UPPER Wharfedale School is celebrating 'amazing outcomes' as this year's GCSE results are announced.

“The outcomes achieved by Upper Wharfedale students this year are amazing,” said headteacher Andrew Taylor adding: “Both students and staff have coped remarkably well with the challenges of the pandemic and interruptions to normal school life, with many achieving way beyond their already high expectations.

"Although, like many schools, we were a little nervous about the impact of the changes to this year’s exams, the progress Year 11 has demonstrated is outstanding, with results overall surpassing those of the last two years, bucking the national trend.

“I am full of admiration for their hard work and commitment, and that of their teachers and support staff. Most importantly, all students have achieved the results necessary for their chosen destinations in September and I am certain that they will go onto even greater things.

“At Upper Wharfedale, we pride ourselves on a broad and balanced curriculum and I am delighted that the results in English, Maths and Science have continued to be very strong, but equally proud that the other subjects, including Technology and the Arts have also performed extremely well.”

Departing head student, James Neill, who achieved seven Grade 9s, said: "I am absolutely thrilled with my results. My time at Upper Wharfedale has been amazing and I would like to thank all of my teachers for their help and support, without which I could not have achieved what I have. I am looking forward to going to South Craven School to study maths, biology, history and geography at A-level.”

Izzy Willis, who plans to study geography, French and politics, also at South Craven School, said, “I am delighted with my grades and I did even better than I expected. I have loved Upper Wharfedale School and I am excited about starting my A-levels”

As well as South Craven, students have gained the grades required to access post-16 courses at Ermysted’s Grammar School, Skipton Girls’ High School, Askham Bryan College, Myerscough College, Ilkley Grammar School, Keighley College, Sedbergh School, Bishop Burton College and Leeds College.