
Church News: August 15, 11am Clapham Holy Communion, 6.30 Eldroth Evening Prayer

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Village Show: The Village Show has reluctantly been cancelled this year due to current uncertainties over rising Covid infections locally.

Social event: Saturday August 14, 10am -12.30pm a post lockdown social event will be held at the Parish Hall with refreshments, stalls and information from many local organisations and associations, and playing fields’ clubs. Please come along and see what is on offer, and/or how you could help.

Austwick WI: Members enjoyed ‘A Summer Evening Buffet’ at Battle Hill, courtesy of Lindsey Smith. Luckily the weather stayed fine and the sun shone enabling guests to wander around the garden and eat outside.

The next meeting on Thursday August 12 will be in Austwick Parish Hall at 7.30pm and will be a talk by Archaeologist Jamie Quartermaine.

Austwick Parish Hall & Playing Fields: Volunteers and members are needed to run these important community facilities. The annual Street Market & Cuckoo Festival, which provides much needed funds also has vacancies on the organising committee and wants helpers on and around the 2022 event. Local contacts posted on the Parish Hall information board.

Austwick Parish News: the current edition can be found on the link below or from the village website:

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church news: This Sunday, August 15, there will be a Holy Communion Service, Holy Trinity Church at 9:30am and St Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick at 11:30pm with the Coach House at Ghyll being open from 10:30am-3:30pm for refreshments.

A Service of the Word will be held at St Michael’s Church, Bracewell at 11:30am.

Holy Trinity Church will be open to visitors Monday-Friday each week 10am-12noon for you to come in for a chat or to light a candle.

Wednesday each week in August, there will be a Pop-up Shop inside Trinity and the Café will be serving refreshments (pay as you feel donations accepted). There will be a good quality clothes rail, bric-a-brac stall and food bank collections; bring what you can, take what you need. 10am-1pm.

On Thursdays, at Holy Trinity there’s an informal service of Holy Communion at 10am.

The Coach House at Ghyll Church, continues to be open every Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday 10:30am-3:30pm serving tea, coffee and cakes. Please stop by.

Rev Sheena and Rev Claire will also be saying Morning Prayer at 9am every Monday to Friday and Evening Prayer held at 5pm in St James’ Chapel, Holy Trinity Church. These include short services of Bible readings and prayers for the day.

There will also be prayer during the day at 12:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday in St. Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick. Night Prayer on Zoom at 9pm is continuing every evening.

Please contact Rev. Sheena by email at: for the access code to the Night prayer or to speak to the Vicar call 01282 812028 or Assistant Curate: Rev Claire Honess 01282 853510,

Bolton Abbey

Rectors message: On Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We remember, above all, that Mary was the Mother of Jesus and the willing servant of God. As she says, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord’. As such, she is the supreme example of the co-operation between God and human freedom enabling us to say ‘Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus’.

Church news: Churches Together. In August/September it is The Salvation Army’s annual appeal to support our social and community work helping the vulnerable or marginalised across the UK. We would value volunteers to cover a small patch near their own home for this effort. We will provide details of how best to do it and the needful envelopes. Alan Hickman:

The Church is now open every Sunday for the 10.30 am service. Places have to be booked via the Church Office. The Tower remains open for private prayer but the Church is closed during the week, For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at:

Green Grants: Craven District Council is offering grants for residents on lower incomes towards the costs of home improvements to achieve better energy efficiency. For further details see

Band concert: We are delighted to announce the resumption of concerts at the Priory Church, Bolton Abbey after so many months of silence. On Saturday September 11 we will be hosting The York Railway Institute Band. Tickets are £12 each and can be obtained from The Church Office, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL. Please make your cheques out to The Priory Church, Bolton Abbey and include a SAE.


Church news: All Saints’ Church. On Sunday August 15, Communion service at 9.30am will be led by John Lancaster. This will be a joint service with the congregation from St Mary’s at Kelbrook.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field (opposite the school). No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves.

Circuit Training: Summer break. Training sessions restart on September 8.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 4pm, on Wed to Fri; and 9am to 5pm, on Sat and Sun. Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick, just up from the school.

Church news: St Andrew’s church: There will be a service of Morning Worship on Sunday (15th) starting at 11am.


Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St Andrew’s church on Sunday at 8am and a later service of Morning worship will take place at 10.45am.

Book Fair: A mid week book fair will be held at the village hall on Tuesday August 17 from 10am until 4pm. This will be a great opportunity to stock up on reading material as there will be fourteen stallholders in attendance, selling thousands of books on every topic, from general to speciality. Light refreshments will also be available and served in the match room which will allow extra space between tables. Admission is 60p or by donation.

Litter Pick: A morning village litter pick will be taking place on Saturday August 21. Please meet at the Summerseat from 10am to collect pickers and bags. Please bring along your own protective gloves. The filled bags

may be left by the litter bins at the Summerseat.


Church news: StAlkelda’s, Sunday August 15, 9.30.a.m. Holy Communion. Wednesday 18th. 9.30.a.m. Mid-week Holy Communion.


Community and arts centre: The Annual General Meeting of Glusburn Community and Arts Centre will be held on Wednesday September 1 at 7.15pm in the Studio at Glusburn Institute. Residents of Glusburn and Cross Hills are invited to attend this meeting.

As with most public buildings the year has been a very difficult one. Whilst we managed to open up in a limited way in September 2020 welcoming back some regular groups and staging some well attended films. We had to close again for the month long November 2020 lockdown. We then had to close again in January of this year for the much longer restricted period. However in between we were one of very few venues which managed to put on a live show, The Snow Queen produced and directed by Becky Durham of Falling Stars Theatre. There were 8 performances during December and it was a magical experience for local children.

As Covid restrictions ease we are now welcoming back our regular groups and planning an exciting autumn of live events and films starting with a streamed concert starring Michael Ball and Alfie Boe on September. 11 More information about our activities and events, including how to book, is available on our website; or follow us on Facebook.

Events: Glusburn Community and Arts Centre. The Wellbeing Café launches on Monday September 6, every Monday 10am - 12noon. Supported by Pioneer Projects.

Art Star: A new after-school art & craft group for young people aged 10-17 starts on 14 September. Taster sessions are being held on 24 and 25 August, 1-3 pm. Book online at

Event bookings: Booking is live for our 2021-22 season. Coming soon - Ball & Boe on the big screen Saturday 11 September; David Bowie tribute live on Saturday 25 September

Regular activities: (check for details during summer holidays) Monday: Rainbows, Brownies, Amore Dance School, Body Wellness Pilates; Tuesday: Kanga Tots, Toddle Up & Sign, Pilates, Creative Embroidery, Dance, Rangers; Wednesday: Moo Music, Gentle Seated Exercise, Pilates; Thursday: Pilates, Tai Chi for Health, Amora Puppy Training, Zumba; Friday: Little Robins Messy Play; Saturday: Skipton Music Centre, Toddle Up & Sign. More regular groups will resume in September including Youth Club and Watercolour Painting.

Volunteers always needed to support our live events, film screenings, cafés and courses. Please get in touch to find out more and to get involved or come along to our AGM on Tuesday 1st September, 7.15 pm.

Visit for bookings or call 01535 630 223.


Wesley Centre: ‘Helikids’ a monthly Sunday morning Kids Club from ages 5 upwards will meet from 10.30 - 12 noon in the autumn, with meetings planned for September 12, October 10 and November 14 for crafts, fun and faith sharing, games, puppets and lots of friendship.

Giggleswick & Settle Brass Band will be performing at Hellifield Station on Sunday, September 5 at 2pm. All welcome at this Harvest Songs of Praise event. All enquiries to 07931 511652. The Preacher at this Sunday’s 2pm Holy Communion Chapel Service will be the Rev Tim Broughton.

Walks: St Mary’s and St Aidan’s churches are holding a Parish Walk this Saturday. Meet at 10.30am at St Mary’s Church, Long Preston. No age limits or a need to book. Ensure adequate clothing is worn and bring along a drink. There will also be a Hellifield Village Walk this Sunday. Please meet up at 12noon in the Village Car Park. Walk details available from Joan Townson on 841144.

WI: The W.I. meets next Thursday, August 19 in the institute/village hall from 7.15pm. For more details contact Judith on 01729 851031.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Church news: Thank you to everyone who supplied strawberries, cream, meringues, cakes, pies and preserves for St Oswald’s Strawberry Fair last weekend. Grateful thanks too for the loan of a fridge and the gifts of ten raffle prizes. The children really enjoyed drawing the winners at 4.00pm. The village was quiet, but the weather remained dry and £500.50 was raised.

On Sunday the sun came out and fourteen people enjoyed the annual three mile St Oswald’s Day ramble around the village and the riverbank. Stops were made three times for prayers and once for chocolate biscuits! A picnic and strawberries and cream back at the churchyard concluded the enjoyable afternoon.

A service for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St.John`s church at Langcliffe on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.

Members and friends of St. Oswald`s church will be serving afternoon teas at Langcliffe Institute on Sunday afternoon from 2 - 4.p.m. Pies and preserves will be on sale too. Volunteer helpers will be very appreciated.

Exhibition Foundation: The Governors of Horton-in-Ribblesdale Primary School Exhibition Foundation are prepared to consider applications towards grants for full time courses of advanced study. Applicants must be currently resident in Horton-in-Ribblesdale and to have lived there and attended a local school for not less than two years. Application forms may be obtained from Mrs P Swainson, Little Barn, Studfold, Settle. BD24 0ER and the applications must be returned to Mrs Swainson no later than September 24.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. Sunday August 15 at 11am there will be Morning worship and a baptism service. Due to Covid restrictions this will be for the baptism party only. St Mary’s congregation are invited to attend the Communion service at All Saints’, Earby, at 9.30am.


Church news: On Saturday August 14 Langcliffe Church is holding a churchyard event from 12pm – 4pm (inside church if wet) Tickets cost £5 (children free) to include a cream tea, tree and grave trails, book and cake stalls and the Langcliffe Strummers will be playing. Also our parish registers, going back to 1851 have now been photographed and so there will be an opportunity to have a look at them. We hope to see you there. Call 01729 822 875 for more details.

Long Preston

Teddy Bear appeal: Cheeky Little Monkeys Childminding has issued an urgent appeal for Teddy Bears. The group is planning a Teddy Bears’ Hunt and Picnic for the children of Long Preston and the surrounding villages. The picnic will take place towards the end of August. We need more Teddy Bears to hide and hunt around the village.

The found bear will serve as the child’s invitation to the picnic and will be their new friend to keep.

If you have any good condition bears (not stuffed animals) we would appreciate them. 7 Station Rd. Long Preston BD23 4NH.

Village Walk: St Mary’s and St Aidan’s churches parish walk, Saturday, Aug 14, meet at 10.30am at St Mary’s. Approx 5 miles, no need to book, no age limit. Please wear suitable footwear, bring water if required and ensure dogs are kept on lead.

Church News: St Marys Church service at 11am on Sunday, August 15 will be an in formal service with Janet Wood. Methodist Church, service at 11am will be recorded.


Church news: Revd Julie Clarkson leads Celtic Morning Prayer at 9.45am via Zoom on Thursday mornings. Contact Julie (01729 825955) if you’d like to join in with the prayers and reflections from the Northumbria Community.

Each Friday Settle’s Pop Up Pantry opens at 11am till 12noon. There’s no registration. Just bring what you can, if you can, and take what you need. Donations of instant coffee, tea bags, tinned meat and fruit, pasta sauces, toilet rolls and wet wipes would be appreciated. Many thanks to the generous folk of our local community who support this scheme.

On Sunday August 15 Revd Stephen Dawson leads the 8am Holy Communion Service. At 11am Revd Julie Clarkson leads Family Worship with Dan Bavington as preacher. Everyone is welcome. The service will be live streamed if you prefer to watch from home, go to

In September we plan to serve light refreshments after the regular Tuesday morning services. Many locals and visitors enjoyed the famed “Tuesday Lunches” before Covid struck. Our church kitchen has been closed for many months.

On Tuesday, September 7 we will be opening up again and serving coffees, teas and hopefully scones and toasted teacakes too. We will be proceeding carefully. Regular Covid risk assessments will be taken to ensure the safety of both our volunteers and our valued customers. We look forward to welcoming back ‘old’ friends.

Graveyard tours: These continue on Sunday August 15 at 2.30pm and Wednesday, August 18 at 7pm The tours are entitled ‘Men Behaving Badly’. Tickets at £3. Contact:

Settle Swimming Pool 200 Club: The August draw was made at Settle Swimming Pool by Paul Letherbee. the results were: 1st No 120 £50 Eileen Edwards; 2nd No 90 £30 Lindsay Kay; 3rd No 34 £20 Mavis Bailey.


Karate: Classes have been running at Greatwood Community Centre for six years. They are on Mondays and Thursdays 5.45pm ‘til 7pm, for children aged five years and over. On Monday August 2 student Kamran Hussain (14), of the Shukokai Karate Organization took his black belt grading. The grading consisted of Kata and fighting. After six years of hard work and dedication, he passed his grading with flying colours.

He is the 3rd generation of black belts within his family, which is very rare. His grandfather is a black belt 1st Dan and his father is a black belt 5th Dan.

Facebook page: Elite Karate Centre or call 07983 725956 to join.

Record Fair: Skipton Record Fair will be the first daytime event of its kind to be re housed in the newly re opened large concert room at the town Hall Skipton. This event will take place on Sunday the 15th August at 9am until 4pm. Entry is free. The hall has recently undergone extensive development and the bigger sized area will see the long established popular record collectors fair return for the first time in over two years. Usual traders and new faces will bring 1000s of rare and collectable vinyl LPs, and 45s for sale and trade. Free valuation service is on site and collections are always wanted. A visiting valuation service is on hand for those not able to transport large collections to the venue. For additional info contact Adrian on t-07882 809056.

Soroptimists: The Skipton branch of Soroptimists International will be holding its next meeting on Monday, August 16 at 7.30pm in the club rooms in Otley Street when we will be joined by our guest speaker Lisa from Hearing Dogs for the Deaf with her puppy, Horace. Prospective members will be welcome.


Church news: St Oswald’s church is open daily for visitors in August from 10am to 5.00pm. visitors and parishioners are invited to a fund raising summer coffee morning on Saturday 21st August 10am to 12 noon. All money raised for the publishing of a new historic St Oswald’s church leaflet. Includes refreshments, cakes and bric a brac stall. Indoor and outdoor spaces available for safe social distancing.

St Oswald’s sponsored walk held in early July raised £465.00 towards the Church repair fund. Many thanks to all who contributed. The restored Lych Gate at St Oswald’s by the Revd Anne Russell was successfully opened and well received by all parishioners and visitors of the church on the 19th July. Many thanks to all who contributed to this event and historic fund raising. St Oswald’s church grave yard gardening team are looking for new helpers to strim and assist with gardening tasks. The gardening team meets on a Friday afternoon all year round. Please contact Rev Denis Tate 01524261579 if you wish to join this friendly team.