bloom. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves (if you think you’ll need them). Standard Covid restrictions such as rule of six and social distancing will apply.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing takeaway hot drinks, cakes, etc, from 9am to 4pm, on Wednesday to Friday; and 9am to 5pm, on Saturday and Sunday. It is located by the canal bridge in Kildwick, just up from the school.

Kildwick and Farnhill Institute Calendar 2022: The Institute is currently closed but hopes to be opening again soon. However, the annual Institute Calendar will be back in 2022. The competition to find photographs of Kildwick and Farnhill for possible inclusion in the calendar is now open. Submissions should be made to before the closing date of May 31, 2021, so hurry up and send in your entries. For full competition rules go to, then click on the picture of the Institute. Please read the rules, as many pictures are rejected for failure to adhere to them. You do not need to live in either village to get a picture selected.

Farnhill Parish Council: The remote meeting of Farnhill Parish Council was held on March 25, 2021. Four members of the council were present, plus NYCC and CDC Representative Cllr P Mulligan and clerk S Harding-Hill. The minutes of the meeting held on February 25, 2021, were approved by the council and will be signed as a correct record by the chairman at a later date. Cllr P Mulligan gave an update on the Covid figures for Craven which were down to 30 per 100,000 from 450 in 100,000 and there have now been two million vaccinated. The planned roadmap out of lockdown started on March 29, with stay at home ending and being allowed to meet with six people or two families outdoors. This was followed with non essential retail shops, libraries and hairdressers being allowed to open on April a12, as well as restaurants and pubs serving outdoors without the need to buy food. The plan is to have all restrictions lifted by June 21, but it may get altered if things do not go to plan. He also reported on the local government reorganisation stating that a consultation is open to receive views on the proposals. NYCC elections have been postponed for a year due to the reorganisation. He also said that staff may be concerned that they may lose their jobs. There will be a period of transition where either the district or NYCC will start winding down ready for the reorganisation. Cllr D Atkinson attended a parish liaison planning session, which was attended by Bob Pritchard, an expert in planning and law. The meeting covered officer reports, planning enforcement and the national framework. Their aim is to strengthen leadership, improve working with partnerships and system improvements. He thought the whole plan was quite optimistic and will involve parish councils more. The position of councillor is still vacant and anybody interested should contact the clerk. Cllr D Atkinson reported that there had been an outpouring of sewage half way up Mary Street but Yorkshire Water had come out within two hours and sorted the problem which had been caused by a blockage due to wet wipes and disposable nappies. They had excavated further up the road and replaced a section of sewage pipe. They have now been out five times to a problem which was alerted two years ago. Cllr S Wood has spoken with David Yearly from ROSPA regarding our dissatisfaction with the play area report and Mr Yearly defended their rating and explained why he thought it was important to keep it. It was scored on the basis that the beam is only six inches from the floor and the scoring was based on how bad the risk of injury or how serious. He felt that where they had gone wrong was they should have said the post needs replacing. Cllr S Wood explained that the parish council rely heavily on their approach and thought they had let us down. Mr Yearly said that once the repair work is done they will do a rot test on all the posts FOC which would normally cost £500. If the parish council wished they could have an interim report at six months for £230 plus VAT and they would base their form with one for us. Clerk to let Cllr S Wood know when the work done. The parish council thanked him for the work he had put in. Pennine Playgrounds hope to start the work shortly but are waiting for some of the parts to be delivered. CDC has responded regarding the lease for the play area and asked if the parish council would be happy to undertake a lease for 21years at the sum of £1 if demanded. The parish council resolved to do so and clerk to confirm with CDC. The seat at the bottom of Arbour Top needs a plank to replace the old one. Clerk to ask Cllr D Akrigg if he could purchase a replacement plank and repair the seat. The parish council will then reimburse the cost. Clerk to contact Faulkners Garden Services that did the strimming work in the autumn and ask for their advice on how many times a year they think it would need to carry out the same work as before to keep it in average condition bearing in mind that the parish council have a limited budget. Also to quote for the year based on what they think is needed. Aire Valley Solutions have now supplied the new computer and back-up drive, plus configuration and set up of Windows 10 and Microsoft Office Family. They will provide guidance on how to set up a parish council email address once this is agreed. The insurance company has informed the parish council that to increase the play area sum insured to a new total of £23,216.04 would increase the annual premium payable by £58.26, including insurance premium tax. Clerk to report that light No 30 is out under the Culvert and to put street lightingon the agenda next month. Clerk to ask CDC about electric charging points to see if they have any information and ask what is available, what kind of site is needed and if there is any grant funding available. The parish council have received a letter from a youth development worker offering to support and develop voluntary youth provision for North Yorkshire Youth in the district of Craven. They are funded by North Yorkshire County Council. The parish council noted this and can offer more information if anybody in the Community is interested. The parish council have had a report about somebody cutting the tops off the trees at the triangle with one of the trees having three branches taken off the top. Clerk to put a note on the website making people aware that we are in a Conservation Area and any work to trees needs planning permission.


Classes: Outdoor Tai Chi Qigong sessions are now back running again on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 9am on the Green beside the River Aire and behind Gargrave war memorial near to both the public toilets and free car parks. Newcomers most welcome. To take part, contact Bee Faulkner on 07778 980994.

Church: A Prayer Book Communion service will be held in St Andrew’s church on Sunday at 8am. A service of Holy Communion will be held later at 10.45am.


St Alkelda’s: Sunday, April 25, 8am. Holy Communion (BCP). 9.30am. Family Worship. Wednesday, April 28, 9.30am. Our usual mid-week service of Holy Communion.


Wesley Centre: ‘Helibabies’, the group for parents and young ones under 12 months will be resuming at the Wesley Centre. Come along and meet together to chat about the way forward on Wednesday, April 28, at 1.30pm. The ‘Helitots’ group will resume in September. The Community Pantry continues to be available on Fridays between 2pm and 3pm. Services at the Chapel continue on Sundays at 2pm. For details of activities phone Pauline Wright on 07931 511652.

WI: The WI will hold its annual meeting in May via Zoom, when a new committee and officers will be elected. The annual subscriptions has been reduced for the 12 months beginning April 1. The membership cost will be £22 instead of £44. If you would like to join the WI or get further information, phone Karen on 01729 851070 or email

Institute: Contact Ken and Heather Leak, booking secretaries for the Institute/Village Hall, for details of availability reference events and meetings etc. Phone 01729 850845 or 07837 727268 or email


Church: There will be a service of Holy Communion in St Oswalds Church on Sunday (traditionally Good Shepherd Sunday and Vocations Sunday) at 10.30am.

By-election: Residents of Horton-in-Ribblesdale will be able to vote on May 6 in two by-elections for district and council wards. They also have the opportunity on the same day to vote for a new Police and Crime Commissioner to represent North Yorkshire.

Festival: Perfect spring weather favoured the Marmalade festival which was held in St Oswalds churchyard on Saturday afternoon. There was a splendid selection of marmalades, jams and takeaway cakes. Many thanks to

everyone who baked or made preserves for the first church fundraiser of 2021. The sum of £650 was raised.


St Mary’s Church: Morning worship will take place on Sunday, April 25, at 11am, and will be led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

North Craven

Talk: Join the North Craven Heritage Trust at 7.30pm on Friday, April 30 for a talk, entitled “Hunting, Culling and Reintroduction - the facts, science and issues” it will be given on Zoom by Les Chandler. NCHT members will receive their invitations automatically. Non-members are welcome - email for invite.


Gardening club: The burst of spring weather has prompted committee members of Settle and District Gardening Club to crack on with their annual spring tidy-up at

Settle War Memorial gardens. The club is happy to welcome new members. For information contact Glen Preston at

Parish church: We were pleased to welcome Alistair Cook, editor of the ‘Community News’ for Settle and surrounding district, as the guest speaker at Tuesday’s virtual coffee morning. The coffee mornings take place on the first and third Tuesdays each month. Thanks to Paul Cochrane, our church treasurer, for organising these Zoom meetings. Thanks also to the guests who have spoken on a diverse and interesting range of topics. Join us for coffee, chat and another guest speaker on Tuesday, May 4. Email Paul to book for your place Rev Julie Clarkson leads Celtic Morning Prayer, via Zoom, on Thursdays from 10am. Join for a chat at 9.45am. Email Rev Julie for the link - Morning Prayer is now being recorded enabling working folk to share in this reflective service at a time that suits them. This Thursday morning, weather permitting, Mothers’ Union members and supporters are hoping to meet up with the lovely ‘Stepping Stones’ families outdoors at 10am in Harrison Fields, Giggleswick.

On Fridays Settle’s well-stocked foodbank - “Settle Pantry” opens in church from 11am to noon. There is no registration. Covid safety measures in place. Do be sure to mention this local helpline to family and friends.

Holy Ascension is now open daily from 10am to 4pm for visitors and private prayer. On Sunday, April 25, Rev Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am. Everyone is welcome. The service will be live streamed if you prefer to watch from home at


Church: Services at Christ Church, Skipton and St Mary’s Carleton have now resumed, as well as online services as follows: Saturday Story for younger people can be found on YouTube, search for Christ Church Skipton, St Mary’s Carleton. Saturday night prayer is live at 9pm and can be found via the Facebook page, Christ Church Skipton or St Mary’s Carleton, on alternate weeks. The links are on both pages so the Christ Church Facebook page should pick up the link to St Mary’s.

Sutton in Craven

Community stones project: Hundreds of stones painted by residents in 2020 have been preserved in cement in Sutton-in-Craven Park for generations to enjoy. The stones are to show support for the NHS and keyworkers during the coronavirus pandemic. The stones are to remind people of the way we rally around in difficult times and keep spirits high. We would like to give special thanks to Readymix Huddersfield (Myers Group Ltd) who kindly donated the cement for the project. To Stuart Robinson, Tony Emmott, Anthony Emmott, Arron Morley, Ben Bolland, Tanya Emmott, Hayley Lynch, Christine Robinson and Mark Hough for their part in helping to varnish the stones, prep the area, distribute the cement and set the stones in place.


Car boot sale dates: Dates for this year’s Silsden car boot sales on the riverside field have been announced. They will take place on Sundays on April 25, May 16, June 20, July 25, August 22 and September 19. They will run from 7am to 1pm, and there will be catering onsite. The cost is £10 for cars and £15 for vans and cars with trailers. Search Silsden Car boot on Facebook for further details or contact Zoey or Jonny on 01535 500170.