
Covid-19 Community support:,, 01524 805969. AustwickNews.

Church news: Christmas Eve at Austwick 3pm Crib Service; 11.30pm Midnight Communion Christmas Eve at Clapham 5.30pm Crib Service followed by short Holy communion Christmas Day 9.30. Family Communion at Austwick & Eldroth at 11am. New Year's Day Parish Walk meet Keasden head track end at 10am or Keasden head Farm at 10.30am. Sunday January 2 at Clapham 10.30am United Holy Communion at 7pm Church in the pub at the New Inn. January 9, 9.30am Epiphany The Three Kings Service.

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Austwick Recipe Book: It’s taken a while but the Austwick Recipe Book is available just in time for Christmas. Our school, community and local businesses shared their favourite recipes to help us raise some much-needed cash for the school. Grab your copy from Cross Leigh Stores and Post Office,

Austwick WI: At our Christmas meeting we were entertained by magician Chris Winnock. He did magic tricks, balloon modelling and told amusing stories. Seasonal refreshments were served during the interval.The next meeting takes place on January 13 at 7.30pm at the Parish Hall and is a talk by Les Candler about 'Wildlife in your Garden'

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Special Notice: We would hope and expect everyone to help avoid coronavirus spreading even though businesses and activities are being resumed with social distances, mask wearing. We look forward to welcoming visitors to our village by the residents who are generally aware of their vulnerabilities. As visitors arrive we expect the “country code” to be observed, take your litter home, keep dogs on leads, see to their droppings and do not allow them to wander into fields. Car parking in the village is very limited so please park with consideration including not parking vehicles on grass areas. Remember emergency services may need to gain entry throughout the village.

Bolton Abbey

Rectors Message: On Christmas Day we meet together, once again, to celebrate our Saviour’s birth. The stable in which he was born reminds us all of the lowliness of Christ’s birth. It took place in a stable with straw on the floor and alongside farm animals. It is perhaps easier to envisage in a rural community where we all know just how basic such a shelter would be. The humility of His birth also reminds us that God is for all mankind, wealth or rank possessing. Above all however, the power of God is revealed in a little tiny child. Despite his weakness and vulnerability, he came to save us all. Behold our new born King.

Church news: On Christmas Eve we will hold the 11.30 pm Midnight Mass. Sadly we have had to cancel Christingle Service but if you would like to come to the Church during the afternoon there will be Christingle for you to pick up. On Christmas Day we will have Festal Eucharist at 10 am. Please park in the village car park free of charge for Church services and walk to the Priory.

The Church is now open every Sunday for the 10.30 am service and Wednesday for the 10am service. The Tower remains open for private prayer but the Church is closed during the week, For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at:


Church news: Holy Trinity Church On Friday December 24 there will be a Christingle with Carols suitable for all the family at 3pm. There will also be a service of Holy Communion at 11.30pm. This will be a traditional ‘Midnight’ service with the Holy Trinity Choir. Due to Covid restrictions, numbers at our Christmas Services are limited. Please contact Brian Ridehalgh on 01535 633928 or 07788 723413 for your free tickets.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Calendar: The Kildwick & Farnhill Village Institute Calendar, 2022, is now on sale - price £7 (incl. envelope) available from 57 and 67 Main Street, Farnhill. Phone 01535 630523.

Church news: St. Andrew’s church Christmas Day:There will be a service of Holy Communion starting at 11am. Please note there will be no late-night service at St Andrew’s on Christmas Eve, and no service on Boxing Day.

Refreshments: “Coffee & Crumb” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday (except Xmas Day and Boxing Day). Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick.


Church news: Hopefully the roving nativity will still be able to go ahead this evening (Thursday). Please meet outside church at 6p ready for a walk around the village, stopping at various points to sing carols and collect a real donkey, sheep, shepherds, an angel, a quantity of kings and a camel (well nearly, its an alpaca!) on the journey. Arriving at the stable outside the Dalesman cafe at 6.45.p.m for a hot drink and candy treats. Initial plans also include a community Christmas sing along with the Gargrave choir at the end of the journey. The organisers suggest you wrap up warmly and bring a lantern or torch.

A Christingle service is planned to be held in St Andrew`s church on Christmas Eve at 4pm with a midnight communion service at 11.30pm. There will be two services on Christmas Day, a prayer book communion service at 8am and a family communion service at 11am. The Holy Communion service on Boxing day will be held at 10am. Hopefully none of the above events will be affected by any new Covid rules which may be

brought in between the time of going to press and the publication of this weeks newspaper.

Christmas wishes: Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee would like to wish all their hirers and patrons a very happy and healthy Christmas. They

are very grateful for all the support they have received during a difficult period and jointly with Gargrave Library hope to be able to host a coffee morning on the January 22, Covid rules allowing.

Library: Gargrave Library is now closed for the Christmas break but will re-open on Tuesday January 4 at 10am.


Church news: St Alkelda’s. Christmas Eve, 6pm Nativity. Christmas Day, 10am. Christmas Communion. Sunday 26th 8am Holy Communion. No service at 9.30.


Institute wishes: The Trustees of Hellifield Institute and village hall wish all its friends and supporters a Happy and Safe Christmas, and best wishes for 2022. We very much hope for an active programme of events and activities going forward into next year.

Wesley Centre: The Community Pantry in the Wesley Centre is open on Fridays between the hours of 2pm and 3pm.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Church news: A Holy Communion service will be held in St Oswalds church on Christmas eve at 10pm. A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held on Boxing Day at St John's church in Langcliffe at 10.30am.

The first service of the New Year will be held in St Oswald's church on Sunday January 2.

In 2020 all parishes really struggled to pay their ‘share’ or meet their financial target to the Diocese of Leeds in full. Services and fundraising events were curtailed or cancelled.

This year after some amazing and hard work by the friends of St Oswald's church they have managed to meet the share, though 2022 looks ominous due to repairs and alterations that have been postponed for two years. Insurance, fuel, minor repairs and priest’s expenses have to be found too, whether the churches are open or not. Many thanks to all those kind people who have supported the fund raising efforts or being involved in anyway.


Ingleborough WI: The WI held its annual meeting on Monday December 13. President Jennifer Charnley, welcomed members and six guests. The evening commenced with the business section including annual reports from key officers and the election of committee members and president. After many years as a committee member and past President on two occasions, Sue Brown is standing down from the committee and was thanked for all her contributions. Jennifer Charnley was nominated and re elected as president for the next three years. The entertainment followed with a wonderful selection of festive songs and light-hearted monologues performed by Bentham Praise Singers accompanied by Judith Harrison. A supper of cheese and wine with mince pies was served to end an enjoyable evening. The next meeting will be on Tuesday January 11at 7.30pm. in the Community Centre. Petra Wenham will deliver her talk via Zoom, “Have you ever met a trans woman?” New visitors are always welcome.

Long Preston

Church news: St Mary’s Christmas Day service will be Holy Communion with Canon David Brun at 10am. There will no service on December 26. There will be no service at the Methodist church over Christmas.

Postage stamps: Please continue to save your stamps for the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf charity. They can be left at 3 Ribblesdale Estate BD23 4RD anytime.

Long Preston correspondent Tracey Lambert wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2022.


Musical Theatre: We hope to be able to give the musical 9 to 5 in March 2022. Unless the Covid rules are changed there will be a 'get together' for anyone interested in being in the show on Sunday January 2 in the Old Courthouse Station Road Settle at 11am. New members and existing members are all welcome. At the meeting full details of rehearsals and music and parts available plus audition pieces will be available (all subject to Covid rules) If you are interested but not able to attend please contact the producer Pat Harding or secretary Barbara McLernon:

Church news: Settle Parish Church. We are looking forward to welcoming families and friends to the 'family friendly' Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 3pm. And Revd Julie Clarkson also leads the service of 'Midnight' Communion at 9.30pm, on Christmas Eve, when it's hoped to 'stream' scenes from Manger Square in Bethlehem.

On Sunday December 26 Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am.

The 'Tuesday Coffee' team and Mothers' Union led 'Stepping Stones' group are having a well earned break for a couple of weeks over the Festive season.It's hoped to resume in the New Year but we await the latest news of Covid precautions.

All safety measures were in place on Saturday December 18 to ensure that the performance of Handel's "Messiah" given by Langcliffe Singers with Darren Everhart, musical director, together with their guest soloists and organist could go ahead. It was a wonderful evening of uplifting, inspiring music thoroughly enjoyed by a most appreciative audience.

Skipton and Carleton

Church news: Christmas will be celebrated at St Mary's Carleton with a village carol service at 6.30pm on Christmas Eve and Midnight Eucharist at 11.30pm in Christ Church. There will not be a Christingle service this year.

On Christmas Day, Family Eucharist will take place at 9.30am in St Mary's and Family Eucharist at 10am in Christ Church, Skipton.