BIRDS of a feather flocked back to Skipton Auction Mart with a welcome return on Saturday, June 12, of the first live Craven Premier Poultry show and sale since March last year, with 229 lots of bantams, large fowl and waterfowl on offer.

Quality cages of pullets and trios sold away to a nice trade, with bantams also following suit. Smaller ducks were a very mixed trade, while geese were good to sell, as were a few pens of hens with young chicks and several lots of young Warren pullets, 20 of which sold for £50.

Ruling the roost in the show classes with the first prize and champion pen of large fowl were a trio of 2020 Rhode Island Red, a cockerel and two hens, from Keighley husband and wife, Joe and Enid Procter, which was the top price cage at £50.

The couple, who celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary this year – Mr Procter has been keeping poultry since he was a youngster – were winning their first-ever poultry championship. They also stepped up with the second prize pen of large fowl, another trio of Rhode Island Red, which made £45. Mr and Mrs Procter also breed Silver Laced Wyandottes, White Silkies and Light Sussex.

The first prize bantams, a trio of Patridge Wyandottes from Geoff and Sue Wilkinson, of Barningham, Richmond, sold for £40, with the red rosette-winning bantams, a pair of Silver Appleyard Ducks from Roger Hebdon, of Upsall, Thirsk, making £15. Show judge was Margaret Watkinson, of Hutton Sessay,

Several other lots making £45 were a trio of Maran pullets, a pair of Apricot Call Ducks, Blue Farm Call Ducks and a pair of Silkies, with White Emblem Geese and a broody hen with Silkie chicks both achieving £40.

The next Craven Premier Poultry fixture is on Saturday, September 11, and will be staged in conjunction with Skipton’s annual sale of rare and minority breeds livestock.