PLASTICS in the countryside and finding an alternative to plastic tree guards will be the subject of a conference being organised by Clapham based charity Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT).

Bringing together an international panel of speakers and presentations, the event at Leeds City Museum on November 2 will feature news of alternative guard trials, look at best practice and discuss all aspects of woodland creation.

Plastics - Trees and Woodland will build on the work of the Forest Plastics Working Group (FPWG) and partners over the last three years. The group grew from an initiative led by YDMT, which organised a conference on plastic tree shelters in November 2019.

Mike Appleton from YDMT said: “We’re delighted to be able to bring a conference to Leeds that focused on the problem of plastic in tree planting. We have worked hard to collate sector-leading speakers as well as the latest scientific research and we’re sure it will be a great opportunity for all those involved in planting trees to gain more knowledge ahead of the planting season.

“The conference will also provide the opportunity for attendees to speak to industry leaders for advice and network with foresters, land managers, NGOs, and anyone interested in planting trees.”

The Forest Plastics Working Group’s aims are to advocate and facilitate good practice around use of plastic in forestry and waste compliance, research and share information on plastic packaging, tree shelter and guard alternatives to ensure adverse environmental impacts are reduced and promote the environmental benefits that result from forestry and forest management.

The group has broad support from across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and includes a comprehensive range of sector representatives, including the major Environmental NGOs: Woodland Trust and National Trust, forestry companies, the nurseries and the national parks.

To book a place at the conference email or visit: