
Church News: September 12 9.30 Austwick Holy Communion,11.00 Keasden Holy Communion

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Afternoon Fellowship: Restarts with David Wilkinson’s presentation of ‘The History of Flamenco’. Wednesday September 15 in Austwick Parish Hall, 1.30 – 3. With refreshments.

Austwick WI: The next meeting will be on Thursday September 9 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall and will be baking with Mike Armstrong.

Volunteers: Austwick Parish Hall and Playing Fields. Volunteers and members are needed to run these important community facilities. Local contacts posted on the Parish Hall information board.

Bolton Abbey

Concerts: Brass bands Concerts at Bolton Priory recommence with Yorkshire Railway Institute Brass Band on Saturday, September 11, at 7.30pm in the Priory Church.

After an absence of over two years because of the pandemic, Bolton Priory is delighted to be hosting this brass band. The band has established a reputation for entertaining the public with its lively concert performances and regularly appears at theatres, halls and concert venues all over the UK. A week before they compete in the UK National Brass Band Championships final, this acclaimed and talented group of musicians will be entertaining a Priory audience with a wide range of music to suit all ages and tastes. A post-lockdown experience not to be missed. Tickets at £12 each are available online at and on the door on the night. Interval wine and soft drinks, included in the ticket price.


Lecture Group: Clapham Lecture Group is holding its much delayed AGM on Tuesday September 14 at 7pm in Clapham Village Hall. Following the AGM our own Ken & Brenda Pearce will be speaking about their journey to the South Pacific and back.

The new season of Clapham Lectures stars on Tuesday September 21, 7pm in Clapham Village Hall. The full programme will be revealed at the AGM but speakers include Dr Ian Saunders making a welcome return, two talks by local landowners on the challenges facing the Dales with climate change and Brexit, and two new speakers Peter Logan and astronomer Martin Lunn. The price for 10 lectures is £50 and new members are always welcome. For more information contact Ken Pearce 015242 51816 or Jeanne Carr 01729 823132

Embsay With Eastby

Community cafe: The cafe reopens on Monday September 13 at the Methodist chapel and will be open each Monday from from 10am to 12 noon offering Fairtrade refreshments, papers, board games, children’s play area. Dogs welcome.

Police surgery: North Yorkshire Police community support officer Rachel Wood is holding a crime prevention session on Tuesday, September 14, from 6.45pm to 7.30pm in the car park, Main Street, Embsay.

The session is a chance to go along and tell her of any concerns you have for your village.

Pantomime: Embsay Players is delighted to announce that the panto will be going ahead as planned, COVID permitting. This year it’s “Dick Whittington & the Fairies”. News on how to book tickets will be coming soon, with show dates being November 24 to 27. We will be hosting a sign up event at the village Hall on Sunday, September 12. If you want to be on the stage, help out back stage, or front of house, anything really. It’s also an ideal opportunity to sign up the kiddies for the dances. Any questions please find us on Facebook Embsay Players page.

Good Neighbours: The contact number for anyone needing a lift or other help is 0754 400 4971.


Earby and District Local History Society: Now that Covid restrictions have been relaxed we have decided to start up the monthly meetings once again.

One complication is that New Road Community Centre will continue to be closed until December while a new boiler system is being installed. With this in mind, the Methodist Church in Earby has agreed to let us use their premises as a temporary expedient.

Therefore meetings will temporarily be held at St Peters Methodist Church, Riley Street, until the Community Centre reopens. Although face masks are not compulsory we advise that if possible they be worn and hand sanitizer will be available.

We would also ask that when you sign in that you include a contact number or email address for track and trace purposes.

The first meeting of the new season will be on Tuesday 21st September at 7-30pm at St Peters Methodist Church on Riley Street, Earby, when the speaker will be Chris Helme from Brighouse whose talk is entitled “Other Folk’s Rubbish”.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Pilates: Pilates classes for both beginners and “improvers” will continue at Farnhill Institute next Monday (13th) – “improvers” at 5pm; beginners at 6.15pm and 7:30pm. Numbers are limited.Contact or ring 07549 199670.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot. No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome. Many tools will be available on site, but you might want to bring your own gardening gloves.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church, Kildwick, on Sunday (12th), starting at 9.30am.

Circuit Training: Sessions will take place on Saturday mornings, between 9 - 10am, and Wednesday evenings, between 6 - 7pm, on the Peggy Wilson Field. Email Exercises can be modified for absolute beginners to hardcore high intensity fanatics. Small donations to the Peggy Wilson Trust would be appreciated but are not mandatory.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van by teh canal bridge is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes. 9am to 4pm, on Wed to Fri; and 9am to 5pm, on Sat and Sun.


Village Hall: The monthly dances will be resuming on Friday evening at the village hall. The music will be provided by Lancashire musician Alan Cookson. Admission is £5 on the door. Please bring along your own picnic supper and drinks. The event commences at 7.30pm.

Local families organised their second charity dance of the year on the Friday evening when they raised the marvellous sum of £450 for The Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Flea markets: A double bill of flea markets took place on the Sunday and Monday. Both stallholders and visitors to the events enjoyed the opportunity to both see and purchase the great variety of goods on offer. The next Flea Market, Collectables and Crafts Fair will be held this weekend on Sunday, commencing from 9.30am until 4pm. Enquiries please contact 07989585564.

Coffee morning: At the hall on Saturday. There may even be

the prospect of the return of bacon butties. One certainty is that there will be toasted teacakes and a selection of homemade cakes available.

Members of the Gargrave Village Hall Management team will be providing table service at the event. A fun raffle will be held and there will be a book stall in aid of hall funds and a stall supporting fund raising for Manorlands.

Panto: The sign up evening for youngsters interested in taking part in the chorus roles at the annual pantomime will be held tonight, Thursday 9th, at 6.30pm. Parental help in back stage or front of house roles also most welcome.

Jumble sale: The annual Jumble sale is due to take place on Saturday October 2.

Donations of saleable items may be brought to the village hall during this weekend’s coffee morning. If you would like to volunteer to

help on one of the stalls at the Jumble sale please contact 07989585564.

Church news: A prayer book communion service will be held on Sunday in St Andrew’s church at 8am. A sung Eucharist will be held later at 10.45.a.m.


Church news: St.Alkelda’s. Sunday September 12. 8am Holy Communion (BCP). 9.30am Morning Worship.


Grassington Hub: 01756 752222. The Helping Hands AGM will be held on Monday, October 11at 10.30 at Threshfield Village Institute.

The Cow Fields of Slack Bottom: Grassington Devonshire Institute on Saturday, September 11, 8pm start. Tickets £10 on sale in Grassington Hub.

Grassington Players: Calendar Girls the Musical. Grassington Devonshire Institute from Saturday September 24 – Saturday October 2. 25th September sold out. Tickets £15 on sale in Grassington Hub.

Gin and Wine-Tasting Evening: Grassington Devonshire Institute on Friday, October 15. A first for the GDI, this event brings together the products and services of three local businesses; the Otterbeck Distillery from Bell Busk, Skipton, the Wine Shop and Corner House Cafe in Grassington. All profits will go to the Grassington Devonshire Institute. Tickets on sale now priced at £25. The ticket price will increase to £30 from 10am on Monday September 20.

Ballet and Opera: Live by satellite from the Royal Opera House - commencing on December 9. Tickets for all six productions are on sale now. Contact the Hub for performance details and tickets.

Grassington Table Tennis Club: Restarted at Grassington Town Hall on Monday, September 6. 5pm – 7pm. Ex members and new members welcome. Contact Andrew Clay on 01756 752658 for more details.

Grassington Bowls and Petanque Club: This is now open and welcomes new members. Instruction is provided for both games. The Club is open every afternoon between 2pm and 4pm. Come and give it a try for Paul on 07796 956 827.


200 Club: The winners of the Institute 200 Club for Sept are:1st No.38 Susan and David Alderson; 2nd No 51 Deborah Roach; 3rd No 24 David Pinner.

Flower Club: The club meets tonight in the institute from 7.30pm. This is a members only meeting when the guest demonstrator will be Joan Robinson with a demonstration entitled ‘Especially For You’. The Flower Club welcomes new members. Please call Susan Fairhurst on 07811 742448/01542 51501.

Wesley Methodists: The Helitots group will meet next Tuesday from 9.30 ‘til and the Helibabies will meet next Wednesday from 1.30pm until 2.30pm. The Sunday service will be held in the Chapel this Sunday from 2pm. Contact Pauline for any details of Wesley Centre activities on 01729 850802.

Book Club: The Book Club holds its Zoom meeting tonight. For details about joining the contact Audrey on 01729 850351. Going forward from the September 23 meeting it is envisaged that the institute/village hall may be the venue for meetings.

Coffee mornings: There will be an institute coffee morning this coming Saturday from 10am. On Saturday, September 18 the coffee morning from 10am will be hosted by Bentham Pet Rescue. in the institute.


Church news: A service of Holy Communion, short and said in traditional language will be held in St Oswald’s church on Sunday at 9am. Afternoon teas will be served in Langcliffe institute in the afternoon from 2pm to raise funds for the church, any help would be gratefully received.

The theme of Sunday’s Messy Church at St Oswald’s was refugees and older ones created collages and biscuit shelters with breadsticks and icing. Everyone learned more about the Jewish harvest festival called Sukkot or Shelters, where people live outside for a week to remember their escape from Egypt. Shelters are open to the night sky with palm branches and flowers for roofs and oranges, corn and artwork for decoration. Sukkot this year begins on September 20.

School: The Governors of Horton-in-Ribblesdale Primary School Exhibition Foundation are prepared to consider applications towards grants for full time courses of advanced study. Applicants must be currently resident in Horton-in - Ribblesdale and to have lived there and attended a local school for not less than two years. Application forms may be obtained from Mrs P Swainson, Little Barn, Studfold, Settle. BD24 0ER and the applications must be returned to Mrs Swainson no later than September 24.


Gymkhana: Ingleton Horse Show & Gymkhana on August 29 was a huge success, seeing hundreds attending the show. The field was used by kind permission of John Cockett. ld.

Leading the way with the horse section we saw Katie Slater & Llandderfel Princess Julia. They came away taking the Supreme Champion judged by D Elms

Other placings through the day:

Ridden Champion - Katie Slater & Llandderfel Princess Julia. Ridden Reserve - Kelsey Hudson & Motabower Tom. Inhand Champion - Gary Pigney & Roandale Cherry. Inhand Reserve - Katy Harvey & Soldanella Dandini. Supreme Reserve - Katy Harvey & Soldanella Dandini. Chase me Charlie winner at 1m10 - Ruby Harvard & Stan

Local Rider this year was Laura Gardener & Nelly her coloured cob, who tried so hard throughout the day, she stood out to the Judge and organisers.

Also on the day we had a dog agility course and Fun Dog Show run by Nicole (Pamper pawz, Ingleton, and Becca (Tails & Trails dog walker, Ingleton) , They did an amazing job judged through lots of different breeds of dogs. Best in show - Hunter, Labrador x Whippet, five years old, owner is Kim Davies. Reserve - Bailey, labradoodle, 4 years old. Owner Sheenagh Stapleton.

Adele Horner & Beryl Morphet event organisers would like to thank everyone for there support towards this show, it has been running for well over 60 years and is going from strength to strength. All proceeds from each show go towards chosen charities, this year was North West Air Ambulance.

Long Preston

Village Hall: Coffee, cake and company for Macmillan Support on Saturday September 18 1pm - 4pm. Following Donations would be most welcome: Eggs and butter for baking. Raffle prizes. Please contact Diane on 07909860355 or Amanda on 07823442800

Playing Fields: The equipment on the playing fields has recently been painted by members on the playing fields committee, parish council and of course valuable volunteers. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone for your hard work.

Church News: The Methodist church service on Sunday September 12 will be with Bill Murfitt at 11am. St Mary’s church service will be an informal worship with Rev. Colin Blake at 11am on Sunday 12th September.

Everyone is welcome to either service.


200 Club: The Settle Area Swimming Pool 200 Club September draw was made by Maxine Roberts from Settle Slimming World. 1st Prize - No 10- £50 Eric Parker; 2nd Prize - No 121- £30 David Blackburne; 3rd prize - No 138- £20 Clive Newby. Winners have been notified.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. On Saturday we were pleased to be able to provide a venue for Tim Knight Music. Singers from.across the North West and beyond not only enjoyed a workshop led by Tim, relished the opportunity to sing together but also sampled the lunchtime treats of Settle’s cafes.

On Sunday afternoon Holy Ascension bakers and cake makers created a mouth watering array at Langcliffe Institute. Many thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the refreshments with the added bonus of beautiful September sunshine. We were thrilled to raise just over £500 for Church Funds.

We are also pleased to announce that coffee will be served after the Tuesday Holy Communion services - at 10.15am.

Revd Julie Clarkson invites you to join her for Celtic Morning Prayer at 9.45am for a 10am start via Zoom on Thursday mornings. This is a reflective way to start the day with prayers and music from the Northumbria Community. Contact Revd Julie for the Zoom link on 01729 825955.

We are very grateful to our bellringers for their loyal support each week. At Holy Ascension’s tower there have been a few changes recently. Many thanks to Paul Clark who, as Tower Captain, has led the team of bellringers for the past 8 years. He hands over this role to Stuart Heath with Paul continuing as deputy Tower Captain. Gillian Parrington steps down as Ringing Master but will be kept busy ringing at Holy Ascension and other local churches. Stuart would love to hear from anyone interested in finding out more about bellringing. It’s a very sociable pastime and involves good but not too strenuous exercise for both brain and muscles. Call Stuart on 07768 154825 for more information.

Pop Up Pantry: Food Bank open, in church, each Friday from 11am till 12noon is becoming well established. There are now supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables available each week. Everyone is welcome and there’s no registration needed.

Mothers’ Union: Giggleswick and Settle Mothers’ Union members are making plans to meet up with the ‘Stepping Stones’ families once again on Thursday mornings in church.

Settle WI: At the recent AGM, Kate Croll stodd down after three years and Sandra Fox took over as president. Kate was presented with a plant, card and book token and thanked for her hard work keeping members in touch during the last difficult months when we have been unable to meet.

Regular monthly meetings have now resumed on the first Wednesday of the month at 2pm in St John’s Church Hall. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

Settle Musical Theatre: Settle Musical Theatre Society is society holding a garage sale at 1 Delaney Gardens Settle from 2pm to 4pm this coming Saturday, September 11. Refreshments will be available.

Climate Change: The Great Big Green Week September 18 – 25 organised by ACE, Action on Climate Emergency Settle and area.

10am – 12 Noon Saturday 18 September: Tree Care at Giggleswick. Meet Andrew at the bottom of The Mains, Giggleswick.

7.30pm Tuesday September 21: Talk - Preserving fruit and veg. Small meeting room, Quaker Meeting House, Kirkgate. Booking essential Please email us at: .Donations for room hire welcome.

10am – 12 Noon Thursday September 23: Find out more about owning an e-car and e-bike from an e-car owner with Alistair of ‘Three Peaks Cycles’. Also early feedback on the ACE Transport & Energy survey, Quaker Meeting House, Kirkgate, Settle.

9.30am – 2pm Saturday September 25: Give and Take Day, Give any items that are too good to throw away and take what you can use. Entrance free. Victoria Hall, Kirkgate, Settle. Further information email


Church news: Service: Christchurch Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday at 9.30am – Eucharist.

St Mary’s: Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8am BCP

11.15am Family Praise.

Festival of Bells: Saturday September 11 celebrating the centenary of Skipton’s bell. Come along to have a go at tower bell and handbell ringing and then go up the tower to see the bellringers in action. In church there will be displays about Skipton’s bellringers. You can have a lesson on a full-sized training simulator of a tower bell and have a go at handbells. Lessons and demonstrations will begin at 11am, 1.30pm and 2.30pm. Book in advance at


Flower club: The first meeting of Steeton Flower Club of the new season will be on Thursday, September 16, 7.30pm at Steeton Methodist Church when Wendy Gravestone will be presenting her demonstration entitled: “Seasons to be Cheerful”. For further information call 01535 657384.