
Church news: Services at Austwick Church. December 12 9.30 Holy Communion; 4pm carol service starting with carols outside (weather permitting) at 3.45. Christmas Eve 3pm Crib Service; 11.30pm Midnight Communion. January 9, 9.30am Epiphany The Three Kings Service. December 19 7pm Nativity and Carol Service. Christmas Day 9.30 Family Communion.

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Children’s Christmas Party: It is with great regret that the Austwick Parish Children’s Christmas Party committee has decided to postpone this year’s party , which was to take place on Saturday December 11 2021. This decision has not been taken lightly, but with the ongoing Covid situation in the area , especially amongst the children , we thought that this was the most responsible decision. We hope to be able to run some form of Children’s party in the summer. We hope that you understand our decision, but we must prioritise the health and safety of all our children and our community.

Recipe Book: The Austwick Recipe Book is available just in time for Christmas. Our school, community and local businesses shared their favourite recipes to help us raise some much-needed cash for the school. Grab your copy from Cross Leigh Stores and Post Office,

WI:The next meeting on December 9 at 7.30pm in Austwick Parish Hall will be the Christmas get together when magician Chris Winnick will entertain us.

Newsletter: September December parish newsletter has been circulated throughout the village , also viewed on the village website. Contributions for the January newsletter are being request by December 15.

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: The weeks are rushing by and we are now preparing to for the Third Sunday in Advent this Sunday. As preparations get ever more frantic we need to step back for a moment from the madness and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas - which is the coming of Christ into the world. We also need to stop and think about all those for whom Christmas is no celebration at all. The homeless, the lonely, the cold and hungry all need our help. As we follow the star to Bethlehem, we need to shine that light on those for whom the world can be a very dark place indeed. We need to share the love of God with all mankind. Ask yourselves, how can you help this Christmas?

Church news: Christmas Charity Bazaar, Saturday December 11

The Christmas Charity Bazaar raises money for a variety of charities and will take place on Saturday December 11 in Bolton Abbey Village Hall. Charities may take a table in return for twelve homemade mince pies, a homemade cake or a donation of £5. The cakes are used for refreshments and the money raised from the sale of teas pays for the hall hire. All the money taken from each table goes to benefit their particular charity. Do come along and support these wonderful charities.

Coniston Cold

Brass Band: A popular Craven brass band will get festive celebrations under way when they perform at St Peter’s Parish Church in Coniston Cold this weekend. Giggleswick and Settle Brass Band will join villagers from Coniston Cold and neighbouring communities in a special carol service. The service takes place on Sunday December 12 at 7pm and will be followed by mulled wine and mince pies at Coniston Cold Village Hall.

St Peter’s Church will welcome neighbours from Bell Busk, Gargrave, Kirby Malham and surrounding areas. For more information search for St Peters Coniston Cold on Facebook.


Cowling Companions: invite all comers to Cowling Village Hall. Wednesday Dec 8, 2pm for a Christmas Quiz, Wednesday Dec 15, 2pm floral demonstration by Eileen Proud and festive Jacobs Join at 3pm. We start our Drop In Meetings again in March 2022 with ever popular Bingo”.

Toys Wanted: St Andrew’s, Cowling, will be holding a toy service on Sunday December 12 at 11.15 am. We will dedicate gifts of toys and toiletries which will then be given to the Salvation Army to distribute to local families in need. All are welcome to join us for this service and/ or to donate gifts. To allow others to contribute and also to avoid too much movement in church during these difficult times, we will be collecting donations in the foyer of St Andrew’s on Saturday Dec 11 from 10am to 12noon, when New2U is also open so you can grab a bargain or call in for a coffee at the same time. Gifts are needed for children up to the age of 15. Please only donate new or as new goods, unwrapped, so that they can be given to an appropriate person. The Salvation Army will sort first then wrap gifts. All gifts gratefully received.


Church news: All Saints’ Church. On Sunday December 12, Communion for the third Sunday of Advent is at 9.30am. Rod Geddes to preach.


Christmas Evening: New Beginnings Christmas Evening - Celebrate with friends, bubbly, nibbles and more. Goodies from Body Shop, Bags of Lavender, Zoby’s perfumes and other gifts. Friday December 10, Embsay with Eastby Village Institute, 7pm. £5 per ticket from

Live music: Elm Tree Inn, Saturday, December 18 at 8pm with Undercover.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Calendar: Kildwick & Farnhill Village Institute Calendar 2022, is now on sale - price £7 (incl. envelope). Available from 57 and 67 Main Street, Farnhill. Phone 01535 630523.

Church news: There will be no service at St. Andrew’s this coming Sunday (12th). A service of Holy Communion for all three churches of the KCB parish will be held at Bradley, starting at 9.30am.

Parish Council: Minutes of November 4. Five members of the Council were present. Cllr J Waring has now provided the signage for the dog bins and Cllr D Atkinson to attach them to the bins. Craven District Council has responded to our request to have the dog bins emptied more regularly and say that due to current workloads they are not in a position to increase servicing of the bins at the present time.They said they could look to increase the size of the bin but there would be a charge of £268.02 + VAT. This was the best option and was resolved.

Problems with parked cars on Main Street and vehicles parking at the lower end of Grange Road and other areas were reported to Highways.

No applicants for the clerk’s vacancy yet so clerk to ask Cowling Parish Council if they would consider sharing an advert for a clerk with Farnhill as somebody may be interested in applying for both posts.

The council has now received the £1,500 locality grant funding towards the development of the Arbour from NYCC. The contractor is due to start work in the new year.

The Play Area Inspection has been carried out by ROSPA and several low risk problems were identified.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along each Saturday between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot. No experience necessary, but any horticultural wisdom would be welcome.

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and “improvers” will be held at Farnhill Institute on Monday evening, starting at 5pm, 6.15pm and 7:30pm. Contact or ring 07549 199670.


Picnic supper dance: Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live music for dancing at the monthly Picnic supper dance on Friday night in the village hall. Admission is £5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Tea and coffee will be provided. The dancing commences at 7.30pm until 11pm.

Village hall events: Gargrave Village Hall management committee and Gargrave library committee will be holding a joint coffee morning on Saturday in the village hall. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and homemade cakes will all be available from 10am until Noon. There will be a book stall in aid of village hall funds, a bric a brac stall in aid of Manorlands and a raffle in aid of Gargrave library funds. Please come along and support the last coffee morning of the year.

Another final event of the year is a vintage, collectables and crafts fair which will be held on Sunday. A good variety

of stalls are booked in for the event and they create the opportunity to source that unique Christmas gift without the crowds, delivery delays or out of stock messages. The event commences at 9.30.a.m until 3.30pm with light refreshments available until 3pm. Admission is 50p.

The Annual General Meeting of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will take place in the Village Hall on Wednesday at 7.30.p.m. The AGM will be followed by the monthly Management Committee meeting.

Church news: A Christmas recital will be held in St Andrew’s church on Friday evening at 5pm. Soprano Elaine Dave will be performing in Gargrave for the first time and she will be accompanied on the organ and piano by Susan Watkiss. There will be Christmas music from Handel to the present

day. A Jacobs Join supper will follow. Proceeds are in aid of the organ fund. A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at .am, followed by a later sung Eucharist at 11am.


Church news: St Alkelda’s. Sunday 12th. 8am Holy Communion (BCP). 9.30.a.m. Morning Worship. The following Sunday, 19th, there will be a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6pm as well as our usual service of Holy Communion at 9.30am.


Christmas concert: A welcome return for the City of Bradford Brass Band, Christmas Concert under the musical direction of Simon Bates. Ticket price £12. Doors open at 6 for a 7 pm start.

Tickets for both events are available from Grassington Hub on 01756 752222 or through Ticketsource:

Carols: The Grassington Christian Aid committee will be singing carols at Tesco from 2pm on Thursday December 23. Please come along sing your heart out and get in the true spirit of Christmas.

Manorlands: Wharefedale Support Group for Manorlands Hospice will be holding its popular tombola stall at Grassington Christmas fair on Saturday December 11 Please come along and win one of our lovely prizes and support your local hospice. An open day at glad rags boutique in Grassington raised a superb £475 for Manorlands Hospice. Customers enjoyed a glass of fizz and chocolates as they browsed and bought the lovely clothes. Special thanks go to Hazel and her team.


Institute 200 Club: The winners for December are: No 103 Phil Forster £20; No 5 May Gowdy £30; No 13 Emily Ludlam-Brown £50.

North Craven Flower Club: Met in the Institute/Village Hall. Guest demonstrator was Jackie Owen with a demonstration entitled ‘A Touch of Frost’. Members subscriptions are now due by the end of January. The fee of £35 can be paid at the next meeting or by sending a cheque to Liz Palmer. Please contact 01729 840331 for more information.

Wesley Centre: There will be a coffee morning this Saturday from 10am to 11.30am. A carol service will be held on Sunday19th at The Helikids group meets on Sunday the 12th at 10.30pm. The Community Pantry is open on Fridays from 2pm till 3pm. Contact Pauline for details of any of the above activities on 07931 511652 or email

Carol singing: Hellifield Station Shed 24 Café on Friday December 17 between 7 and 8 pm. The event takes place inside and out with mulled wine and mince pies.

Hellifield House: The Hunt Xmas Party will be held at 8pm on Saturday evening at the Hellifield House Social Club. Contact Alison Wordsworth on 07802 330 616 for details and tickets. Quizgo fun will be held on Wednesday 15th from 8 pm. Xmas Bingo will be held Sunday the December 19 from 7pm.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Storm help: Storm Arwen created problems and left many residents in Horton-in-Ribblesdale and the hamlets of Newhouses and Selside without power for up to five nights. Fortunately some homes had wood burners, open fires and generators. Thanks are extended to anyone who kindly shared these facilities with their neighbours who were less fortunate. Dwellings which required electricity to pump the water from boreholes also struggled but again received kind offers of help. Despite the long wait everyone is grateful to the utility staff who worked hard to restore power.

Church news: The snow last Sunday morning meant the planned trips to Advent celebrations over in Ripon and York were postponed. The services themselves did go ahead and are available on the Cathedral websites.

Thanks are extended to Judith Allinson for leading the Churches together ‘First of the Month’ walk around Rathmell recently. The ramblers enjoyed a sneak preview of the Christmas Tree Festival in Rathmell Church and a warm coffee in the Reading Room. The Reading Room was open for electricity as many residents in Wham and Wigglesworth were still without power after the storm.

A service of Holy Communion, short and said, will take place in St Oswald’s church on Sunday at 9am.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday December 12, Morning Worship for the third Sunday of Advent is at 11am. Hugh Fielden to preach.

Kirkby Malham

Pinsuti’s Christmas Concert: After the success of our first post-lockdown concert in Skipton, we are delighted to be singing our Christmas concert in Kirkby Malham church on Saturday December 11 at 7pm. Favourites include “In Dulci Jubilo” and “Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen” by Praetorius, with well-known carols “God rest you merry, gentlemen” and “The Infant King”, and then some American carols in quite different styles.

Alongside these we have more modern music, some relatively well known, such as Warlock’s “Bethlehem Down”. Tickets are £10 to include a drink at the interval and can be purchased in advance from eventbrite: or on the door.

The church postcode is BD23 4BS. Parking is available in the church car park and on-street. Doors open at 6.30pm. Any enquiries to:

Long Preston

Church news: St Mary’s service on December 12will be morning worship with Canon Ian Greenhalgh at 11am. There will also be a Christingle service at 4pm. Methodist church service on December 12 will be with Rev. Dr. Tracy Darling and will be a Christingle service at 11am.

Christmas lights: The switch on was very well attended despite the awful weather. Thank you to Settle Brass Band for the musical accompaniment. The village greens are looking very pretty.

Water: On Sunday evening a large portion of the village had been without or had very little water since late on Thursday night.

Hearing dogs: Please save your used postage stamps for the charity Hearing Dogs. You can drop them off any Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church or at 3 Ribblesdale Estate anytime.


Church news: Settle Parish Church. Hand sanitizer is available at the church entrance and exit. Most folk prefer to wear masks as they move about inside church. Singing of hymns is still allowed. Please sit where you feel safe and comfortable.

Christmas Concert: Sunday December 12 at 6pm with Settle Voices Community Choir, Octameron, Langcliffe Singers.

On Saturday December 18 at 7pm, Langcliffe Singers led by musical director Darren Everhart will perform Handel’s “Messiah”. Tickets £12, available from ‘Car & Kitchen’ or on the door.

Members of Churches Together in Settle and District will be singing carols in the Market Square, near the ‘old’ Nat West Bank, on Tuesdays December 14 and 21 at 11am.

On Christmas Eve at 3pm Revd Julie Clarkson leads a family friendly Crib Service. To coincide with midnight in Bethlehem the first Communion of Christmas in Settle will start at 9.30pm, at Holy Ascension. Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am on Sunday 12 December.

Coffee morning: Can you help save Biodiversity? Saving Rainforest is vital for world biodiversity. It is also one of the most efficient ways of preventing further climate change.

A coffee morning will be held in aid of The Rainforest Fund project. This will be at St John’s Methodist Church, Settle on Wednesday December 15, 10.30am to 12.00. Photograph greetings cards of wildflowers and scenes around Settle made by Judith Allinson will be on sale.


Church news: Christ Church - Family Eucharist will be held on Sunday December 12 at 9.30am, and a Eucharist at 9.30am on Wednesday December 8. Parish Communion will be held at St Mary’s, Carleton on Sunday December 12 at 11.15am.

Poppy Appeal: The Skipton Branch of the Royal British Legion can announce that the 2021 Poppy Appeal held in Skipton, has raised the sum of £16,851.92. Thanks must go out to all residents and visitors who graciously donated this year and to the collection volunteers who gave their time freely; it is, as always, truly appreciated. Thanks also to Tesco, Morrisons and Craven Court for allowing collection stalls to be set up and also to all the other shops, outlets, schools, clubs and organisations in and around the town who collected on our behalf.

Retired Men's Forum: Members will meet on Tuesday December 14 at 10am at the Soroptomists' Rooms, Otley Street. The talk by Stuart James is entitled ' Not a Nile Cruise' but there will be plenty to enjoy. There will be no meeting on Tuesday December 21.


Flower Club: At the November meeting members were entertained by extremely talented fellow members who created wonderful individual designs on a Christmas theme. It was a splendid evening and many thanks go to Pat Daley, Kath Egan, Ann Harding, Anne Lindsay, Sue Little and Eileen Proud for all their inspirational work.

The next meeting is on Thursday, December 16, at Steeton Methodist Church when members will create their own personal Christmas designs. For further information call 01535 657384.