THE Skipton branch of the Royal British Legion celebrated the legion’s 100th anniversary with a party for 100 at Herriot’s Hotel, Skipton, on Sunday.

The event was primarily in recognition of the anniversary which was in May but had to be delayed because of the pandemic.

But it also offered the chance for the district’s members and guests to enjoy an informal gathering; something which many of them had been unable to do for the past 17 months.

George Martin and his wife, Janice, organised the get-together which was a huge success.

“The event gave us the opportunity to help our members get out of their houses, where like all of us were isolated with, for some, only four walls to look at,” aid George.

He added: “During the pandemic the branch committee phoned the members regularly offering a listening ear and support in any way possible.

“For many, this event will be their first outing and hopefully gave them the confidence to keep active.”

The event was also the opportunity to present stalwart Poppy Appeal fundraisers Jean and Brian Phillip who had raised a phenomenal amount of money for the RBL.

Since they took over the Poppy Appeal five years ago the couple helped raise £202,730.35.

During lockdown the couple retired from their role and the event was a chance for the branch to pay its thanks to their efforts.

In recognition for their services they were presented with a certificate, an RBL plaque and a poppy embossed fruit bowl.

Speaking afterwards Jean said: “This is not just for us it is for all the team who helped in the Poppy Appeal because without all their hard work and dedication this total would not have been possible.”

The gifts were presented by Janice Martin, Skipton RBL president Barry Blood, Skipton mayor Karen McIntyre and Craven District Council chairman Cllr Alan Sutcliffe.

Also present at the function was Cllr David Ireton, armed forces and equalities champion for Craven District Council.

A pie, peas and chips tea was provided along with Union flags.

Entertainment included Ali James, comedian and vocalist and Melissa Harper, a 1940s singer.

In order to continue with some form of social distances the function room was set up with adequate spacing and fresh air continued with both patio door open.

The room was decorated in RBL colours, red and blue themed balloons and union jack hand held flags for waving.

A raffle was held with prizes donated by many Skipton businesses.

All proceeds would go to the Service Assistance Fund which assists with transport and food subsidies for future events.

George said he had received countless messages the following day from guests who had thoroughly enjoyed the day. For many it had been the first occasion where they had been able to socialise with friends.

One was from Ernest Ramsbotham, Skipton branch member, who said the afternoon had been lovely. He said: “I looked around the the tables and saw happy faces which looked just like a family. Everyone was enjoying being together again. It was like a celebration of peace after the War.”

Peggy Turpin, of the Royal Naval Association, added: “What a great afternoon. It has been so long since we have been able to come together to enjoy ourselves. Sunday with the Royal British Legion was such a lovely afternoon to just let go and have fun. Good food, good entertainment and above all good friends. Thank you for making it happen.”

Barry Blood told George and Janice Martin: “Congratulations for a superb event. I have been with the legion close on 30 years and have never been to such a good RBL event. Well done.”

Cllr McIntyre added: “My mum and I had a great time and really got a sense of the Skipton Branch of the Royal British Legion and what it means to so many. The smiles and laughter after so much doom and gloom over lock down.”

George concluded after the event: “Over the years the reduction in size of the UK armed forces has seen an increased number of branches closing and the overall membership diminishing. The Skipton branch is very strong in its numbers and it is hoped that with similar functions such as today’s, we will grow stronger. We aim to ensure our branch members and beneficiaries are looked after and that the Skipton Branch will be the beating heart of our community.”