We welcome village news from all around Craven. Let us know what events, activities, group meetings, sales, celebrations and the like are happening in your village and we will include them in this village news section in the paper and online. Send them to: news@cravenherald.co.uk


Covid-19 community support: Help and advice is available at claphamyorksvirushelp@gmail.com, facebook.com/coronaCcN, 01524 805969. facebook.com/AustwickMutualAid. twitter.com/

Church news: With the Government’s national ‘Step’ Regulations progressively enabling more activities to restart, we are now gradually reintroducing services of worship in our churches. Initially these are combined services to include everyone in the parishes of Clapham, Keasden, Austwick and Eldroth: Sunday, May 30, Clapham “All Age Service”. Advanced notice on Sunday, June 27, at 7pm, Lambing Service at Keasden New Burial Ground. A celebration of lambing and of the beautiful new burial ground being created next to Keasden Church.

Austwick Parish News: The May-September edition can be found on the link below or from the village website drive.google.com/file/d/1lLD4YaMwMxFiXWKeqE_O8NVJIZ8xsv8I/view?usp=sharing.

Recipe book: Austwick School PTA is putting together an Austwick Recipe Book to raise much-needed funds for school. If you have a favourite recipe you’d like us to include, please send it to austwickpta@hotmail.com, or drop it at Austwick Post Office, marked for Austwick School PTA. Please get it to us this week. Please include a list of ingredients (and quantities) needed, plus instructions of how to make it (cooking temperature and time, equipment required etc). If you can draw us a picture of the finished dish then send that too. Tell us why you love it, or what it means to you. Please don’t just copy recipe from a book though, original dishes only please. If you’d like to sponsor a recipe or a page in the book, maybe in memory of the person who gave you the recipe, or to advertise your business, then please get in touch by emailing austwickpta@hotmail.com. It will help us with production costs so more of the proceeds can go to helping our school children. Let’s get Austwick cooking.

Austwick WI: Our second meeting of the year was a Zoom presentation entitled ite-sized by Joanna o’Neill. Joanna showed us examples of her work and talked about her art quilts and embroidery which is on a friendly scale often A4 or smaller in size. We hope to commence regular meetings in the hall next month so keep an eye on the WI notice board for an update.

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We will continue to support our wonderful local community in any way we can and deliver to the village and surrounding areas as quickly as possible. We are grateful for those who have chosen our services, enabling us to continue operating during such challenging times. The shop and post office will maintain regular opening times with the two person at one time policy and urge customers to wear masks and use the hand sanitisers provided. We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries. Thank you for all your continued support. Our contact details for orders are 01524 251415 or email crossleighstores@outlook.com. Thank you, stay safe and look forward to seeing you soon.

Government Guidelines: Help and advice can be found at gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home.

We would hope and expect everyone to adhere to this information and help avoid Covid-19 spreading even though businesses and activities are being resumed. We look forward to welcoming visitors to our village by the residents who are generally aware of their vulnerabilities. As visitors arrive we expect the “country code” to be observed. Please use public bins for your litter and not residential bins for recycling your waste. Better still take your litter home. Keep dogs on leads and do not allow them to wander into fields. Car parking in the village is limited so please park with consideration including not parking vehicles on grass areas, remember emergency services may need to gain entry throughout the village.

Barnoldswick & Bracewell Benefice

Church news: This Sunday, May 30, Trinity Sunday, there will be a joint service for all three churches in St Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick, at 10.30am. The Coach House will be open after the service for fellowship and light refreshments. All are welcome. All Covid safety requirements will be followed. There will not be a Zoom service on this day. Upcoming services and events include the celebration of the bows on Saturday, June 5, 2pm to 3.30pm. There will be a remembrance service at St Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick, to celebrate the taking down the bows from the gates of our three churches, including St Michael’s, Bracewell, and Holy Trinity, Barnoldswick. A short service will take place outside Ghyll Church (weather permitting) for this celebration. Everyone who placed a ribbon on the gate is welcome to take their bow down before this service, or on the day at the service, and either place it in the church on the altar and light a candle in your loved one’s name, or take home. Any ribbons from our other churches will be brought to this service. There will be refreshments available in the Coach House in the form of tea, coffee and juice. There will also be cake and biscuits to choose from for a small donation. Sunday, June 6, there will be a First of the Month All Age Service with Holy Baptism at 10am in Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick. All are welcome. No Zoom service this day. Sunday, June 13, 10am - Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Church; 10.30am - Morning Prayer at St Mary le Ghyll Church; 11.30am - Service of the Word at St Michael’s, Bracewell. There will also be Night Prayer on Zoom at 9pm every evening. All are welcome. Please note that all continuing safeguarding Covid measures will be adhered to before, during and after each service. Please contact Rev Sheena by email at sheena.mcmain@leeds.anglican.org for the access code to the Zoom service and Night Prayer.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. It is one of the crowning glories of the church calendar when we can say, like the Seraphim, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts’. Although the Trinity is sometimes hard to understand, it makes perfect sense in the light of the last few weeks. We celebrated the Ascension of our Lord on Ascension Day followed by the Feast of Pentecost last week where the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Jerusalem. We can now clearly see Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As such we are all called to live the life of mutual love that the Trinity represents.

Art Exhibition at Bolton Priory: Holy places have been a constant source of inspiration for artist Peter Swidrak and in some of his quiet moments of contemplation have often suggested themes for his art work. Visiting the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna was such an experience for Peter, filled as it is by the wonderful masterworks of unknown mosaic artists from around fifteen centuries ago. The holy space is filled with shapes, patterns and pictures of such amazing complexity that it is difficult to remember that each tiny jewel like piece has been individually coloured and cut to fit precisely in such a way as to form a complete picture. You can see 20 limited edition prints by Peter, all inspired by his visit to the Basilica, in the Tower until May 30. The artist will very generously donate 25 per cent of each piece sold to the Priory. If you are just going to the exhibition you can park at the Priory.

Church: The church is now open every Sunday for the 10.30am service. Places have to be booked via the church office. The Tower remains open for private prayer but the church is closed during the week.For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine, go to boltonpriory.church.


Art Group: Please note amendment to last week’s entry. Cononley Art Group, until restrictions ease, is meeting not in Joan Nicholson’s garden as was stated, but in the garden of Ruby Sedgwick. All the best to the art group as they meet again at last.


All Saints’ Church: There will be no Communion Service on Sunday, May 30. A United Zoom service for Trinity Sunday will take place at 10.45am.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor – Correspondent@farnhill.co.uk

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting of the parish council will be held face-to-face in the Institute this evening (Thursday, May 27), starting at 7.30pm. All residents of the village are welcome to attend. Standard Covid rules for indoor gatherings will apply.

Kildwick and Farnhill Institute Calendar 2022: The competition to find photographs of Kildwick and Farnhill for possible inclusion in the 2022 calendar will close on May 31, 2021. So hurry and send your submissions to kandfinstitute@gmail.com.

For full competition rules go to farnhill.co.uk, then click on the picture of the Institute. Please read the rules, as many pictures are rejected for failure to adhere to them. You do not need to live in either village to get a picture selected.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing takeaway hot drinks, cakes, etc, from 9am to 4pm, on Wednesday to Friday; 9am to 5pm, on Saturday and Sunday. Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick, just up from the school.

Circuit Training: Circuit training sessions will take place on Saturday mornings, between 9am and 10am, and Wednesday evenings, between 6pm to 7pm, until the end of summer, on the Peggy Wilson Field (opposite the school) in Kildwick. Email heatherlewis6@gmail.com to book a place. Exercises can be modified for absolute beginners to hardcore high intensity fanatics. No equipment required. Standard Covid rules for outdoor gatherings will apply. Small donations to

the Peggy Wilson Trust would be appreciated but are not mandatory. Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the school’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field (opposite the school). No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. The aim is to support the school and get the garden bursting into bloom. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves (if you think you’ll need them). Standard Covid rules for outdoor gatherings will apply.

St Andrew’s church: There will be a Praise Service for the whole parish on the Church Green in front of St Andrew’s, Kildwick, on Sunday, May 30, starting at 11am. It is hoped to have a brass quartet to lead the singing. People are advised to bring garden chairs, umbrellas and layers/blankets as appropriate because, unless the forecast is terrible, the service will go ahead. Standard Covid rules for outdoor gatherings will apply.


Church news: A Prayer Book Communion service will be held in St Andrew’s Church on Sunday at 8am, followed later by a Church Benefice service at 10.45am.


Sunflowers: The Wharfedale support group for Manorlands would like to thank everyone who is taking part in a competition to grow the tallest sunflower or take the best photograph. Entries have to be in by September 1 and there will be prizes for children and adults. Further details from sueryder.org. We would also like to thank Grassington in Bloom who are planting sunflowers around the village to support us and also at the national park car park. It will make a sunny welcome to our beautiful village.


Hazy Dayz: Hazy Dayz Coffee Shop and Café on the high street is now open again and welcomes its customers through the doors. Covid restrictions are in place.

Wesley Centre: The Community Pantry has been well supported and is open to all on Fridays between 2pm and 3pm. Donations of items of food welcome. Also books and jigsaws in good condition. Deliveries and collections are available. The Helibabies group for parents and infants under one year old meets on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30pm. Contact Pauline on 07931 511652 for any of the above.

Institute: Table tennis and badminton have commenced at the institute/village hall. Table tennis is held on Mondays from 5.15pm to 9.15pm and badminton is held on Tuesdays between 6.15pm and 9.15pm. Contact Andy Crabtree for details about table tennis on Andrew.i.crabtree@btinternet.com. For badminton contact Bob Moore on 01729 851660. Bowls will not be re-commencing until July 8. Airedale Hospital is holding a pulmonary clinic between 11.30am and 4pm today. These clinics are also being held in June and July on selected days. Bookings are available for coffee mornings and events at the institute/village hall. Contact Ken and Heather Leak on 07837 727268 for details on bookings or available dates.


Church news: A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held on Sunday in St John’s church at Langcliffe at 10.30am. Whilst takeaway cakes and coffee can be enjoyed at St Peter’s Church at Stainforth from 2pm. This will be the first fundraising event of the year in aid of St Peter’s church.


St Mary’s Church: There will be no morning service on Sunday, May 30. A United Zoom service for Trinity Sunday will take place at 10.45am.

Long Preston

Playgroup and Pre-school: Don’t forget the bake off on May 31. Please support Long Preston Preschool. Entry forms available via pre school or from the notice board at the post office.

Church news: Methodist Chapel, Sunday, May 30, preacher is Pauline Wright from Hellifield, at 11am. All are most welcome. Please phone 840096 to book a place.


Parish church: All six of our bells rang out on Sunday morning. It was great to hear them after months of silence due to the Covid restrictions. Many thanks to the dedicated team of ringers for welcoming us with such a tuneful and joyous sound on a fairly overcast Sunday morning.

Once again today at 10am, Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union members will be getting together for their regular, alfresco Thursday meet up with the families of the ‘Stepping Stones’ group at Harrison Field, Giggleswick. Last week we made windmills and celebrated Erin’s third birthday before the rain spoiled our fun.

Also on Thursday mornings Rev Julie Clarkson leads a short, online service - Celtic Morning Prayer - using material from The Northumbria Community. Phone Julie for the link if you’d like to join in - 01729 825955.

On Fridays the well-stocked ‘Settle Pantry’/Foodbank is open in church from 11am to noon. Plenty of tinned and non perishable foodstuffs available to make a nourishing meal, plus cleaning items and toiletries. The ‘pantry box’ in the church porch is topped up each day.

We look forward to worshipping together with friends from Holy Trinity, Rathmell and St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick on Sunday, May 30. Rev Julie Clarkson will lead this joint service of Holy Communion, at 10am, for all three of her parishes at St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick.

There will be an 8am Holy Communion at Settle Parish Church on Sunday, May 30, too. But please remember that there’s no service at 11am.

Upper Wharfedale

Airedale and Wharfedale Family History Society: The June meetings of the group are as follows - Thursday, June 3, at 7pm, ‘Wives and Widows....Women Did Make Wills’. Speaker Anna Watson. Monday, June 7, at 7pm, ‘What Makes Yorkshire Great’. Speaker Stuart Hartley. Saturday, June 19, at 7pm, ‘Saga of Smith and link with Farey’s of Skipton. Speaker Richard Smith. These meetings are all free and open to anyone. Our talks commence 30 minutes after the above times but why not join us for a chat first? For details of how to register for the meetings and more about the society, please visit our website awfhs.org.