
Coffee and pancakes: Addingham Wednesday Club recently held its annual charity Coffee and Pancake morning. This year it was in aid of Manorlands Hospice and local residents pulled out all the stops to support this local cause despite unpleasant weather. As well as the usual stalls: raffle, bric a brac, home baking, books etc, the one serving the freshly made pancakes proved extremely popular. In the space of 90 minutes very appreciative visitors consumed 100 of them! In total about £800 was raised. The Wednesday Club would like to thank all those who patronised or contributed to the event in any way.


Church news: Sunday February 20 - 11am Holy Communion Clapham & 6.30pm Evening Prayer at Eldroth. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Austwick WI: Sarah Lister made a very welcome return to our February meeting. Her talk was about the absolutely fabulous women that she had traced whilst doing her research. Some familiar names were discovered and some of their exploits were truly amazing. There has been a change to the March meeting. Members will be treated to a quiz and a tasting session of an assortment of deserts, puddings and cakes in celebration of the Queen’s platinum jubilee. March 10, 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

Village Show: Scheduled for Saturday August 6. Further detail and schedule on the village website,

Afternoon Fellowship: Restarts on the fourth Wednesday of each month in Austwick Parish Hall 1.30-3pm. Wednesday February 23 Guest Speaker Martin Boyce of Yorkshire Dales Hypnotherapy.

Parish Newsletter: January-May edition has been circulated throughout the village and is on our website

Parish Council: Next meeting Monday February 21 7.30pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Time is given at the start of the meeting for electors to ask questions or make statements that relate to the work of the council.

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: We are continuing to coordinate deliveries of prescriptions from Settle and Bentham surgeries.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church news: Saturday February 19 at Holy Trinity Church Barnoldswick Messy Church 3 to 4.30pm. Sunday February 20 Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Parish Church 930am Holy Communion at St Mary le Ghyll 11.30am, Morning Prayer at St Michael’s Bracewell 11.30am.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is Sexagesima which marks sixty days before Easter and forms part of our on-going preparation for Lent. As part of our preparation, last week we turned our thought to God’s creation and how we have despoiled creation though our insatiable consumption and greed. This week we turn our thought to the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. Whilst this story might be allegorical, it still contains the essential truth that we have rebelled against God and his creation and, in particular, have failed to treat our fellow men and women with the dignity and respect they deserve. If all men and women are made in God’s image that should radically change the way we behave.

Church news: Confirmation: If anyone would like to be prepared for Confirmation before Easter please contact the Church Office, 01756 710238, for further details.

The Church is now open every Sunday for the 8am and 10.30am services and Wednesday for the 10am Service. The Tower remains open for private prayer but the Church is closed during the week. For the audio services, the weekly sheet and magazine please look at:


Music, song and beer: The Friends of DalesBus are organising a fundraising afternoon of music and song in The Buck Inn, in Buckden, on March 13 between 1pm and 4pm. The Friends of DalesBus, founded in 1996, is a voluntary organisation whose prime object is to campaign for accessible and affordable public transport for visitors and local residents to and within the Yorkshire Dales. The group currently has 300 members. Muppett a singer from Bradford and member of the Friends group has organised the event, said “The staff of the Buck Inn have kindly allowed us to use part of the pub for this event and a number of singers and musicians have said they will come along and perform over the afternoon. Anyone can come along and join in or just come and listen. It’s free entry, but a bucket will be passed around during the course of the afternoon and there will be a raffle and all money raised will go to the Friends of DalesBus bus operating fund, which in turn will help to continue to run bus services to and from the Dales.”


Church news: St Mary’s each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8am BCP. 11.15am Family Praise.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting will be held in the institute next Thursday (24th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Church news: There will be a service of Morning Worship at St Andrew’s Church on Sunday (20th), starting at 11am. The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10am until about 2pm.


Church news: All Saints’ Church. Sunday February 20, Communion for the second Sunday before Lent will be at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden.


Library: Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library will be showing the film Official Secrets at the Village Hall on Friday evening. Based on true events the film stars Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Ralph Fiennes and Matthew Goode. The customary Cafe style seating will be in place, so please bring along your own refreshments. The

village hall doors open at 7pm with the film starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5on the door .

Church news: A Prayer Book Communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday morning at 8am followed by a service of Morning Worship at 11am.

Bowling Club: Gargrave Bowling club will be holding its annual general meeting on Wednesday February 23 in The Masons pub at 8pm. Old and new members all welcome.


Parish Council: Giggleswick Parish Council would like to invite all individuals and groups interested in helping to organise the village celebrations for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee between June 2 and 5. An open meeting will be held on February 22 in the Parish Rooms at 7pm. All are welcome.

Church news: St.Alkelda’s, Sunday, 20th. 9.30.a.m. Holy Communion.


Institute and arts centre: Glusburn Youth Theatre presents Rapunzel the Pantomime from February 20 to 26. Booking strongly recommended, especially for weekend shows.

We are short of volunteers to support our music and theatre events, especially with helping on the bar. No experience necessary. Please get in touch to find out more: for bookings or call 01535 630 223.


Field Society: Upper Wharfedale Field Society meeting. Updating the Wharfedale Water Project. Rick Batterbee. The Octagon Theatre, February 28, 7:15pm for 7:30pm. Free for members, non-members £3.

Ballet and opera: Devonshire Institute. Romeo and Juliet, Sunday February 20. This is a ‘live recorded’ performance filmed on February3 from the Royal Opera House. Tickets £15 from The Hub.


Coffee morning: The next planned coffee morning at the Institute/Village Hall will be on Saturday February 26 from 10am. The event will be a fundraiser for the Street Children of Sumbawanga. Event includes a raffle.

WI: The W.I. will meet tonight in the Institute/Village Hall from 7.15pm. For details contact Judith Northin on 01729 851031.

Entertainment: For any ticket enquiries regarding the Time Bandits ‘StonedBeatles’ Evening this Saturday, please contact Karen Dunwoodie on 01729 851070. BYO Event from 7.30pm. Also contact Karen for any tickets and enquiries regarding the Hoglets Theatre production ‘The Sleep Pirates’ to be held on February 25. The Sleep Pirates is a production for children involving swashbuckling pirates, flying ships, shooting stars, and what happens when you can’t sleep! Tickets are £5 and £7.

Wesley Centre: The Community Pantry is open tomorrow afternoon at the centre from 2 till 3 pm. The Chapel Service is 2pm on Sunday. On Monday 21 there is a Welcome Mat Meeting from 2.30pm. Contact Pauline Wright on 07931 511752 for Chapel activities.

Village Walk: The walk takes place this Sunday, meeting at 12 noon in the village car park near Aherne’s. All welcome. Children must be accompanied and dogs must be on leads. Please wear suitable footwear and clothing and bring a drink.

Hazy Dayz: The café welcomes everyone on Tuesday 22 for Tea, Coffee and Chat. From 2 till 4pm.

Music night: The Music ‘Jam’ Night at the Black Horse will be held on Friday February 25 from 8pm. Frank and members of the ‘Elderly Brothers’ will be there to provide the music, and contributions from all local musicians are welcome.

Kettlebells: The Kettlebells excersise group will meet on Wednesday 23 in the main hall of the Institute from 7.30 - 8.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191 for details.


Church news: A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will take place in St Peter’s church at Stainforth on Sunday at 10.30am. A Marmalade festival is planned to be held at St. Oswalds church on March 20 Further details will be available nearer the time, suffice

to say there will be lots of delicious homemade marmalade

available to purchase.


Parish council: Meeting held at Ingleborough Community Centre on January 10..

Annual Precept 2022/2023: The chairman proposed a small increase in the current precept to £98,500 for the following financial year. The resolution was seconded by Cllr Emsley and there was unanimous support for this increase in the Precept.

Police Report: Councillors discussed the quantity of incidents on the report and the lack of police attendance at Parish Council Meetings. It was felt that the police were failing in their duties by not attending meetings. Cllr Metcalfe agreed to contact them to ask them to attend a meeting

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: A representative of the planning committee for the event outlined the plans which still need to be costed and asked for a commitment of up to £5,000 from the Parish Council. This commitment was agreed, and discussions continued about the lighting of the Beacon, which ideally would be on top of Ingleborough.

Bus service: A member of the public raised the matter of the bus service through the village which is under threat. The Clerk will contact Cllr. D. Ireton to find out the current situation.

Parks, play area and pump track: The pump track tarmac is looking very green and is probably slippy, Cllr J Mackenzie will provide the chemicals to clean the track, and asked for a group of people to help brush it off. The top banking also needs a tidy up with some hardcore and soil on top.

Footpaths: Cllrs discussed the salting of footpaths during the winter, clerk will contact Horton Landscapes regarding this and to approach Brad Tooke about taking it on.

Inappropriate parking around the village was also discussed, and Cllrs were encouraged to take photographs of any instances they were aware of and send them to the clerk.

Public WCs: The clerk to contact Craven District Council regarding the contract of sale. The requirement to budget for any work needed was discussed.

Street Lighting: Cllrs. discussed lights that are still not working, and Cllr Howson said parts were currently up to 2 months to arrive.

Cycle Path: Cllr Weller was very impressed with the consultation regarding the proposed cycle path, several local Parish Councils are involved together with Kirkby Lonsdale Town Council, Cumbria County Council and National Parks Authorities. The track will follow the Way of The Roses and use the old railway line as much as possible, ending in Ingleton via the Viaduct. Cllrs thought the cycle path would be good for attracting visitors to the village and ways of alleviating concerns about the viaduct were discussed.

Jumble Sale: Ingleton in Bloom: The Jumble sale on Saturday February 12 raised £808.5. The fund will be used for floral displays and other projects around the village helping Ingleton look its best for the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in June.

Other Jumble Sales in February: Saturday 19 Ingleton Swimming Pool, Saturday 26 Ingleborough District Scouts. All held in Ingleborough Community Centre at 2pm.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. Sunday February 20, Communion for the second Sunday before Lent will be at 11am, led by Hugh Fielden.

Long Preston

Church news: St Mary’s Church services this Sunday February 20 at 11am, will be Morning Worship with Rev. Ian Greenhalgh. The service at the Methodist Church is the Chapel Anniversary on Sunday February 20 at 11am. The preacher will be Mrs Gliennis Hobbs and the soloist will be Pauline Wright from Hellifield.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards.

Pilates: is from 2.45pm - 3.30pm. £5 per session.

Craft therapy: Continues on a Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Over 50s: Coffee and Cake afternoon is on Wednesday February 23 in the village hall from 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Everyone over 50 welcome from surrounding villages too


Victoria Hall: ‘Settle Musical Theatre present Dolly Parton’s the smash hit ‘9 to 5 The Musical’ at the Victoria Hall Settle Wednesday March 23 to Saturday March 26. All performances will begin at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets are available from the Victoria Hall in person or by phone Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm (01729 825718) or on the hall web site:

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Sunday February 20 February, 3pm, the second session of ‘Cafe Church’. If you’d like to find out more then do join us as we relax, chat, sing and pray at tables, cafe style, enjoying tea and cake. Earlier in the day, Revd Stephen Dawson leads the 8am service of Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer. Jan Michael, lay worship leader, leads our Morning Worship at 11am.

The Bowland and Ewecross Deanery Lent Course, “Living in Love and Faith” co-ordinated by Revd John Davies starts on Tuesday March 1 at Holy Ascension. The course which is open to people of every faith and background will run every Tuesday evening - 7.30pm to 9pm. More details at or contact Revd John via email - or tel: 01524 805928

Mothers’ Union: It is less than two weeks to the start of Lent. After two years of lockdown Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union members are preparing for a ‘Pancake Fest’ at Holy Ascension on Shrove Tuesday. This year “Pancake Tuesday” falls on March 1 - St David’s Day - so there could be daffodils too. Pancakes/ refreshments available from 10.30am. All proceeds to Mothers’ Union projects.

Community Library: Our next speaker is Sarah Wiltshire, speaking on the topic of Taking Action on Climate Change. Friday February 18, 11am by Zoom. For the link, please contact the library on 01609 534535, via messenger on our facebook page or email

IT support offered on Thursday afternoons, 2-4.30pm. Come into the library to book a place with our volunteer if you need help with a new device or just want to check something on the internet. We are celebrating Under 5s week from Feb 28 to March 5. Buggy Fitness, Stay and Play and Storytime all happening in the library. More information soon. All sessions free.


Little Theatre: Ira Levin’s Deathtrap (comedy thriller) February 15 to 19. Evening performances start at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm. Saturday matinee performance starts at 2pm. Doors open at 1.30pm. Admission is £10 (Under 16s £5). Please use the nearby Cavendish Street Car Park which is free to use after 6pm. 0752 714 1176 or email:

Church news: Holy Trinity. Sunday February 20, 9.45am Family Communion with Children’s Club. Wednesday February 23, 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP). 12noon Midday Prayer.

St Augustine. Sunday February 20 - 11.15am Holy Communion.

Both our café and shop are now open. The usual opening hours of the café and shop at Holy Trinity will be 10am-2pm Wednesday to Saturday.

For more information about any of our services please contact or phone us on 01756 793622.

Christ Church. Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Skipton Retired Men’s Forum: The group will meet on Tuesday February 22 in the Soroptomists’ Rooms, Otley Street at 10am. Nigel Holden’s talk will be on Gerhard Fiesler: Fighter pilot for the Kaiser, aircraft builder for the Fuhrer. New members welcome.


Church news: St Oswald’s Church would like to thank all who contributed to fund raising and giving in December 2021. The Christmas coffee morning raised £338 for the church general fund for repairs and maintenance. The Christingle service raised £125 for the Children’s Society. The PCC sent a donation to Disasters Emergency Committee Afghanistan Appeal of £100. The next fund raising event for St Oswald’s Church will be a jumble sale at Ingleton Community Centre on Saturday March 12. Please donate jumble or gifts on the day.