Austwick News

Church News: Sunday 1st August - Calling all pets - how about coming to St James’ Church Clapham 11.00am for a meet and greet? Bring your friendly humans too.

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Austwick Village Show: The village show has reluctantly been cancelled this year due to current uncertainties over rising Covid infections locally. The show committee very much hopes that the show will go ahead in August 2022 and would like to thank everyone for their support this year.

Social event: Saturday, August 14, 10am -12.30pm, a post lockdown social event will be held at the parish hall with refreshments, stalls and information from many local organisations and associations, and playing fields’ clubs. Please come along and see what is on offer, and/or how you could help. Details to follow shortly.

Austwick WI: Members enjoyed ‘A Summer Evening Buffet’ at Battle Hill, courtesy of Lindsey Smith. Luckily the weather stayed fine and the sun shone enabling guests to wander around the garden and eat outside.

The next meeting on Thursday, August 12 will be in Austwick Parish Hall at 7.30pm and will be a talk by Archaeologist Jamie Quartermaine.

Austwick Parish Hall & Playing Fields: Volunteers and members are needed to run these important community facilities. The annual Street Market & Cuckoo Festival, which provides much needed funds also has vacancies on the organising committee and wants helpers on and around the 2022 event. Local contacts posted on the Parish Hall information board. Austwick Parish News the current edition can be found on the link below or from the village website:

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Government Guidelines for national restrictions Craven:

We look forward to welcoming visitors to our village by the residents who are generally aware of their vulnerabilities. As visitors arrive we expect the “country code” to be observed, take your litter home, keep dogs on leads, see to their droppings and do not allow them to wander into fields. Car parking in the village is limited so please park with consideration including not parking vehicles on grass areas. Remember emergency services may need to gain entry throughout the village.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church news: Midweek Holy Communion is on Thursday’s at 10am in Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick and will continue each week.

Reverend Sheena and Reverend Claire will also be saying Morning Prayer at 9am every Monday to Friday and Evening Prayer at 5pm in St. James’ Chapel, Holy Trinity Church.

There will also be Prayer during the day at 12:30pm - Tuesday to Thursday in St. Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick.

Anyone is welcome to come in the churches and join in these prayers.

This coming Sunday, August 1, first Sunday of the month, is our Joint All Age Service at Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick and this will be at 10:30am.

(We are asking, if you can, to please bring an item for the Food bank basket that is located at the entrance of the church). (There will not be a service at Ghyll or St. Michael’s this Sunday).

Night Prayer on Zoom at 9pm is continuing every evening.

Please contact Rev. Sheena by email at: for the access code to the Zoom service and Night prayer.

Please note that all continuing safeguarding Covid measures will be adhered to.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: Sunday is the ninth Sunday after Trinity when we are reminded of the parable of the Prodigal Son. Most of us are familiar with this story and variously identify with the father, his loyal son or, less frequently, with the prodigal himself. We would all feel aggrieved if we were the father or the dutiful son but the point of the story is to remind us all about the love of God. The story tells us that, however much we stray from God, he will always rush out to welcome us with open arms. Martin Luther famously said that if the Bible only consisted of the parable of the prodigal son, it would be enough.

Church news: This month we held our Liquid Worship outside and it went very well. On Sunday August 1 at 9.15 am the service will be outside if, hopefully, the weather is kind to us. This is a fun service for all the family. We look forward to seeing you.

The Priory is now allowing more people into the 10.30 am Sunday service, if you would like to come please don’t hesitate to ring 01756 710587 to book a place.

The church is now open every Sunday for the 10.30 am service. Places have to be booked via the Church Office. The Tower remains open for private prayer but the Church is closed during the week, For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at:


Community Fair: Join us at Cononley’s Community Fair on Saturday July 31 between 10am to 1pm at the Cononley Village Institute where over a coffee and a cake you can meet lots of Cononley’s community groups. Hear about the gala in September, find out what Cononley is doing to be a greener, cleaner place or just book a party at the institute. Then at the end of the morning join the Cononley Singers for a short outdoor concert next door at Cononley Hall.


Church news: All Saints’ Church. Sunday August 1, Communion service at 9.30am led by Hugh Fielden.


Luncheon Club: Two friends from Eastburn and Cross Hills are starting a luncheon club with speaker, the last Monday off the month during winter at Keighley Golf Club. This is to continue the community spirit felt during the pandemic. It is open to everyone: couples, singles. There will be a membership fee, plus lunch. Please contact 01535958375 for more information.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: St Andrew’s Church. There will be a service of Holy Communion on Sunday (1st) starting at 11am.

Bell-tower open day: On Sunday (1st) St Andrew’s Church will be taking part in the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers’ “Tower Open Day” occurring across the region.

The bell-tower will be open from shortly after the morning service, at about noon, until 4pm. There will be demonstrations and talks at ground level. The more adventurous can climb the spiral stairs to view the magnificent clock, made by Jonathan Cryer of Bingley in 1709. Further up still are the bells themselves although, sadly, the tower top is not accessible.

This is a rare chance to see some of the hidden parts of one of the landmark churches in the area

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the school’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field (opposite the school).

No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. The aim is to support the school and get the garden bursting into bloom. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves (if you think you’ll need them).

Circuit Training: Summer break. Training sessions restart on September 8.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 4pm, on Wed to Fri; and 9am to 5pm, on Sat and Sun. Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick, just up from the school.


Library: Gargrave and Malhamdale community library will be extending their opening hours for a trial period of two months from August 2. The revised hours will be Monday 3-5pm, Tuesday 9.30-11.30am, Wednesday 2-4pm, Friday 2-5pm and Saturday 10am-1pm. A 100 club is run at the library to raise funds, the cost of membership is £2.50 per

month, payable by standing order. A draw is held once a month with three cash prizes. If you are interested in joining the club please call in at the library and ask for an application form.

Church news: A prayer book communion service will be held in St Andrew’s church on Sunday at 8am followed later in the morning by a family service at 10.45am.

Village Hall: Despite lockdown restrictions now been officially lifted, the Management team at Gargrave Village Hall are moving forward with caution as they are very aware that it is important to respect and be considerate to everyone who uses the facilities and in particular those who are more vulnerable. Collectively the class teachers, organisers and hirers will continue to keep many of their Covid safe rules in place. The first larger event to be held at the Hall will be a mid week Book Fair which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday August 17 from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. This will be a great opportunity to stock up on reading material as there will be fourteen stallholders in attendance, selling thousands of books on every topic, from general to speciality. Light refreshments will also be available and served in the match room which will allow extra space between tables. Admission is 60p or by donation. It is also hoped that a Coffee morning will be held on Saturday August 7 and that it will be possible for the August bank holiday Flea Markets to go ahead on August 29 and 30. Enquiries for the Sunday event : 01757 ( Selby Code ) 229805 and enquiries for the Monday Fair 01756 749235.

Dance: Local families organised a small private dance at Gargrave Village Hall last weekend. They raised £300 for Manorlands funds. Thanks to those who attended and made this generous donation possible.


Giggleswick School: The HandleBards return to the grounds of Giggleswick School this Sunday with their unique all female production of Macbeth. Featuring loads of fun, laughter and music, forget the usual tears and tragedy of the Scottish Play, grab a picnic and some tickets for the perfect Sunday afternoon family entertainment. Sunday 1 August at 5pm, visit for more details and tickets.

Church news: On Sunday 25th we celebrated the beginning of greater “freedom” with a happy outdoor service at which, unmasked, we were free to sing again. Our vicar, Rev.Julie Clarkson, also led us in a short time of dedication of the beautifully rebuilt churchyard wall, thanking all who had contributed skills, money and time to this very necessary project.

St.Alkelda’s. Sunday, August 1, 9.30. a.m.Holy Communion. 6pm. Choral Evensong. Wednesday 4th. 9.30am Mid-week Holy Communion.

Mothers’ Union: Sunday, August 1, 12.30pm Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union invite the Stepping Stone families and friends to a picnic lunch with crafts, fun and activities based on the story of the Good Shepherd.


Coffee morning: There will be an Institute Coffee Morning this coming Saturday, and also Saturday, August 7. This Saturday’s event from 10am is the first coffee morning to be held for some time, and all are welcome to return to the institute/village hall.

Wesley Centre: The Helibabies group will not be meeting in August, but both the Helibabies and the Helitots group will restart in September. There will also be a new social group ‘Welcome Mat’ starting on September 6, to be held every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 2.30 to 4pm. There will be activities, chat, plus tea and coffee. £2.50 per session. Contact Pauline on 01729 850802 for details of this and other activities and news from the Wesley Centre and chapel.


Horton Show: Sadly the members of Horton-in-Ribblesdale Show committee have reluctantly made the decision to cancel this years Agricultural and horticultural show . The annual event would normally have taken place on the first Saturday in September. Members felt in the current circumstances and with public safety paramount it was the wisest decision. They look forward to returning to normal in 2022.

Meanwhile Katie Collin of Leys Barn Selside has taken on the General Secretary position at Wensleydale Show which does plan to go ahead on Saturday, August 28. The organisers have been working hard to ensure that all those attending will feel Covid safe at the event held at

Leyburn. An officer has been appointed to deal primarily with any Covid procedures which include one way systems and increased ventilation in the Marquees, hand sanitiser stations around the ground and a revised queueing system. There will be classes for horses, livestock, vintage vehicles, handicrafts and horticulture. Online classes are also included for those who cannot attend in person. A stunt show in the main ring will give an exciting glimpse into the world of a motocross champion turned stunt entertainer. Elsewhere in the ground there will be other

displays and demonstrations. Please contact Katie for further details on 07872925321 or

Katie hopes to take along a couple or her Valais Blacknose sheep and she thinks it will be the first time the breed has been shown at the popular Dales show.

Church news: A Festival weekend will be held at St Oswald’s church on Saturday and Sunday. A tea party with a strawberry theme will be held on Saturday afternoon in the churchyard. There will be lots of tempting cakes to try and a raffle will aid funds. The festival continues on Sunday with a ramble around the village commencing from the church at 2pm. Please bring along your own drinks and picnic which can be enjoyed at the estimated return time of 4pm. There will be prayers for the planet during the walk. Come along and walk the whole or half of the route. Alternately just come along for the picnic tea in the churchyard at 4pm.

Exhibition Foundation: The Governors of Horton-in-Ribblesdale Primary School Exhibition Foundation are prepared to consider applications towards grants for full

time courses of advanced study. Applicants must be currently resident in Horton-in - Ribblesdale and to have lived there and attended a local school for not less than two years. Application forms may be obtained from Mrs P Swainson, Little Barn, Studfold, Settle. BD24 0ER and the applications must be returned to Mrs Swainson no later than September 24.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. Sunday August 1, Communion service at 11am, led by Hugh Fielden.

North Yorkshire

Photography competition: North Yorkshire libraries are inviting budding photographers to go outdoors and explore the natural world as part of this year’s Summer Reading Challenge with the theme Wild World Heroes.

The County Council’s library service has launched a photography competition aimed at encouraging children aged 7 to 11 to share their best nature shots.

The photos can be of anything they see in the North Yorkshire countryside or in their own garden – a close up of a plant, an insect, an animal or a view of water, hills or sky.

The winners will see their pictures turned into limited edition library cards that will be used by library members across the county. The deadline for entries is 5pm on Tuesday, August 31. Photographs can be emailed to ideally in jpg format. They should be landscape and no more than 4MB in size. Each child can send a maximum of three images.

To find out more about the Summer Reading Challenge please visit


U3A: Settle District U3A provides social activities, monthly talks and interest groups for just about every taste. U3A is a national organisation for anyone no longer in full time employment.

You would be very welcome to come along to our registration meeting to see what we can offer. It’s on Thursday, August 12 at St John’s Hall, Church Street, Settle, 10.30am onwards.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. We are proceeding with caution after last week’s relaxation of Covid safety measures. But it was wonderful to sing again in church and share some hospitality after Sunday’s service.

Graveyard Tours: Sarah Lister led her first ‘Graveyard Tour’ for 2021 on a beautiful, summer evening last Wednesday. Don’t miss the tales of ‘Settle / Carlisle Railway Heroes’ on Sunday 1 August at 2.30pm. Get your tickets from The Folly, only £3.00.

Revd Julie Clarkson leads Celtic Morning Prayer, via Zoom, on Thursdays at 9.45am for a 10am service. Do phone Julie if you’d like the link to join in - 01729 825955.

Revd Julie Clarkson will lead both the service of Holy Communion at 8am and Family Worship at 11am on Sunday 1 August. Everyone is welcome.

Food Bank: Stocks of tinned vegetables, tinned meat, jam, wet wipes, shampoo and toilet rolls are running low at Settle’s Pop Up Pantry/Food Bank which opens on Friday mornings in church.

Any donations of these items would be very welcome and gratefully received.

Mothers’ Union: Giggleswick with Settle Mothers Union members are looking forward to meeting up with families for a ‘Stepping Stones Summer Time Special’ on Sunday 1st August. All families welcome at 12.30pm in St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick for a picnic, some sheepy fun, songs and the Good Shepherd story from Revd Julie. ‘Stepping Stones’ leaders will be taking a break for the rest of August.

The group will be meeting up again in September.


Temperance Hall Fund: The Trustees of Skipton Temperance Hall Fund are once again able to offer grants to charities and organisations working within the Craven District only.

Criteria for applicants must one or more of the following:

1. Support the temperance cause in some way.

2. Provide help to Craven residents in need.

3. Encourage a healthy lifestyle.

4. Provide help to people with drug or alcohol problems.

5. Involved in youth work.

Any organisation seeking a grant must apply in writing to Mrs G Alcock 74 Tatton, Tarn House Country Park, Stirton, Skipton BD23 3LQ or email: The closing date is Sunday, August 1

Church news: Services Christ Church Sunday at 9.30am – Eucharist. Wednesday at 9.30am – Eucharist (Please note earlier time).

St. Mary’s Sunday at 11.15am 1st Sunday of each month 8.00am BCP followed at 11.15am Bread, Wine & Worship

3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion.