
Church News: August 22, 9.30am Holy Communion, 7pm Keasden Forest Church. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Advance Notice Sunday 29th August 10.30am Messy Church at Austwick

Austwick WI: At the August monthly meeting, archaeologist Jamie Quartermaine brought some stunning video footage of the survey he has been carrying out with his Team, in Northern Saudi Arabia. The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 9 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall and will be baking with Mike Armstrong.

Austwick Parish Hall & Playing Fields: Volunteers and members are needed to run these important community facilities. The annual Street Market & Cuckoo Festival also has vacancies on the organising committee for the 2022 event.

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church news: This Sunday, August 22, there will be a Holy Communion Service, Holy Trinity Church at 9:30am and a United service of Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Bracewell at 11:30am as a joint service with St. Mary le Ghyll Church Barnoldswick. There will not be a service at Ghyll church on the 22nd. The Coach House at Ghyll will still be open from 10:30am-3:30pm for refreshments.

Holy Trinity Church will be open to visitors Monday-Friday each week 10am-12noon for you to come in for a chat or to light a candle.

On Thursdays, at Holy Trinity there’s an informal service of Holy Communion at 10am.

The Coach House at Ghyll Church, continues to be open every Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday 10:30am-3:30pm serving tea, coffee and cakes. Please stop by.

Rev Sheena and Rev Claire will also be saying Morning Prayer at 9am every Monday to Friday and Evening Prayer held at 5pm in St. James’ Chapel, Holy Trinity Church. These include short services of Bible readings and prayers for the day. There will also be prayer during the day at 12:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday in St. Mary le Ghyll Church, Barnoldswick.

Night Prayer on Zoom at 9pm is continuing every evening.

Please contact Rev. Sheena by email at: for the access code to the Night prayer or to speak to the Vicar call 01282 812028 or Assistant Curate: Rev Claire Honess 01282 853510,

Pop-Up Shop: Wednesday each week in August, there will be a pop-up shop inside Trinity and the café will be serving refreshments 10am-1pm.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is the twelfth Sunday after Trinity where we learn about Moses meeting God on Mount Sinai. As we hear from the Book of Exodus, the skin on Moses’ face was shining after his encounter. Meeting God face to face is something we might all reasonably anticipate in our earthly lives. The effects will be similarly transformative. Those who have encountered God “face to face” in this earthly life have described being consumed with joy. As for our heavenly lives, the funeral service reminds us, that “our frail bodies will be conformed to his glorious body”. May we too seek to be transformed by encountering God in our lives.

Church news: The Church is now open every Sunday for the 10.30am service. Places have to be booked via the church office. The tower remains open for private prayer but the church is closed during the week, For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at:


Companions: Cowling Companions is pleased to announce restart of its Wednesday drop-in sessions. Starting August 25, 2pm, Cowling Village Hall. Speakers, quizzes, and to start off Bingo. All welcome £2 entry includes refreshments.

Cross Hills

Church news: St Peter’s Methodist Church is reopening full time again in September following the closures caused by Covid 19. There will be regular worship on Sunday mornings at 10.30am and Wednesday mornings at 9.30 am.

There are also vacancies for local groups to use the premises during the week with a choice of two halls. For enquiries, please contact Graham Sheard: 07427933687.

Embsay with Eastby

Community Cafe reopening: “Making Waves” – Monday, September 13 10am-12noon Methodist Chapel, Embsay. Fairtrade refreshments, papers, board games. Children’s play area. Dogs welcome. Join us every Monday morning. Need a lift? Ring Good Neighbours on 0754 400 4971.

Embsay Railway: Come and join us on August 21and 22 for our Pirate & Princess weekend at Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway. Bring the family along for a steam train experience through the Yorkshire Dales filled with fun and games and a visit from the pirates and princesses. Collect the treasure map and find all the clues along your journey to reach the pirates’ golden treasure.

Full details can be found on the Embsay Bolton Abbey website:

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: StAndrew’s church. There will be a service of Holy Communion on Sunday (22nd) starting at 11am.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field.

No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves.

Cream teas: Cream teas will be served in aid of Jigsaw UK on Saturday (21st) from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, in the parish rooms at Kildwick.

Circuit Training: Summer break. Training sessions restart on September 8th.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes. 9am to 4pm, on Wed to Fri; and 9am to 5pm, on Sat and Sun. Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick, just up from the school.


Litter pick: A village litter pick will be taking place on Saturday morning. Please meet at the Summerseat from 10am to collect pickers and bags. Please bring along your own protective gloves. The filled bags may be left by the litter bins at the Summerseat.

Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St Andrew`s church on Sunday morning at 8am followed by a Church family communion service at 10.45am.

Festival fun: St Andrew’s Church is organising a fortnight of festival fun, with the theme of celebration and joy. It will be held between September 18 - October 3 and will host over 10 exciting events. Please look out for more information closer to the time.

Open Gardens: The Gargrave Open Gardens event held recently raised just over £6,250.


Church news: St Alkelda’s. Sunday, August 22 8am Holy Communion (BCP). 9.30am Family Worship. Wed.25th. 9.30am Mid-week Holy Communion.


Wesley Centre Methodists: St Johns Methodist Church in Settle invite you to a Peer Talk Awareness Event today at 11am. The Peer Talk group is looking for volunteer group facilitators. The group looks at the issues surrounding the causes of emotional distress.

The Helibabies and Helikids group will restart activities in September.

The Preacher at this Sundays 2pm service will be the Revd Stephen Caddy.

All info regarding the Methodist Chapel and Wesley Centre activities from Pauline on 01729 850802.

WI: The Women’s Institute meets tonight in the Institute/Village Hall from 7.15 pm. For details of meetings and membership contact Judith on 01729 851031.

Coffee mornings: Thanks to all who have attended the first two coffee mornings hosted by the institute trustees.

After a long absence of events at the institute/village hall it was pleasing to see activities starting again, and being well attended by friends old and new. The next coffee morning will be a St Aidan’s coffee morning on September 4. All welcome.


Church news: A service of Holy Communion will be held in St Oswald’s church on Sunday morning at 10.30am and will be led by the Rev.Jules Cox.


Parish council: Meeting held on Monday, August 2.

Litter Problem on Waterfalls Walk Cllr. Mckenzie reported on the amount of litter left on Storrs Common by visitors to the Waterfalls Walk. The Clerk to write to M Binns at David Hill drawing his attention to the problem and invite him to the next meeting.

The Brow: The survey on the ash die back situation had been received.

VAS signs: The clerk will purchase two signs chosen.

Red Ash Lane: A report was received that the grass needed cutting and there was overhanging shrubbery at the Low Demesne end of the Lane. The clerk to report matters to Highways.

Cold Cotes/Chapel le Dale: A complaint was received regarding old posts installed years ago on the grass verges on Cold Cotes Waste in order to avoid unwanted parking. The chairman believed they should not be removed.

The chairman had also been informed that as common land the parish council apparently owned Cod Bank.

It was resolved that the parish council would allow limited parking alongside Clapham Old Road at Cod Bank common.

Riverside Project: The new design and costings were being prepared, which would hopefully be available for the September meeting. Once the acceptance of the final plans are made Debbie Boswell at YDMT could then look at funding possibilities for the project.

Jump Track adjacent to Pump Track: It was agreed to accept the quotation of £1,503.86 (nil VAT) for the fencing work along the edge of the site. Access through the iCentre car park could possibly be arranged for delivery of building material for the jump track.

Local Government Reorganisation: Cllr. Lis confirmed there would be elections next May, and Craven District Council would be phased out a year later.

Storrs Common: Comments were made that both climbing and camping happened on Storrs Common and Cllr. Lis suggested that Hansons be informed in case they are not aware of this. The Clerk was also requested to write to YDPA to request anti-camping signs on the common.

Bins in Park: A cost of £96.72 per bin for an additional 3 bins to add to the existing 3 bins was agreed.

Swimming Pool Management Committee: Cllr McGonnigal reported the booking system had settled in and was working a lot better.

The next parish council meeting will be held on Monday, September 6 at 7pm, in person at the Ingleborough Community Centre.


Art Exhibition: The 23rd annual Kelbrook Art Exhibition is planned for over the August Bank Holiday weekend - Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 28, 29 and 30. It will be held in Kelbrook Village Hall where in previous years there have been around 300 exhibits from many artists.

This year is hopefully going to be something similar. The last event, two years ago, raised £1,500 which was split equally between two charities. This year the chosen charities are Pendle Hospice and Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Admission is free and homemade refreshments are available. There is also a raffle and this year the prize is a painting by local artist Mary Bennett.

Long Preston

Teddy Bears Picnic: Cheeky Little Monkeys Childminding is planning to hold a Teddy Bears Hunt & Picnic for the children of Long Preston & the surrounding villages.

We desperately need more teddy bears to hide and hunt around the village. If you have any good condition bears (not stuffed animals) we would appreciate them.

Katherine at Cheeky Little Monkeys Childminding.

7 Station Rd. Long Preston. BD23 4NH. 07921990664.


Over 50s group: The Lothersdale over 50s group resumed their meetings on Wednesday, August 11 after almost a two year break due to the pandemic. The meeting took the form of several quizzes followed by tea and biscuits.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, August 25 at 2pm when the speaker will be Ray Bartlett from Lothersdale. Meetings are held fortnightly in the village hall and new members are always welcome. Info.

Brenda 01535 630663/07949202497


Settle Graveyard Trails: We just have two trails through Settle’s history left for you to enjoy: Settle Superstars on Wednesday, August 25 and Rags to Riches on Wednesday, September 1, both 7pm. Tickets from the Folly, Monday to Friday, or online from We have a limited number of tickets to be Covid safe so get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Rotary: The Rotary Club of Settle is starting to resume face-to-face meetings again under its new president, Nic Murse. The club will be meeting at 6.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month and is returning to its traditional home in the Royal Oak, Settle. Meetings will be varied with plans to enable members, visitors and speakers to either attend the meetings, or to join us by Zoom. Visitors are always welcome at any meeting and should contact the Secretary: or 01729 822445 to book a place.

Friends group: The club is launching a “Friends of Settle Rotary”. These are people who, whilst not wishing to be full time Rotarians, wish to be kept in touch with all the activities, speakers and events of the club, and who may from time to time wish to volunteer to help the club deliver its services and support to the local community, or attend some of our meetings. The club has raised over £10,000 during lockdown and under the logo of “Happy to Help” is looking to support individuals, small groups and/or local organisations, community projects as well as national and international requests for help.

Operatic Society: Settle Musical Theatre (Settle Amateur Operatic Society) will be hosting ‘Langcliffe Teas’ in Langcliffe Village Institute this coming Sunday, August 22 2pm to 4.30 pm. Friends of Settle Victoria Hall will host a book fair in the hall on Bank Holiday Monday, August 30, 10am to 4pm Entry 50p adults with accompanied children free of charge. Food will be available all day and all proceeds will go to the hall.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Many thanks to everyone who visited the “Manorlands” stall in Settle’s Tuesday Market on 10 August. The money raised, so far, for the hospice is over £420. But we hope to have a few more donations to add to this amount. Friends and neighbours of Ethel Lowther, a loyal church member, who received amazing care in “Manorlands”, are very grateful for the generous support of local folk and visitors in helping raise such a grand sum in Ethel’s memory.

Revd Julie Clarkson invites you to join her for Celtic Morning Prayer on Thursday mornings from 9.45am via Zoom. Please get in touch with Revd Julie for the Zoom link -

On Sunday 22 August Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am. We look forward to welcoming back members of Elsie Twisleton’s family to Holy Ascension on Sunday morning as the new, votive candle stand is to be dedicated to Elsie during the service.

Make a note that on Sunday 29 August there is an 8am service of Holy Communion at Holy Ascension led by Rev Stephen Dawson. The service of Holy Communion, for our 3 Parishes, at 11am, will be St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick, led by Rev Julie Clarkson.

Food Bank: On Fridays Settle’s Pop Up Pantry - informal Food Bank - opens at 11am till 12noon. There’s no need to register. Just come along, give what you can, if you are able, and take what you need.

Mothers’ Union: Giggleswick with Settle Mothers Union members would like to help support an appeal from the Manchester Diocese for donations of winter coats for children from Afghanistan. A Manchester Mothers’ Union member’s son is manager at the Crown Plaza Hotel at Manchester Airport and it along with its two other hotels is housing Afghan families. He is worried about the coming colder months and asking for second hand winter coats. Perhaps you have children or grandchildren who have outgrown their coats. Manchester Mothers’ Union members have already supplied the children with jigsaws, games and footballs. Please contact Revd. Julie – 01729 825955 if you can help.

Settle library: The library is hosting a charity tea on Saturday, August 21 from 1.30pm. There will be cakes and tea, raffles and other opportunities to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. If you wish to stay awhile with friends, there is an opportunity to book a table for 20-30 mins. In this way we will ensure numbers are kept within our guidelines. Or just pop in and buy a cake. For yourself or deliver to a friend - whatever suits.

To book a table, please contact the library by phone (01609 534535) or email or come along and buy a cake, giving as much as you can to a very worthwhile charity.


Car Boot Sale: Riverside Field Sunday, August 22 from 7am to 1pm. Toilet and catering on site. The cost is £10 for cars and £15 for vans and cars with trailers. Search Silsden Car boot on Facebook for further details or contact Zoey or Jonny on 01535500170.


Italian Circle: The next meeting of the Skipton Italian Circle will be held on Thursday 26th August. Our speaker David Lewis will give a talk entitled ‘By Pullman To Puglia’ on Zoom. The meeting will start at 7.30 p.m. and invitations will be sent to people on our mailing list. If you would like to be on our mailing list or would like to attend one of our meetings, please get in touch through the Contact Section of our website: We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces.

Church news: Christ Church Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday at 9.30am – Eucharist. St Mary’s each Sunday at 11.15am 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship

2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion 1st Sunday of each month - 8am BCP; 11.15am Family Praise.

Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: St Oswald’s church is open daily for visitors in August from 10am to 5.00pm. Visitors and parishioners are invited to a fund raising summer coffee morning on Saturday 21st August 10am to 12 noon. All money raised for the publishing of a new historic St Oswald’s church leaflet. Includes refreshments, cakes and bric a brac stall. Indoor and outdoor spaces available for safe social distancing.

St Oswald’s church grave yard gardening team is looking for new helpers to strim and assist with gardening tasks. The gardening team meets on a Friday afternoon all year round. Please contact Revd Denis Tate 01524261579 if you wish to join this friendly team.