
Church news: An experienced teacher and local mum has been appointed to the new and exciting post of children and family worker at St Peter’s Church in Addingham. Tamsin Carr is well known in the village as chairperson at preschool and organiser of the Rainbow Tot’s playgroup. A primary school teacher for 11 years, she moved to Addingham in 2014 and has been a member of St Peter’s Church since that time, along with her family. “I’ve always wanted more families to be involved in the church community”, says Tamsin. “I’m really looking forward to creating a child friendly offer and hope many new families come along and join in.” She is planning new ideas to go alongside the already successful Messy Church (which is supported by all the churches in Addingham) and says she’d love to hear from any family in the village about what they would like to see from St Peter’s. Tamsin adds, “Do get in touch, and watch out for news of family events with St. Peter’s.” Tamsin can be contacted on


Church news: The churches of Austwick, Eldroth, Clapham and Keasden offer a range of regular Sunday services to which you are always welcome.

For up to date details please see church noticeboards and and, or our Churches Weekly Newsletter freely available in church porches or online at:

If you would like to subscribe to a weekly email from me with links to the current material available from the churches, and other news please sign up here: You can read and listen to my Sunday talks on the village website

With love and prayers to you and yours,Revd John Davies, Vicar, 01524 805928,

Sunday 24th July 9:30 Austwick Holy Communion

Village Show: Saturday 6th August in Austwick Village Hall from 2.00pm. The show schedule is featured in the May-September Newsletter and on the village website and is available from Cross Leigh Store.

Parish Newsletter: This has been circulated throughout the village and has been posted on the village website.

Austwick Film Nights: Recommence on Friday 9th September doors open at 7.00pm for performances commencing at 7.30pm. Ticket sales at Cross Leigh Store and on the door.

Primary School: The Summer Fun Night on 15th July - We had a great night of food, drink, raffle, tombola, face painting, games, children's talent contest, Bake off competition and cake auction, and live music from Revival of the Fittest. All that hard work helped us raise £1522 for the school. Thank you to everyone that helped, baked, and all the members of the school and village community who came along.


Royal British Legion: The Barnoldswick & District branch of the Royal British Legion hold community support drop ins for serving or veteran military and their families on the first and third Wednesday of the month at McCulloughs in Barnoldswick and on the second and forth Wednesday of the month at Humble Pie in Earby. These take place at 10am till 11am. If you want some help this is where you can find us. Alternatively you can call us on our local number 07506 204870 or the National number 0808 802 8080.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This is the Sixth Sunday after Trinity and the focus this Sunday is on conflict. We are currently witnessing political conflict in this country and the unedifying spectacle of political rivals fighting amongst each other. The Bible reminds us this Sunday of the murderous potential of such rivalry with the story of Cain and Abel. However, the New Testament reminds us instead of the words of Christ who calls upon us to be reconciled with our instead. Differences are as old as time itself but we must continually try to be tolerant of others, however hard that might be. If we cannot be reconciled we must learn to disagree, respectfully. In our charged political world, this could not be a more timely message for us all.

Church news: For the streaming, weekly sheet, magazine and special services and events please look at our website


Duck Race: Buckden Duck Race - Sunday 24th July at Buckden Bridge. Quack-off - 3.00 p.m. Prizes: £30, £20: £10, £5 & Booby prize. Hook-a-duck stall. Legendary Buckden Gala Hot Dogs & other refreshments available. Ducks £1 each and available to purchase from the George Inn Hubberholme, the Buck Inn Buckden and Buckden Village Shop. Also available on the day. Come and enjoy the fun!


Mum on a Mission: Jade Lawler is coming to Skipton/Cononley to continue her MISSION2IMPACT vision of helping build and create healthier happier communities across the globe. It is her passion to help educate society to move forward living life healthier and longer. She will be in Cononley at the village hall on The 7th of August from 11am to 2pm share her mission through local business and offering Free Body Scans and Lifestyle Analysis’ along with tasters and free beginners exercise class just for fun. Come and find out about your fat percentage, muscle mass, body age and visceral fat. Personal review of your body scan numbers and a wellness evaluation. Tree tasters and free exercise class with Heather.


NEW2U: Throughout July, there is a clearance sale at NEW 2U.

It will be in the hall, and will comprise of general household items, bric a brac, etc, and all items will be priced at 20p to £1. There is also a comprehensive range of summer clothing and accessories for all, as well as the popular £1 rail. Based in St Andrew’s, Walton St, Opening times are: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2pm-4pm, and Saturdays, 10am-noon.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday July 24th, Communion is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Knit & Natter: The group will meet on Tuesday (26th), between 1.30pm and 3.30pm at Farnhill Institute. People are invited to come along with their knitting, crochet or stitching or just to have a chat - all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits served. £2.

Parish Council: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Institute next Thursday (28th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Gardening on the Peggy Wilson Field: People are invited to come along on Saturdays between 2pm and 4pm to help work on the School’s wildlife plot on the Peggy Wilson field (opposite the school). The aim is to support the School and get the garden bursting into bloom. Many tools will be available on site.

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumbs” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Located in a field near the tow-path in Kildwick, just beyond the Priest Bank Road bridge.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (24th), starting at 11.00am. The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm


Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on

Sunday at 8.a.m. A service of Morning worship will be held at 11.a.m.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. This week there are the regular services, of Holy Communion at 9.30am, in church, on Wednesday and Celtic Morning Prayer at 9.45am, by Zoom, on Thursday. Please contact Rev. Julie on for the Zoom link.

Services on Sunday 24th are Holy Communion (BCP) at 8.00am and Family Worship at 9.30am.

Mothers’ Union: Giggleswick with Settle members facilitate the final Stepping Stones session of the term, for parents/carers and children from 0 to 4, at Holy Ascension, Settle on Thursday from 10.00am.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: The Importance of Being Earnest (Friday 19 August). From the creators of the HandleBards comes a new twist on a classic as the first of two outdoor picnic shows this summer. The Pirates of Penzance (Monday 29 August) Award winning outdoor theatre company Illyria present a restaging of Gilbert and Sullivan’s classic opera to mark their 30th anniversary. Various prices for both with tickets available from


Peace Group: On Saturday morning 23rd July the Grassington and District Peace Group is hosting a Coffee Morning at Church House, Main Street, Grassington, 10am to 12pm, in aid of local Refugee Support Groups in Skipton, Craven and Upper Wharfedale. Additional attractions include a raffle, tombola, plants and produce stalls.

Grassington Hub: Our doors are open 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm Monday to Friday and 9.30am-noon Saturdays. Our telephones are answered between 9am-5pm. Current services: library, home library, library select and collect service, library computers, Wood Lane car park permits, ticket sales for town hall and other events, photocopying/printing, advice and information, prescription delivery, NYLAF grants. Telephone: 01756 752222.

Cream Teas and Meet the Author: at The Stripey Badger - Matson Taylor is coming to The Stripey Badger on July 26 at 2.30pm to tell us all about his newest book in the life of Evie Epworth. Tickets for this event are £5 and include a scone with cream and jam and a cup of tea or coffee. Tickets can be bought in The Stripey Badger or on the website.

Upper Wharfedale Society Group: Tales that Timber – A display presentation showing how the story of upper Wharfedale buildings may be explored, using detective work in studying their timber. July 16 to July 31 at Long Ashes Park, Threshfield. Any time between 9am and 7.30pm. Free admission.

Summer Reading Challenge: Get ready for Gadgeteers, arrived at the Grassington Hub Community Library on Saturday, July 16. The Reading Agency are teaming up with the Science Museum Group for a very special science-themed challenge that will inspire children to use their imagination and creativity. Gadgeteers will feature amazing books, awesome rewards, and plenty of ideas for cool experiments and activities to discover the science all around. The challenge will be brought to life by top children’s writer and illustrator Julian Beresford. Sign up for the challenge at Grassington Hub, where your child will be given a pack to keep a record of their reading. Read at least six library books and collect stickers and rewards. They will receive a certificate when they finish. It’s fun and totally free.


Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch today at the centre from 12 noon. The Community Pantry will be open tomorrow from 2 till 3 pm. The family all ages service will be at 2 pm on Sunday at the Chapel. The Strong and Steady Class will be held this coming Monday from 3 till 4 pm.

Hazy Days: The Hazy Dayz social session for tea, coffee and chat will be on Tuesday 26th July from 2 till 3.15 pm. Open to all.

Women's Institute: The W.I. will meet tonight in the Institute from 7.15 pm. The W.I. always welcomes new members and visitors. For details of membership and activities contact Judith Northin on 01729 851031.

Hellifield House: Bingo will be held this Sunday at Hellifield House from 6.30pm. The next Quiz Night will be on Wednesday the 27th July from 8.15 pm.

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise class is held on Wednesday evenings at the Institute from 7.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191.

Horton in Ribblesdale

Mothers' Union: A garden Prayer walk was held recently with members of the Mothers' Union. Prayers were used from `Pray and fast for the climate ` as well as Mothers Union material.

Church news: A service of Holy Communion with hymns will be held in St Oswalds church on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.


WI: On Monday 11th July Ingleborough WI members were entertained by Mike Armstrong, known as “Mike the Baker”. Mike who lives near Keighley travelled to Ingleton to give a wonderful practical demonstration, baking 6 different recipes for ‘summer baking’. Members were then treated to taste the finished items before ending the evening with doggy bags of goodies to take home. The WI’s next meeting is on Monday 8th. August when the speaker will be Mike Winstanley “ The Lune Valley, West Indies: Slavery, Sugar & Ships”. All visitors will be warmly welcomed.


Church news: St Mary's Church. On Sunday July 24th, Morning Worship is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 24th July we have a service of Holy Communion at 10am to which everyone is welcome. Coffee is served after the service. Children are welcome at all our services, and we welcome people of all denominations and none, those who are church regulars and those who are ‘just looking.’ We also welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; please see our website for more information or contact Revd Sue on with any enquiries. St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.


Play Area: Langcliffe Parish Council regrets that it cannot find the funding to pay for a replacement of the condemned slide. Although district councillors tried to help, they could not donate enough money to purchase anything with the necessary safety requirements. A discussion at the June meeting of the PC resulted in this appeal.

Can the village form a group of people who could form a Charitable Committee that could appeal for grants from outside agencies? The Parish Council is not a charity and cannot do this. Nearby villages have similar volunteer committees, who do a great job.

The Parish Council would pay for the annual ROSPA report and necessary maintenance.

Can you help? If you can please let the Parish Council know. Contact; The Clerk, Langcliffe Parish Council.

Long Preston

Church News: St Mary's service on Sunday 24th July will be Morning Prayer with Rev James Rodley at 11am. Everyone welcome. Methodist church service on Sunday 24th July will be with Rev. Tracey Darling at 11am.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards. Pilates class is in the village hall every Tuesday. 2.30pm- 3.30pm £5 per session.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Nordic walking: Group meets every Wednesday 2.30pm at Long Preston Methodist Chapel car park. These fitness classes/walks last 1 hour and cost £5

Long Preston Playgroup and Pre-School: A massive thank you to Kerry Foster and her support team who walked the Yorkshire Three Peaks in very warm conditions last Sunday. Kerry has raised over £1,200 for our funds.

Over 50s Coffee and Cake: This month's free coffee and cake afternoon is on Thursday 28th July in the village hall 1.30 - 3.30. Free raffle. Book and jigsaw exchange.


Graveyard Trails: Free, light-hearted entertainment for the whole family. The first one is 'High Society Scandal' with some characters who really made the headlines! Settle Church, on Monday 25 July at 7pm. To book phone 015242 51002, or email or in person at The Folly in Settle. Full details on Donations to local charities.

Perform your Poems: If you write poems and would like others to hear them, Settle Sessions Poetry in collaboration with The Folly in Victoria Street, Settle will provide the opportunity on 28th July. The event will last from 5.30 to 7.0 pm. Each poet can book a 5-minute slot in this Open Mic event for £3. To be in the audience costs £3.50. Payments can be made at the door. Refreshments are included in the price. To book a slot prospective performers should RSVP

The reading will be followed by a brief Group AGM. They are looking for a Treasurer and a Vice-Chair, and if you would be interested in filling one of these posts please email them and you will be contacted.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. For the first time in 2 years we welcome back, into church, staff and pupils of Settle Primary School on Thursday 21 July at 2pm. They will be celebrating the achievements of their Year 6 class who are moving on to 'pastures new' in September.

Cafe Church: Plenty of sunshine for our first al fresco meeting of the popular Cafe Church last Sunday. Gazebos and churchyard trees provided welcome shade. The 'worship band' were great. They certainly earned their ice creams playing in such heat. The message in the telling of the story of Jesus and the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes was reinforced by the delicious shared picnic. Next Cafe Church on Sunday 18 September.

Mothers' Union: Members from across the Ewecross and Bowland Deanery are hosting a Coffee Morning at Holy Ascension on Saturday 23 July from 10.30am 'til 12.30pm. All proceeds to Mothers' Union "Summer of Hope" appeal. There'll be displays of Mothers' Union projects and Mothers' Union cards on sale too. Do pop in for a cuppa and chat. We look forward to seeing you.

Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: St Oswald’s Church is holding a gift day to support the maintenance and up keep of this historic church on Saturday 23rd July from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Refreshments and a guided tour of the church to show the recent renovations and repairs costing £45,000.