
Wednesday Club: The new season of meetings for the ladies of Addingham Wednesday Club will begin on 19 October with a lively and varied programme of events which goes through until May 2023. The speaker at the first meeting will be Veronica Bird whose talk is entitled Prison to Palace. The meetings, with a speaker, take place in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel Street, on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, starting at 7.30 pm, when for £4 visitors can also expect a warm welcome and refreshments. Past and new members are very welcome to join us. Further information is available from Pauline, tel: 01943 830548 or Margaret tel: 01943 830935.


Austwick Field and Local History Society: ‘Understanding Old Buildings and How To Look After Them’, an illustrated talk by James Innerdale at Austwick Parish Hall, on Wednesday 19th October, starting at 7:30pm. Admission for guests is £3 or free for Society members who have subscribed for the 2022/3 season. Light refreshments will be available (donations, please).

Church news: Sunday 16th October 9:30 Austwick Holy Communion; 11:00 Clapham Holy Communion; 6:30 Eldroth Evening Prayer

Austwick WI: Representatives from the Cave Rescue Organisation, based in Clapham, gave an illustrated talk about their work at the September meeting. The next meeting on Thursday October 13th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall will be the AGM followed by light refreshments.

Film Night: Next Presentation Friday 14th October -Belfast doors open at 7.00pm for performances commencing at 7.30pm. Ticket sales at Cross Leigh Store and on the door.

Austwick WI: Coffee & Cakes & Crafts – Saturday 15th October in Austwick Parish Hall 10.30am-12.30pm – Raffle – Free Entry Donations welcome and all in aid of the local foodbank.

Parish Council: The next meeting will take place on Monday 17th October 2022 at 7.30 pm at Austwick Parish Hall. Time is given at the start of the meeting for electors to ask questions or make statements that relate to the work of the Council. The notice and agenda for this meeting is posted on the Parish notice boards and on the Parish Council website at The hall will be well ventilated and the chairs spaced a reasonable distance apart.

Wine Tasting & Fun Night: Friday 28th October 7.30pm- 9.0pm in Austwick Parigh Hall. Tickets available from Cross Leigh Store - £20pp – Wine Tasting, Bingo Games Prizes Raffle and Cornvale Fine Foods Christmas Preview.

Parish Newsletter: September December is now available and being circulated in the village and on the village website.

Bolton Abbey

Museum of the Moon: Luke Jerram’s ‘Museum of the Moon’ is a spectacular art and surround sound installation which will visit the Priory Church at Bolton Abbey between 11th – 31st October. The exhibit, seven metres in diameter, shows our moon in fascinating and accurate detail, suspended within the spectacular surroundings of this iconic building, the last remaining place of worship within the ruins of the C12th Augustinian Priory.

History lovers will love that the installation plays a nod to the saviour of the Church, Prior Moone who negotiated with Cromwell to secure the nave of the Priory for the worship of the local community, a legacy which remains to this day.

The moon features 120dpi detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface. At an approximate scale of 1:500,000, each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 5km of the moon’s surface.

This is a ticketed event allowing guests to see the moon like never before and promises to be most atmospheric in the autumnal surroundings of this ancient priory. The moonlit illumination of the lunar landscape will be accompanied by BAFTA and Ivor Novello award winning composer, Dan Jones. Pre-booking is essential as numbers are limited.

Rector’s message: For the next three weeks we have stepped outside of the liturgical season as we are hosting the Museum of the Moon at Bolton Priory. Nearly nine hundred years ago, Augustinian Monks began to build Bolton Priory in the Yorkshire Dales. Throughout that time, the Priory has stood under the sun, the moon and the stars but, so often, we forget to look up to the heavens. The Psalmist said that ‘the Heavens declare the glory of God’ and, for the next three weeks, I simply invite you to look up and see the heavens suspended from the roof of the Priory. Let your mind and imagination do the rest as you consider your Creator and the ‘wondrous works he has performed’. To visit the exhibition please go to the Bolton Abbey website.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: on Sunday 16th October there will be a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm, a lovely reflective service with hymns to which all are welcome. Services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong).


Friends of Cononley Station: Friends of Cononley Station (FOCS) would like to thank sincerely the organisers of the “Make It, Bake It, Grow It” show held in the village institute both for such a wonderful show and for the generous donation towards the upkeep of Cononley Station garden and tubs. FOCS hopes that when any of you villagers walk past the station you look at the garden and it brightens your day.


Coffee Morning: Thankyou very much to all those who supported the recent St Andrew's Macmillan Coffee Morning in any way.

£143-71p has been forwarded to this good cause.

New2U: NEW 2U, has a wide selection of pictures on display, for sale during October.

These include local watercolours and various other genres. Also, a range of photo frames. Autumn is now in full swing in the shop, with a large range of new & as new clothes & accessories available. NEW 2U is supporting the National ‘Pink October’ Breast Awareness Campaign, by acting as a collection point for the village.

During the month of October, you can pop in during opening hours, & donate your unwanted/old bras. These will be forwarded to the campaign organisers at the end of the month. Thankyou in advance for your help with this Campaign. Refreshments available. Based in St. Andrew’s, Walton Street, Cowling, Opening times: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-4pm, Saturdays 10am-12noon.


Local History Society: Earby and District. Talk to be held on Tuesday October 18 from 7.30pm to 9pm in the New Road Community Centre, Earby. Dating and understanding your old photos by Stephen Gill. Admission £1 members and £1.50 non-members. For more information: or visit the society's archive room on Fridays 10am to 12pm in the community centre.

Church news: All Saints' Church. On Sunday October 16th, Communion is at 9.30am, led by John Lancaster.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Local History Group Talk: A meeting of the Farnhill and Kildwick Local History Group will take place this evening (Thursday 13th), in Farnhill Institute, starting at 7.00pm. Mike Latham (Cononley) and Dan Sudron (North Yorkshire County Archive) will discuss how to research the history of your house. This event will be free (cash donations welcome to help cover running costs) and open to all.

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and “improvers” will continue at Farnhill Institute on Monday (17th) – starting at 5pm, 6.15pm and 7.30pm. Numbers are limited, so please contact or ring 07549 199670 to book a place.

Church news: There will be a service of Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (16th), starting at 11.00am. The church will be open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm

Refreshments: The “Coffee & Crumbs” refreshment van is providing take-away hot drinks, cakes, etc. 9am to 3pm, Wednesday to Sunday. Located in a field near the tow-path in Kildwick, just beyond the Priest Bank Road bridge.


Picnic supper dance: This will be held in the Village Hall on Friday evening. Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live accordion music for dancing which commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. A raffle will aid Hall funds. Admission is £6.00 on the door.

Vintage and craft fair: Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be hosting a Collectable, Vintage and Craft Fair on Sunday. There are almost the maximum amount of stalls booked in and these will be selling Vintage, Collectables, Books, Jewellery, Bric a Brac, Jigsaws and Crafts. Unique items, affordable gifts and bargain buys will all be available. Light refreshments will be on sale until 3.p.m. The event opens at 10.a.m but please pop in sooner if it is more convenient to your days plans, most stalls are set up by 9.30.a.m. Admission is only 50p.

Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St.Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8.a.m. A family communion service will follow later in the morning at 11.a.m.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. On Sunday 16th there is a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am, led by Rev. Julie Clarkson, to which everyone will be warmly welcomed. Cafe Church is at Holy Ascension, Settle , at 3pm.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: Mrs Harris Goes To Paris (Sunday 6 November – 3pm). The story of a widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London who falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, and decides she must have one of her own. Various prices with tickets available from


Community and Arts Centre: Tribute Night. October's live music is a fantastic Neil Diamond tribute, 'Diamond Nights', on Saturday 22nd October. Doors and bar open 7pm, show 7.30pm. Tickets £15. Book online. The Christmas Fair will be held on Sunday 20 November, 10am-4pm. Free Entry, will stalls throughout the building and festive café open all day. Weekly What's On. We have about 30 different sessions running weekly, for all ages and interests. Dance, drama, fitness, wellbeing, art, cooking and social activities. For more details, visit our website or pick up a copy of our timetable. Contact or 01535 630 223.


Manorlands: Wharfedale Support Group for Manorlands Hospice raised a fantastic £1,100 at a coffee morning held at Church House, Grassington, on Saturday, October 1. Special thanks go to everyone who baked delicious cakes, gave donations and came along to support the hospice which is such a special place of peace and tranquility.


Wesley Centre: There is a Drop-In Lunch today at the centre from 12 noon. Also Thursday the 20th at the same time. The Community Pantry is open tomorrow between 2 and 3 pm. Sundays service at the Chapel are from 2 pm. The Welcome Mat group meets on Monday the 17th between 1.30 and 4 pm. Helitots group will meet on Tuesday 18th from 9.30 - 11 am. Helibabies will meet the same day from 1.30 to 2.30pm.

North Craven Flower Club: The Flower Club meets tonight in the Institute from 7.30pm. The guest demonstrator is John Thexton with a demonstration entitled 'Absolutely Fabulous'. Visitors are always welcome. The second Thursday of November (10th) is the usual date of the Open Meeting, which is a ticket only meeting in Gargrave Village Hall. Tickets are available from Jean Kayley on 01729 840303 at £12.50. This years demonstrator is Mark Entwistle with his demonstration entitled 'All I Want for Christmas'.

Book Group: The Book Group will be held tonight from 7.30pm.

Coffee morning: There will be a Coffee Morning this Saturday in the Institute to support Ukrainians staying in the UK. From 10.00am. All Welcome.

200 Club: The winners of the Institute 200 Club for October are: No 101 Andrew Crabtree. £10; No 53 Mary Kennedy £15;No 166 Ron Gallager £25.

Village Walk: The Village Walk Group meets this Sunday at 12 noon in the Village Car Park. All welcome to join the group. Children accompanied welcome. All dogs must be on leads. Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing and bring a drink.

Bingo: Bingo will be held this coming Sunday at Hellifield House from 6.30pm. Quiz night is Wednesday 19th from 8.15pm. All welcome.

Women's Institute: The next W.I. meeting will be on Thursday the 20th October in the Institute from 7.15pm

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6.00pm in the Village Institute. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191.

Messy Monkeys: Children's activity group Messy Monkeys meets in the Village Institute in term time on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.


Church news: A huge thanks is extended to Margaret Barker of St Oswald’s church for stirring everyone up to present the recent harvest weekends exhibition - Celebrating Our Community. The sum of £1070 was raised for church funds and both the young and old brought items for display from wedding gowns to lambing sticks, bales of hay, quarried stone, photographs and flowers. The arrangements around the font and north window were stunning and autumnal wreaths were hung on every pillar. Get well wishes are extended to the stalwarts of the church who unfortunately came down with Covid and couldn’t take part. The fourteen strong Austwick Parish Choir sang harvest hymns at the service on the Sunday and with the congrgation added to that number there were sixty people at the service including five children. Everyone in attendance look forward to hearing this lovely choir again. Thanks are also extended to everyone for the harvest boxes which have been passed to Settle Pantry - the Foodbank.

A service for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St.John`s church at Langcliffe on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.

Coffee morning: The Macmillan coffee morning went well which was held recently in the Village Hall. Soup was also served at midday which was more than welcome for those people who had been tidying the churchyard in readiness for the Harvest weekend. Thanks are extended to Mark Humphrey for selling raffle tickets in the village and raising over £300 before the day and then Mark went on to deliver about twenty five prizes after the draw! A grand total of £730.00 was raised.


Church news: St Mary's Church. On Sunday October 16th, Communion is at 11.00am, led by John Lancaster.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 16th October at 10am we have a service of Holy Communion led by Revd Sue McWhinney. This will be followed by coffee, and visitors are especially welcome. All our services are suitable for children, and those less familiar with church. Looking ahead, we have a service of Holy Communion followed by a Baptism service on Sunday 23rd October at 10am. We welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; please see our website or contact Revd Sue on for more information. St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.

Malhamdale Local History Group: Thursday 20th October 7.30pm at Kirkby Malham Parish Hall. Dr Roger Martlew returns to speak about “Bronze Age Barrows and Breakthrough in Dales Archaeology” – further investigations into local sites. Non-members welcome, £3, includes tea/coffee. For any enquiries please contact Linda on

Long Preston

Little Footsteps: Baby and Toddler Club. Free Mum's, Dad's, Grandparents and Baby club is on Monday in the Methodist Church from 10am until 11.30am. Call in for a play, a brew and a chat. Contact Annette Metcalf on 01729 840096 for further details.

Church News: St Mary's service with Rev James Rodley on Sunday 16th October will be Holy Communion at 11am. The Service at the Methodist Church on Sunday 16th October will be with Mrs Jane Jolly at 11am.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Pilates: Tuesday in the village hall at 2.45pm - 3.30pm. Sessions are £5.

Church Mowers: We are having a bacon butty morning in the village hall on Saturday 15th October from 10am. There will also be a cake stall, tombola and raffle.

Playing Fields: We are very pleased to announce that the playing fields have now reopened.

Monster Mash: Fancy Dress Halloween Party will be held in the village hall on Sunday 30th October 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Tickets are available from the post office and are selling very quickly. We are putting a plea out for help on the day and also for donations from local businesses. There has been some great offers so far but more will be greatly accepted. Please contact Kerry on 07725 118511

Coffee and Cake: This month's coffee and cake afternoon is on Thursday 20th October in the village hall. Cone and join us for a brew and catch up from 1.30pm - 3.30pm.


Graveyard trail: Settle Graveyard Project finishes this season of popular trails with ‘Rags and Riches on a Rathmell Ramble’ on Monday 24th October at 2.30pm - a gentle, light hearted and entertaining potter round the village discovering the fortunes of its ancestors. It will start at the Rathmell Reading Room and finish at Rathmell Old School on Hesley Lane where refreshments will be provided. If you are arriving by car please use the village car park on the Main Street towards Settle. Places are limited so to book phone 015242 51002 (office hours), or email or in person at The Folly in Settle. Full details on Donations to local charities as usual.

Coffee Morning: A huge thank you to all those who supported the recent Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Reading Room. The event raised a fantastic £501.20. The next Reading Room event is a Cheese & Wine evening on Saturday 29th October, tickets £10, ring 01729823395.


Climate change talk and discussion: The World biodiversity and climate change crisis - Settle at the centre and what we can do about them. Talk and discussion led by Kate Jennings, policy officer for the RSPB. She will tell us about the Biodiversity COP15 and a variety of other upcoming nature and farming issues. There will also be a short talk on COP 26 and COP 27 by Dr Stephen Whitfield of Leeds University. He attended the 2021 Climate COP26 in Glasgow last year. There will also be a short period of discussion at the end when people can share and discuss what we can do locally. The event is at St John's Methodist Church, Settle, Thursday October 20 at 7.30pm.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Unfortunately the technical gremlins struck last Sunday so the plan to live stream the 11am service of Holy Communion on second Sundays, each month, did not go ahead. Hopefully the next live stream will be on the 2nd Sunday in December.

On 30th October (the nearest Sunday to All Souls Day) we will be holding a Memorial Service at Holy Ascension. At this service the names of all those known to us, who have died during the past 12 months, will be remembered. Their names will be read out and candles are lit. This is also an opportunity to name other loved ones who have died in the past. You may like to add the names of anyone whom you wish to be remembered in this way. Please add their details to the list at the back of church.

Churches Together in Settle and District are holding a special event on Friday 28 October to mark 'One World Week'. Dr Ute Kelly (Associate Professor in Peace Studies at Bradford University) is to be the guest speaker at St Mary's and St Michael's Catholic Church, Tillman Close, Settle. You are invited to a light supper at 6pm and afterwards can listen to Dr Ute Kelly's talk entitled "Exploring the Meaning of Peace in a Changing World". A timely topic in today's world. You are encouraged to "just bring your curiosity".

Next Sunday, 16 October, there are 2 services at Holy Ascension, neither of them Communion services. At 11am there's Morning Worship and at 3pm the monthly Café Church meets for another informal get together with 'live' music, chat around tables and Café style refreshments. Everyone is always assured of a warm welcome at Holy Ascension whatever the worship style.

Churches Together: The AGM for Churches Together in Settle and District is on Tuesday October 18 at the Friends Meeting House, at 7pm.

Theatre group: The Courthouse Kids Theatre invite you to come and see what the younger generation can do on stage in their production of Bugsy Malone at the Victoria Hall Settle Thursday October 27th to Saturday October 29th. Tickets on sale from the hall 10.00am to 2.00pm by phone or in person Monday to Friday 01729 825718 or

Settle Library: Short story competition 2022 is now open to all adults 18+ with a North Yorkshire library card.short stories on any subject, up to 2000 words. Winning prize is £100 and the winner and finalists will be published in a pamphlet. The closing date is 4 November at 11.59. The judge is writer Julia chapman.

Entry fee £2. For full rules on how to submit and pay online, please email Entries can be emailed to that address or handed into settle library with the fee.


Retired Men’s Forum: Skipton Retired Men’s Forum on Tuesday 18th October. Mr and Mrs Sharp and “Spellbound Productions” will show 4 films. Refreshments at 10:00 and film show at 10:30. New members will be warmly welcomed.


Silver Band: “Music, Majesty and Memories” - a concert to be given by the Slaidburn Silver Band in memory of our late Queen Elizabeth II, The programme will feature music from her 70 year reign and some of Her Majesty’s favourite items. The concert will take place at Newton in Bowland Village Hall on Sunday16th October, commencing at 2.30 pm. Admission is free with a retiring collection. For further details contact 01200 423855.

Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: St Oswald’s Church welcomes the following visiting vicars to take their 9.30am service during the Interregnum. . Sunday 16th October: Harvest Festival with Glynn Price and Elizabeth Cooper, Sunday 23rd October :Holy Communion with Timothy Fox. Sunday 30th October: In Loving Memory with Colin Blake. Sunday 6th November: Morning Prayer with Ian Greenhalgh. All Welcomed. Gifts for St Oswald’s Harvest Festival are requested to be packages or tins of food which are to be given to the food banks of Ingleton and Bentham after the service. There will be a chance to decorate the church for the harvest festival on Saturday 15th October at 10am. Please bring flowers and produce for the displays.