REFUSED plans to build three new homes on land off Canal Street, Skipton, have gone to appeal.

Proposals for the site at Canal Street Croft were refused permission by Craven District Council in August on the grounds of harm to the conservation area, design, and overlooking by both existing residents of the area, and occupants of the new homes.

Now, the applicants have appealed to the Planning Inspectorate to overturn the council's decision.

The site is currently largely used for unauthorised car parking, has a small, single storey building in one corner, is enclosed by stone boundary walls, and is next to the Springs Branch of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

The existing workshop building would be demolished under the plans, to make way for the three terrace homes, featuring a central three storey home and two storey homes on each side. The site would be grassed and partially enclosed by a two metre high timber post and panel fence.

In 2020, plans for four affordable homes on the site were refused permission.

Skipton Town Council has objected to the latest plan, but no objections were raised by the highways authority.

In an appeal statement, agents for the appellants say the proposed development aims to 'reflect the pattern of buildings around the site, while also reflecting the characteristics of the wider area'.