WITH some notable exceptions, if the Tory Party was a person with an ounce of integrity and moral fibre by now they would have crawled into a ditch and died of shame for not having given that blackguard, rapscallion and poltroon, illegal Prime Minister Johnson, the boot for not immediately resigning after being proved to have misled Parliament, the biggest crime in British democracy.

Any Tory MP who continues to back the proven liar, to any decent person is as bad as him and should hang their heads in shame.

In one notable incident in the past, Johnson - have you notice how he smirks when he is lying? - was sacked from the Tory Shadow Cabinet by leader Michael Howard for swearing blind he was not having an extra-marital affair when of course he was.

Will Johnson have to be dragged kicking and screaming from No10 or will other action achieve his removal? How about going back to the good old days of officers and gentlemen when a person such as Johnson would be blackballed in decent society and horsewhipped out of town.

J Horne
