
Church news: The churches of Austwick, Eldroth, Clapham and Keasden offer a range of regular Sunday services. Sunday 12th June 9.30 Austwick Holy Communion; 11.00 Keasden Holy Communion.

Austwick WI: The May meeting was members’ night. Pat Broadhead organised an entertaining evening of wine tasting by Karol Ann Hewgill of Lekker Wines which was enjoyed by all.The next meeting on June 9th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall will be a talk about Essential Oils by Clare Douglas.

Village Show: Saturday 6th August in Austwick Village Hall from 2.00pm. The show schedule is featured in the May-September Newsletter and on the village website

Parish Newsletter: This has been circulated throughout the village and has been posted on the village website.

Film Nights: Once again the film nights in Austwick Parish Hall recommence on Friday 9th September doors open at 7.00pm for performances commencing at 7.30pm. Ticket sales at Cross Leigh Store and on the door. Film features will be advertised near the time, however dates in your diary:14th October, 11th November, 9th December, 13th January 2023, 10th February, 10th March

Street Market & Cuckoo Festival: The weather was great and the support first class. So a huge thank you to all concerned in raising funds for local charities and our Parish Hall & Playing Fields.

History Society: On Wednesday 15 June, at 7.30pm in Austwick Parish Hall, Austwick Field and Local History Society are pleased to welcome Erica Sarney presenting an illustrated talk on “Improving habitat for Pollinators-a community initiative”.  All are welcome and the cost is £3 per person (cash only please) at the door. Free refreshments will also be available.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. It is one of the crowning glories of the Church calendar when we can say, like the Seraphim, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts’. Although the Trinity is sometimes hard to understand, it makes perfect sense in the light of the last few weeks. We celebrated the Ascension of our Lord on Ascension Day followed by the Feast of Pentecost last week where the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Jerusalem. We can now clearly see Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As such we are all called to live the life of mutual love that the Trinity represents.


Jubilee weekend: What a fantastic weekend in Burnsall. The events started on Friday with a packed village hall for the Parish Tea. Alan Stockdale welcomed people from Hartlington, Thorpe and Burnsall and said grace. Mike Fitton led a fun Jubilee Quiz and a hearty sing-a-long was fronted by Penny Hart-Woods. Ed Williams gave the Loyal Address and the afternoon finished with patriotic songs, the National Anthem and a rousing 3 Cheers for her Majesty.

There were two services on Sunday with the Evening Prayer being the main celebration. On Sunday afternoon there was the Annual Charities Day which had been timed this year to coincide with the Jubilee. Despite the poor weather it was a superb afternoon. There were a few visitors but it was a truly local event with the children enthusiastically joining in the variety of races organised by Wendy Gibson. There was also a very good entry into the Pet Show. A thousand ducks took part in the Classic Burnsall Duck Race in a fairly fast-moving river. The winning Duck Owner was Pam Thompson. Over £1,300 was raised for Church Funds.


Church news: On Sunday, June 12th there is no service at All Saints’ Church. There will be a United service for Trinity Sunday at 10.30am, at St Peter’s Methodist Church, Riley Street, Earby.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Knit & Natter: Tuesday (14th), 1.30 to 3.00pm, at Farnhill Institute. Come along with your knitting, crochet or stitching, or just to have a chat – all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (12th), starting at 9.30am. On the weekend of 17th to 19th the church will be holding a Flower Festival. For further details, see the parish magazine, “The Pinnacle”, which is available online from the KCB Parish website. The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and “improvers” will continue at Farnhill Institute on Monday (13th) – starting at 5pm, 6pm and 7:30pm. Numbers are limited, so please contact or ring 07549 199670 to book a place.

Local History Group Talk: Next Thursday (16th) historian David Turner will give a talk on Rev. Pering, the vicar of Kildwick and his journey to the Lake District in 1808. This event will be free (donations welcome) and open to all.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along on Saturdays between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumbs” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Located in a field near the tow-path in Kildwick, just beyond the Priest Bank Road bridge.


Platinum Jubilee: Celebrations went really well at the Village Hall last weekend kicking off with a Royal Coffee morning on the Friday. Tim Clarke the Sax man played some iconic tunes whilst everyone enjoyed the delicious array of homemade cakes. We are indeed blessed to have such talented musicians in our area as Andy Wiseman then came along to entertain an enthusiastic audience on the Sunday. Vocalist Andy, sang a selection of popular songs from the past seventy years. Homemade afternoon tea was served in the interval. Everyone stood and joined in for a rousing rendition of God save the Queen at the end of the afternoons performance. Grateful thanks are extended to everyone who worked so hard to make the events possible.The Hall has looked splendid with its patriotic bunting and floral arrangements and these will remain in place by request for the Picnic supper dance which will be held on Friday evening. Live music will be provided by Alan Cookson. The event commences at 7.p.m until 11.p.m. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be served in the interval. Admission is £6.00 on the door. A raffle will aid Hall


Village Hall Management Committee: Will be holding a Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday in the Village Hall. There will be lots of stalls selling a great variety of both affordable and unique items; Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Jewellery, Jigsaws, small furniture and Crafts. Light refreshments will be served until 3.p.m. Admission is just 50p or by donation. Due to private bookings the Management Committee will not be holding a Fair in July, their next one will be on August Bank Holiday Monday. Broadway Fairs will be holding a Flea Market on the 3rd July.

Church news: A Prayer book Communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8.a.m. A Sung Eucharist will be held at 11.a.m.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. After all the excitement of the Jubilee weekend, services return to their usual times on Sunday, 12th. There is a service of Holy Communion at 8am and then Morning Worship at 9.30am. This is Trinity Sunday so we send particular greetings to the church family at Holy Trinity, Rathmell.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: Downton Abbey A New Era (12A). Julian Fellowes’ new big-screen costume drama sees the Crawley clan take on the French Riviera. Sunday 12 June 2pm and 6pm. Advance tickets from are £9.


Octagon Theatre: Come along and enjoy an entertaining evening listening to live performances of original music and writings produced by local contributors as part of the Presenting the Past Project. Friday 10th June at 7.30pm. UWALS Members £8 non members £10 Phone 01756 770051 or email Ticket includes wine and Yorkshire cheeses.

YDNP Walk: Grassington Hospital Meadows to Hebden - Meet at Grassington National Park Centre at 11.00am for a guided walk to Hebden through Grassington Hospital Meadows and returning back along the river. The walk is 4.5 miles and will take around 3 hours including a lunch stop. Please bring a packed lunch. This is a walk on good, level paths with some steep stiles. Although this is a free event, please still book a ticket as places are limited. Sorry no dogs. Saturday 25th June 2022. Tickets available online or in the Hub 01756 752222.


Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch at the centre today from 12.00 noon and next Thursday at the same time. The Community Pantry will be held between 2 and 3 pm tomorrow. Helikids group will be from 10.30am to 12.00 noon on Sunday. The Sunday service will be from 2.00pm. The Strong and Steady Class will be held from 3 to 4 pm on Monday. Helitots group will be held on Tuesday from 9.30 to 11 am.

Contact Pauline on 07931 511652 for more details on Wesley Centre activities.

Messy Church: The Messy Church children’s group will be held this Sunday in the Institute from

Hellifield House: Bingo will be held this Sunday evening at Hellifield House from 6.30pm. The next Quizgo event will be Wednesday the 15th June from 8.15 pm.

Women’s Institute: The next meeting of the W.I. will be Thursday the 16th June from 7.15pm in the Institute. This will be a Jacob’s Join at 7.15pm with entertainment based on the 1950’s. Fancy Dress and hats are welcome.

Messy Monkeys: Amanda Belt on 07398 284126 is the contact for this children’s activity group which is held in the Institute on Wednesdays from 10.30am in term time.

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise class is held Wednesday evenings in the Institute from 7.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191 for details.

Beer Festival: The Hellifield Beer Festival will be held on Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th of June from 12 noon to 11 pm both days. Entrance is £6.00 which includes a programme and a commemorative glass plus your first two drink tokens. By retaining your glass and programme you can revisit over the two day event with no extra charge. Further drinks tokens are £7.00 for a strip of 4 tokens - representing great value at £1.75p per half pint. Whilst cash is preferred, card payments will be accepted. Food is available over the 2 day event provided by Hellifield Sports F.C. Funds raised from the event are used to support local organisations and groups.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Church news: Many thanks to everyone for baking, making and buying for St Oswald’s first afternoon tea sale of the year which was held recently at Langcliffe Institute. Approximately £555 was raised including doorstep sales. Holidaymakers and ramblers enjoyed the homemade cakes too.Thanks also to all who put out the tables and chairs and collected them in again.

The Churches Together ‘first of the month’ walk was to the wild flowers in Selside as they are at their best in June. The first part of the evening was to Colt Park quarry where the limestone rocks are now home to flowers and mosses. The globeflowers on the lower slopes of Ingleborough looked splendid.

Some members of St.Oswalds church undertook the walk up Ingleborough to see the Jubilee beacon being lit on Thursday evening. The beacon was a gas burner rather than a bonfire but it gave out a terrific flame and heat. Showers kept coming and going but other beacons could be seen in Silverdale, Lunesdale, Wensleydale and Wharfedale.

There will be no service at St. Oswalds church on Sunday but there will be a service of Holy Communion at Stainforth at 10.30.a.m and a service of evening prayer at Langliffe church at 6.p.m.


Jubilee Celebrations: Ingleton village held a full four-day weekend of events to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee organised by the Platinum Jubilee Committee supported by Ingleton Parish Council and Ingleton Rural Community Association.

On Friday June 2 residents and visitors came together to watch Trooping the Colour on the big screen in the Community Centre. Refreshments were served by the Jubilee Committee and started off the weekend of celebrations and events.

A relay team prepared to take the torch up Ingleborough, this torch was lit by Marjorie Todd. Marjorie’s husband Roger had run up Ingleborough as part of the relay team in 1953 when he was 15 years old, carrying this same torch.

Other groups including adults and children led a torchlight procession around the village .

The beacon on the field was lit by Beryl Morphet and Beryl Brown, both ladies had also lit the beacon at the Queens Diamond Jubilee. At the same time Cllr. John Metcalf lit the beacon on top of Ingleborough.

On Saturday 4 June a fancy-dress parade travelled around the village led by members of Ingleton scout groups and the chairman of the Jubilee planning group.

On Sunday 5 June a combined church service was held in St Mary’s churchyard. The service was led by the vicar of St Marys the Revd. Nick Trenholme and Revd. Tim Broughton from Ingleton Methodist Church.

St. Mary’s Church held a Flower Festival ‘A Portrait of the Queen’ over the weekend.


Church news: On Sunday June 12th there is no service at St Mary’s Church. There will be a United service for Trinity Sunday at 10.30am, at St Peter’s Methodist Church, Riley Street, Earby.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 12th June we have a service of Holy Communion at 10am. Revd Sue McWhinney will be taking the service. Children are welcome at all our services, and we welcome people of all denominations and none, those who are church regulars and those who are ‘just looking.’ We also welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; please see our website St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.

Local History Group: ‘Respectable Rebels’ a talk by Harold Hoggarth on Thursday 16th June, 7.30pm in Kirkby Malham Parish Hall. Harold will speak about three “rebels” with connections to Earby, Barnoldswick and Harrogate; Katherine Glasier, Selena Cooper, and Ethel Snowdon. All were active campaigners for women’s suffrage (not suffragettes) and led fascinating lives. Non-members are welcome, £3 admission, and more information is available from


Jubilee picnic: The residents of Langcliffe held a picnic on the village green in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee on Sat 4 June from midday to 4.30pm

The sun eventually came out. It was a good way of getting to know more people in the village.

Open Gardens: Over the weekend of 18th and 19th June, a number of very varied gardens will be open to the public from 10.00am – 5.00pm on both days in Langcliffe village. Tickets and maps will be available, cost £5 per adult, from the Church.

Long Preston

Church News: St Mary’s service this Sunday 12th June with Rev James Ridley will be Holy Communion at 11am. Everyone welcome. Methodist church service on Sunday 12th June will be a Special 40th Anniversary Remembrance Service. Commemorating “liberation day” of the Falkland Island on 14th June 1982. The preacher will be Bill Murfit. These begin at the war memorial at 10.50am.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards. Craft therapy is on Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm.

Nordic Walking Group: Meets every Wednesday 2.30pm from Long Preston Methodist Chapel car park. These fitness classes/walks last 1 hour and cost £5

Pilates: In the village hall every Tuesday. 2.45pm - 3.30pm £5 per session.


Open Farm: There will be something to interest all the family plus refreshments to enjoy at Cappelside Farm, Rathmell on ‘Open Farm Sunday’ - 12 June from 10am till 4pm. All proceeds to Holy Trinity church, Rathmell.


Climate Emergency: Action on Climate Emergency Settle and Area will be holding their June ‘Green Cafe’ on 11th June (10.30-12 Noon) at Settle Parish Church Hall featuring a ‘carbon tariff’ to illustrate how carbon intensive (or not) certain items are - this will be awareness raising rather than meant to be guilt tripping, so do come along! You can also comment on our suggested ideas for more local renewable energy.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. On Saturday 11 June Action Climate Emergency - ACE is hosting a ‘Green Cafe’ at Holy Ascension from 10.30am till 12noon. You’ll be able to check the carbon tariff of items on the menu and see their true cost of production. Do call in, have a cuppa and find out more. On Sunday 12 June Revd Paul Fisher will be the preacher at the 11am service of Holy Communion. Saturday 2nd July from 10am to 1pm - butties and cake, coffee and tea. All proceeds to Church Funds.

Settle Orchestra’s Summer Concert takes place at Holy Ascension on Saturday 18 June, 7.30pm. A varied programme with music by Saint-Saens, Verdi, Elgar, Cardonia and Haydn. Tickets £12 on the door.

Holy Ascension’s Catering Team, our friends and supporters are preparing for “Langcliffe Teas” at the Institute on Sunday 19 June. Any help with baking or on the day and any gifts of raffle prizes would be most appreciated. Please contact Margaret Roberts - 01729 822848.

Coffee morning: St John’s Methodist Church coffee morning. Wednesday, June 15, 10.30am to mid-day. Proceeds to Methodist Homes for the Aged. St John’s Methodist Church, will be running a series of 8 evenings starting 7.30pm Wednesday 15 June called “The Bible Course - Explore the Big Story” led by the minister Revd Tim Broughton.


Skipton with Stirton and Thorlby WI: At the May meeting the speaker was John Taylor, psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist. Members were informed that under hypnosis subjects will not do anything that they are uncomfortable with. John asked members if they would like to take part in a short relaxation session. This proved to be most interesting. This was followed by the business meeting which was attended by a group of very relaxed members! The next meeting is on 21st June at 7pm at the Soroptimist Rooms, Otley Street, Skipton. The speaker is Katie Daynes, author of children’s books. Visitors are most welcome.