WITH reference to plans for a skatepark at Settle (New move in skate park saga opposed, Craven Herald, July 15), Settle Town Council is desperate to get this off the ground and over the last few years their attempts to get it done have been chequered to say the least.

The initial siting adjacent to the primary school proved to be deeply unpopular with residents with over 300 signatures objecting to the Bond Lane location.

After a brief lull in proceedings Settle Town Council tentatively got approval from North Yorkshire County Council, heavily caveated I may add for the skate park being sited on the Middle School site.

Settle college raised a number of objections which Settle Town Council tried to mitigate and rather like an over baked soufflé this valiant attempt just collapsed.

Finally their laser like focus swerved in the direction of The Millennium Garden and they are in grave danger of destroying this amenity by trying to shoehorn a skate park into this site.

I just feel this is a far from an ideal site and is in grave danger of destroying potentially lovely space - that’s if the Millennium Garden was being properly looked after by Settle Town Council.

It would be great if someone from North Yorkshire County Council reminded Settle Town Council that the offer of a place for the skate park at the Middle School site will eventually be available when the health centre plans are finalised. This is the best place for it for it and is widely supported by residents. Can someone make this happen?

If it’s not done soon they will be looking to build a hoverboard park!

Simon Desborough

