A SILSDEN woman is helping a national charity launch a campaign to end the suffering of those at risk of devastating fractures caused by osteoporosis.

Royal Osteoporosis Society says it is calling time on the postcode lottery for Fracture Liaison Services to end widespread inequality around treatment and care.

Osteoporosis causes bones to lose strength and break more easily affecting around 3.5 million people in the UK.

Included in the areas which are disadvantaged by the postcode lottery for quality osteoporosis treatment is Christine Sharp, from Silsden.

Christine, 67, has suffered from 13 spinal fractures, which could have been prevented had she had access to an FLS. She said: "I’ve lived with osteoporosis now for 20 years and it has impacted my life in every way. To date I’ve suffered 13 spinal fractures and a broken rib last year just by bumping into a chair. When winter comes, I’m terrified of stepping outside when the ground is icy for fear of falling or slipping. I’ve been known to be completely housebound for up to ten days during these conditions.

“It’s a sad thing, but I really do believe that if the fracture I suffered in my spine had been spotted earlier than it was, I would have been spared a great deal of pain and suffering. As a result of this, I suffered more fractures in my spine - which were both devastating and life changing. Believe me when I say, living with these fractures is a nightmare that never goes away.

FLS’ need to be available to everyone over the age of 50 who breaks a bone due to osteoporosis, in order for them to be treated appropriately to help prevent further fractures. One in two women and one in five men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.."

Craig Jones, Chief Executive of the Royal Osteoporosis Society said: “Even before the pandemic, two-thirds of people were missing out on the treatment they need. This is causing unnecessary pain, disability and loss of independence – much of which is preventable. We must call time on the vast inequalities in osteoporosis healthcare facing tens of thousands of people across England and Wales."

As part of the national campaign the ROS has launched a petition calling for 100 per cent access to FLS across the UK. If 10,000 signatures are reached the Government must formally respond. You can sign the petition at: https://bit.ly/3KY2utp