
Church news: Sunday, March 19. 9.30am Austwick Holy Communion & 11am at Keasden. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome

Austwick WI: There has been a change to the March meeting. Members will be treated to a quiz and a tasting session of an assortment of deserts, puddings and cakes in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. March 10 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

Austwick Parish Newsletter: January-May edition has been circulated throughout the village and is on our website

Cross Leigh Stores & Post Office: Thank you again for all your donations of emergency supplies. It was a frantic few days but our village rallied round, not only filling a number of van loads full of urgently needed items but raising £1,025. Sending with affection to Ukraine.

Bolton Abbey

Rectors message: This will be the second Sunday in Lent when we remember Christ’s sojourn in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights. This is a time of trial and tribulation and, once again, we remember the people of Ukraine and the appalling suffering they are enduring at the hand of their adversaries. The Old and New Testament readings this week reminds to keep our trust in God whatever might befall us and to be persistent in seeking God’s aid. We must continue with our prayers for the people of Ukraine and open our hearts and our homes where we can. We all share their agony but, as Christians, we know that, ultimately, the sovereignty of God will prevail.

Church news: For the streaming, weekly sheet, magazine and special services and events please look at our website:


Church news: St. Mary’s. Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8am BCP. 11.15am Family Praise.

All Saints’ Church - communion for the second Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 13 is at 9.30am led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.


Compost Coffee Morning: Greener Cleaner Cononley Group: is holding the event in Cononley village institute this Saturday, March 12, 10.30am - 12.30pm. Come along to find out how, where, when and what to compost and how to use it. And be aware you don’t need a garden to home-compost. It’s one way we can each individually help to combat climate change. Come along to find out more.


History Society: Earby and District Local History Society will meet on Tuesday, March 15 at 7-30 at New Road Community Centre in Earby. The speaker will be Steve Williams whose talk is entitled “Four Tins” in which he looks at the social and military history behind four selected tins. New members and visitors welcome.

Church news: All Saints' Church. Communion for the second Sunday of Lent on Sunday March 13 is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

History Group: The Farnhill & Kildwick Local History Group will hold its first meeting after a long gap due to Covid on Thursday March 17 starting at 7pm in the Institute building on Farnhill Main Street. The meeting is free to attend and open to all with an interest in the history of Farnhill and Kildwick.

Calendar 2023: The competition to find photographs of Kildwick and Farnhill for possible inclusion in the Institute’s calendar for 2023 is now open. Submissions should be made to before the closing date of May 31. For full competition rules go to then click on the picture of the Institute.

Church news: The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10am until about 2pm

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumbs” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Located by the canal bridge in Kildwick.


Toilet AGM: This year’s GNAT: Gargrave Needs A Toilet AGM will be held on Friday, March 11 at 6pm at 2 Riversway, BD23 3NR. Everyone is welcome to attend and have your say on the future of the village toilets. After the meeting we will be having a fish and chip supper. Contact: 07778980994.

Picnic Supper: A busy weekend is expected at Gargrave Village Hall. The monthly Picnic Supper dance will be held on Friday evening with live music provided by Bon Accord. Dancing commences at 7.30pm until 11pm. Admission is

£5 on the door. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Tea and coffee will be provided in the interval and a raffle will aid funds for the village hall.

Village Hall Management Committee: Will be holding its first vintage, collectable and craft fair of the year on Sunday. There will be a good variety of stalls selling vintage items, bric a brac, books, crafts, jigsaws and much, much more. Light refreshments are available until 3pm and the event runs from 9.30am until 3.30pm. Admission is just 50p. For further details please call 07989585564.

Church news: A Prayer book Communion service will be held in St Andrew’s church on Sunday at 8am followed by a Sung Eucharist at 11am.

Primary School: Gargrave C of E Primary school is working hard to promote a culture of reading for pleasure. Over the past couple of years we have invested heavily in phonetically decodable books to ensure our children get off to a flying start in reading. We have joined a Reading for Pleasure Project with the Open University and Teresa Cremin. As part of this project we aim to provide a pleasurable reading experience for all. Classes at school enjoy frequent visits to Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library; sharing stories and borrowing books. We recently received a donation from Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library to buy resources to promote reading throughout school. We have bought books linked to our foundation subjects and we are using them to promote cross curricular learning, well-being, understanding of difference and empathy.


Church news: St Alkelda’s. Sunday March 13, 8am Holy Communion (BCP). 9.30am Morning Worship.


Institute and arts centre: Theatre group Falling Stars Theatre present Here I Belong by Matt Hartley on Friday 25th March. This tour was cut short by the pandemic, we’re pleased to finally welcome them after a 2-year delay. Throughout April, we welcome The Houghton Weavers (2nd) and The Swing City Big Band (23rd) and will be screening Peter Rabbit 2 as our Easter Family Film (8th). Tickets are available for all these shows.

Regular activities: We have groups for all ages, with activities ranging from art to yoga. Please call in for a full timetable.

Volunteers always needed to support our live events, film screenings, cafés and courses. We are particularly keen to find more people to help on our bar. Please get in touch to find out more and to get involved.

Visit for bookings or call 01535 630 223.


Opera: Rigoletto, Grassington Town Hall, March 10. A live recorded performance from the Royal Opera House. Doors open 6.30pm.

Sounding Out Grassington: Two days of creative workshops for young instrumentalists and singers aged 10-18. Afro-Cuban workshops for young musicians of all abilities this March. Led by Kishon Khan and Justin Thurgur. At the Grassington Town Hall on March 12 and 13. Tickets £5.

23 Walks: - Directed by Paul Morrison, a heart-warming comedy drama about finding love later in life. Saturday March 19, 7:30pm. Tickets £5 available from Grassington Hub.


200 Club: The winners of this months Institute 200 Club Draw are: 1st: Heather Leak - No 18; 2nd: Tony & Jackie Clarkson - No 3; 3rd: Barbara Thwaite - No 63.

North Craven Flower Club: Meets tonight in the Institute/Village Hall at 7.30pm. Guest demonstrator will be Don Billington with a demonstration entitled ‘A Funny Thing Happened’ For more information - 01729 840331.

Coffee morning: This coming Saturday morning from 10am in the Institute/Village Hall hosted by St Aidan’s Church. All welcome. Event includes a raffle.

Wesley Centre: The service on Sunday will be from 2pm. Helitots will meet on Tuesday March 15 at 9.30am. The groups will be hosting a coffee Morning on Saturday March 19 at 10am in the Institute/Village Hall. The Helibabies group will also meet on Tuesday March 15 at 1.30pm. The Strong and Steady Group will meet on Monday March 14 at 3 pm. The Community Pantry will be held on Friday from 2 till 3pm.

For details on any activities at the Wesley Centre contact Pauline Wright on 07931 511752. Congratulations go to Pauline who has been awarded winner of the Volunteer of the Year Award.

Singing: The singing Group ‘HeliSingers’ is to hold practises on Friday mornings in the Yorke Room of the Institute/Village Hall at 9.30am. Dates going forward are the March 11 and 25.

Kettlebells: The Kettlebells Exercise Group meets on Wednesday evenings in the main hall of the Institute/Village Hall at 7.30 to 8.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191.

Messy Monkeys: The group will meet this coming Sunday afternoon in the Institute/Village Hall from 3pm.

WI: The next meeting of the WI will be Thursday, March 17. Contact Judith for details 01729 851031.

Craft Day: There will be a Krisbendale Craft Day in the Institute/Village Hall on Wednesday March 16 from 10am till 4pm. For details contact Lynn Nolan on 01524 251599.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Church news: There will be no service in St. Oswalds church on Sunday. A service of Holy Communion will be held at St. Peter`s church in Stainforth at 10.30am and a service of Evening Prayer will be held at 3.p.m in St, John`s church at Langcliffe.

Walk: The Churches Together and the Craven Conservation Groups first of the month walk seemed to come around quickly. Members met at Helwith Bridge car park and walked to Foredale Farm and the Swarth Moor SSSI (site of special scientific interest) and on to Dry Rig Quarry, then back to the Helwith Bridge Inn , a walk of around three hours with some stops in between.The SSSI at Helwith Bridge includes the restoration of peat bunds for re-wetting the raised mire and new ponds for great crested newts and butterflies, a viewing platform and interpretation panels. The area is ‘a national priority habitat which is very rare in the national park and uncommon elsewhere’ . In times past locals cut peat in summer, left it to dry and stored it for fuel in the winter. Members heard the sounds of the first curlews along with jackdaws and other birds.

Marmalade Festival: The annual Marmalade festival will be held in St Oswald’s church next weekend on the afternoons of March 19 and 20. There will undoubtedly be lots of marmalade to purchase and arrangements are in place for the children to make posies.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. Morning Worship for the second Sunday of Lent on Sunday March 13 is at 11am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday March 13 we have a service of Holy Communion at 10am. All are welcome, including children, and coffee is served after the service. St Michael’s is open every day of the year from 9am to dusk for visitors. Looking ahead, we will be celebrating Mothering Sunday on Sunday, March 27 at the 10am Communion Service.

Cameo Club: Monday March 14, 2pm-4pm, Kirkby Malham Parish Hall. Revd Sue will speak about her role in our community and share an insight into life at the ‘Cathedral of the Dales.’ Everyone welcome, £5 per person, includes a cuppa, cake, and sandwiches.

Bygone Malhamdale: an exhibition by Malhamdale Local History Group, Saturday and Sunday April 2 and 3, 10am to 4pm, Kirkby Malham Parish Hall, free entry.

Malhamdale Environmental Group: regular tree planting days, woodland maintenance, and promotion of ‘Bee Together’, a YDMT project designed to encourage pollinator-friendly planting and a bee-friendly corridor between Leeds and Lancaster. We also promote energy saving ideas. Want to get involved? Please email

Long Preston

Playgroup and Preschool: Thank you to all who donated to the recent Bag2School collection. We raised a total of £104.

Church news: St Mary’s Church services this Sunday, March 13 at 11am, will be Morning Worship with Canon Ian Greenhalgh. Everyone welcome. The service at the Methodist Church on Sunday, March 13 will be with Rev Tracey Darling at 11am. Everyone welcome.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards. Pilates is from 2.45pm - 3.30pm. £5 per session.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Parish Council: There is a meeting in the village hall tonight (Thursday 10th) to discuss the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations at 7pm. Please come along and share your ideas.


Cricket Club: Settle Cricket Club will hold its AGM on Monday, March 14 at 7.30pm in the club house, Marshfield.

Swimming Pool 200: The Settle Area Swimming pool 200 club draw took place at Settle DIY at Ashfield and was drawn by Dave Holse. 1st prize no 62 Shannon Staveley £50; 2nd prize no 178 Tony Ingram £30; 3rd prize no 125 Barry Taylor £20. Winners have been notified.

Craven Conservation Group: Ferns; their identification and conservation by Alison Evans. 7.30pm on Thursday, March 17 at St John’s Methodist Church, Church St. Entrance: non-members £5 members £1.

World Day of Prayer: Forty people attended the service at St John’s Methodist Church on March 4. The service was written by the women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Judith Allinson from Churches Together in Settle and District said “Participants were each given a packet of wildflower seeds to take home and plant for the butterflies. I will be interested to hear about people’s results.”


Skipton Retired Men’s Forum: The group will meet on Tuesday, March 15 at the Soroptomists’ Rooms, Otley Street at 10am. The speaker, Veronica Bird OBE, will tell the story From Prison to Palace. New members welcome.

Church news: Holy Trinity, Skipton Sunday, March

13, 9.45am Family Communion with Children’s Club. Wednesday, March 16, 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP). 12noon Midday Prayer.

St Augustine - Sunday, March 13, 9.30am Morning Prayer.

Both our café and shop are now open. The usual opening hours of the café and shop at Holy Trinity will be 10am-2pm Wednesday to Saturday.

For more information about any of our services please contact or phone us on 01756 793622.

Christ Church - Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Say Aphasia: Say Aphasia Skipton meets on Friday, March 18 at The Hub, Skipton Town Hall at 11am. Come and meet others with aphasia over a coffee. Anyone with aphasia is welcome. Free, just a small donation towards refreshments.


History Society: Skipton & Craven History Society will be meeting on Thursday, March 10 at the Swadford Street Centre at 7.30 pm to hear a talk by Dr Chris Skidmore on ‘How to save a Quaker Meeting House’. This will be open to existing Society members and prior registration will not be necessary.

Soroptimists coffee: Soroptimist International of Skipton in Craven is holding a coffee morning with home made scones, a cake stall, raffle, in the Soroptimist Rooms, Otley Street, Skipton, on Saturday March 12 from 10am.

Craven Speakers’ Club: The next meeting is on Monday March 14 at 7.30pm at The Soroptimists Rooms, 28 Otley Street, Skipton. This club is for ordinary people and helps you learn tips and skills. The club is also interested in providing a team of four people to visit other organisations of clubs, to show how a meeting is run.

Police survey: Skipton Neighbourhood Policing Team has launched a survey to obtain the views and experiences from residents of the Broughton Road community. We really would encourage our residents to take a few minutes to complete the survey. Our work to deliver our key strategic priorities is shaped by the needs and concerns of our communities and we always welcome feedback on how we’re doing. It’s also a great opportunity for us to highlight our local neighbourhood policing teams which are made up of officers and PCSOs - often working with partner agencies and residents themselves - to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour and enhance quality of life for those who live, work and visit here.

This survey is completely anonymous and no personally identifiable information will be requested. All responses will be held in the strictest confidence. It is estimated that it will take less than 5 minutes to complete. The survey will be live from March 18, and closes on May 1.


Flower Club: At their first AGM for two years, two long-standing committee members of Steeton Flower Club offered to keep the club going for the next 12 months. An excellent programme has been arranged and it is hoped that later in the year some more permanent arrangements can be made. Two years later than originally planned, to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the National Association of Flower Arranging Societies, the March meeting is a lunch at the Rendezvous Hotel, followed by a demonstration by national demonstrator Andrew Grisewood entitled ‘The NAFAS Diamond and Me’.

Thornton in Lonsdale

Jumble Sale: St Oswald’s church fundraising jumble sale at Ingleton Community Centre on Saturday, March 12 at 2pm. All donations welcomed on the day. St Oswald’s church is preparing for Easter during Lent with a series of guest preachers. All Welcomed. The church is supporting the Ukranian relief fund and prayers.