
Church news: Sunday 6th November 9:30 Eldroth Holy Communion; 11:00 Clapham Holy Communion; 6.30 Austwick All Souls Service.

Austwick WI: The AGM was held at the October meeting when the President thanked Ann Whitwell and Catherine Nicholls for their hard work as they retired from the committee and welcomed new members Margaret Barrington and Olivia Hawkins onto the committee. Angela Rogers was re-elected President and reports were given from the secretary and the treasurer. Light refreshments were served after the formal part of the meeting. The WI would like to thank everyone who supported the coffee, cakes and craft morning in aid of the local Food Bank. It was a tremendous effort and £725 was raised for this very worthy cause. The next meeting will be on Thursday November 10th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall and will be a talk by local author Julia Chapman

Austwick Film Night: Next Presentation Friday 11th November FATHER (12C) Academy Award Winner Staring Anthony Hopkins & Olivia Colman -Belfast doors open at 7.00pm for performances commencing at 7.30pm. Ticket sales at Cross Leigh Store and on the door.

Christmas Market: Saturday 12th November 2.00pm-5.00pm Austwick Parish Hall – Join us for mince pies and mulled wine and browse our selection of fabulous Christmas goodies

Lawkland YFC: Dominoes & Whist Night Tuesday 29th November – 7.00pm Austwick Parish Hall. Entry on door £3.00 - come and join in the fun, win prizes and support young farmers.

Parish Newsletter: September December is now available and on the village website: The Newletter has a wide variety of local information about social groups, now meeting after Covid19 stopped activities.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday we hear the well-known story of Jacob wrestling with the angel in the Book of Genesis. The angel wrestles with Jacob through the night and eventually dislocates his hip. It is only when Jacob is disabled in this manner that he is blessed by the angel. The memorable tale is a reminder to us all about our own battles with ourselves in this life. None of us want to let go of who we are and all the security we have created for ourselves in our lives. As a result, we wrap ourselves with financial, intellectual and social capital and cling to this as long as we possibly can. However, it is only when this is broken that we truly come to know God. This story reminds us that “out of weakness comes strength; out of powerlessness comes power, out of death comes resurrection, life. This is part of the radical witness that Jesus places before us.”


Church news: St. Mary’s Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.

Iron Horse CMC: Country singer songwriter Travis Logan makes a welcome return to the Iron Horse on November 12th at Carleton Social Club. A talented guitarist and singer Travis is always a popular artist with both dancers and listeners. Tickets are £7 and available on the door which opens at 7.15pm.

Christmas Flower Demonstration: Wednesday 30th November at 7pm at St. Mary’s Church, Carleton, by Chelsea Flower Show award winners Gina & Lynn of Blush Florists. Tickets £10 to include a glass of Mulled Wine. Tickets available from Blush Florists at Cross Hills and Carleton Village Shop. Raffle £1 per ticket for the chance to win one of the beautiful arrangements. All proceeds to church funds.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday November 6th, Communion for All Souls' Day is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Lantern Workshops: Lantern workshops are taking place at St Peter’s Methodist Church Earby on Saturdays, November 5 and 12. The workshops are free drop-in sessions and are running between 10a.m. and 4p.m. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Knit & Natter: Tuesday (8th), 1.30 to 3.00pm, at Farnhill Institute. Come along with your knitting, crochet or stitching, or just to have a chat – all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

Church news: There will a service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (6th), starting at 11.00am. The church is now open to visitors most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.

Scout Group Gang Show: 1st Kildwick & Farnhill Scout Group’s Gang Show is back after three years. This year is the Scout Group’s 79th Gang Show and will be performed in the Glusburn Institute on Friday 25th & Saturday 26th November 2022. Doors open 6.45pm Commence 7.15pm Ticket prices are Adults £8.50 Children £6. Family tickets are also available. Tickets can be purchased online via Please come and support our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders who take to the stage and be part of the longest running Group Gang Show in the country.


Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8.a.m. A breakfast will be served at 10.30.a.m followed by a family service at 11.a.m.

Murder Mystery: Back by popular demand! The one! The only! Murder-mystery evening with three course meal at St Andrew's Church on Saturday 19th November, from 6pm about 9pm. Weigh the evidence and guess the murderer in this drama set in the 1920s. Come in costume and you might win a prize! Enjoy a 3 course meal including a main course from Gargrave's own fish and chip shop and bring your own favourite drinks! Cost? Merely a donation to cover the cost of the food. Families are welcome. Pre- booking is essential so book your seats now by contacting Jennifer on 0789 765 7618.


Richard Whiteley Theatre: Mrs Harris Goes To Paris (Sunday 6 November – 3pm)

The story of a widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London who falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, and decides she must have one of her own. Various prices with tickets available from

Teatime Concert: Tuesday 8 November – 4pm. Join us for afternoon tea and music, raising funds for the Cave Rescue Organisation. Various options available from

Church news: St Alkelda's, Sunday, 6th November, Holy Communion at 9.30am, Evensong with Commemoration of the Faithful Departed 6pm. During the week there is a Holy Communion service on Wednesday morning and choir and bell ringing on Thursday evening. Please remember the Food Box is available in the porch to give and take as needed. The Food Pantry is open at Settle Parish Church each Friday morning.

Requiem for Remembrance: (Sunday 13 November – 7pm). Giggleswick School Chapel Choir and The Langcliffe Singers join forces to mark Remembrance Sunday with a performance of Gabriel Faure’s Requiem. Pay what you decide tickets from


Gardening Society: Growing Orchids Indoors; a talk by Liz Groves Friday 11 November, 7.30 pm at Glusburn Community and Arts Centre. £3 for members (membership fee £5) £4 for non-members. Liz is vice chair of Harrogate Orchid Society and an avid indoor grower. The society has a membership of experienced and new growers of very varied species and hybrid orchids, grown in greenhouses and homes. Liz will take us through the dos and don’ts of growing orchids in the house and show the different species she grows. There will be a re potting demo with small bags of bark for sale. For more information about this and future meetings call Derek Blackwell on 07834 713735.

Film Night: Benediction (12), the story of WW1 poet Siegfried Sassoon, Friday 4th November, 7 for 7.30pm. Tickets £6.

Live Music: Saturday 12th November with Nicola Mills: Opera for the People, an interactive evening of popular opera and crossover music, as seen in Grassington last month. Tickets £10

Christmas Fair: This will be held on Sunday 20 November, 10am-4pm. Free Entry, with stalls throughout the building and festive café open all day.

Clock Repair Appeal: The trustees are trying to raise £2,180 to pay for repairs to the Institute's 1911 clock. If you would like to donate to keep this piece of Glusburn history ticking, please search for Glusburn Institute on or contact the office.

Weekly What's On: We have about 30 different sessions running weekly, for all ages and interests. Dance, drama, fitness, wellbeing, art, cooking and social activities. For more details, visit our website or pick up a copy of our timetable. Contact or 01535 630 223.


Grassington Hub contact: 01756 752222

Gold Award: We are pleased to announce that our work around the village has been recognised by the Yorkshire in Bloom judges. This has only been achieved by the hard work of our volunteers and the support received from local residences and businesses. We hope our floral tubs and planters have brightened your days.

Grassington Peace Group & Skipton Quakers: Present “The Rise of the Disguised Dictator” 12th annual public lecture by Fiona Macauley, Professor of Gender, Peace and Development, University of Bradford. Thursday 10th November, 7:30pm Skipton Girls High School. Free with any donations for Peace Group activities including the Ukrainian Appeal.

Beer and Music Festival: 11th & 12th November 2022. Grassington Town Hall. Tickets £15 For more information and to book tickets go to

Grassington Players: ‘When We are Married By J B Priestley. Wednesday 16th – Friday 18th November, 7:30pm, and Saturday 19th November 2:30pm matinee only, Grassington Town Hall


North Craven Flower Club: The Flower Club will hold its A.G.M. tonight at the Institute from 7.30pm. Tickets are available for the Open Evening Event at Gargrave Village Hall on November 10th. Guest demonstrator Mark Entwistle will present "All I Want for Christmas". Tickets are £12.50 each. Phone 01729 840303 for details.

Coffee Morning: This Saturdays Coffee Morning will be an Institute event and will include Raffle and 200 Club Draw. All welcome from 10.00 am. On Saturday the 12th November the Coffee Morning will be a Leprosy Fund Raising event.

Messy Monkeys: Messy Monkeys meets in term times at the Institute on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am. The children's activity group is organised by Amanda Belt. For details ring 07398 284126.

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise group is held on Wednesday evenings from 6 till 8.30pm. For details contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191.

Parish Council: The Parish Council meets in the Institute Yorke Room on Wednesday the 9th November at 7.30pm.

Book Club: Meets in the Institute on Thursday the 10th November from 7.30pm.

Wesley Centre: There will be a drop-in lunch at the Wesley Centre today from 12 noon. Going forward into December please note that the last Drop-In Lunch of the year will be on December the 15th at the usual time. There will be no Drop-In Lunch on December 22nd and 29th. The lunches will resume on January 5th 2023. The Community Pantry will be open tomorrow from 2 till 3pm. The service this Sunday will be from 2 pm. There will be a Prayer Meeting from 6 till 7 pm.

Welcome Mat Group: Meets on Monday 7th November between 2.30 and 4 pm.

Helitots/Babies group: Meets on Tuesday 8th November from 9.30 to 11 am.

For details of Wesley Centre activities contact Pauline Wright on 07931 511652.

Bonfire: Hellifield House Social Club is holding a Bonfire and Fireworks display on Saturday 5th November from 6.30pm. Inside the club there will also be children's games and a disco.

Quiz Night: The next Quiz Night will be Wednesday the 9th November at 8.15pm. For details of Hellifield House activities contact Cheryl Mitton on 01729 850866.

Guys and Dolls: Institute entertainment. The 1920s themed "Guys and Dolls" evening is to take place on Saturday the 12th of December. The evening which includes music, quiz, and speak-easy gaming room is a fancy dress themed event. From 7 pm. Details from Ann Taylor on 01729 851102.


Church news: On the first Sunday of the month St Oswald's church tries something that the Church of England calls 'informal informal' and the congregation are looking forward to welcoming Giggleswick & Settle Brass Band who will be playing tunes to remember the Saints. The service begins at 3.p.m. On 4th December it is planned to make a few Advent wreaths. In the August `informal, informal` service the churchyard was haytimed!


Church news: St Mary's Church. On Sunday November 6th, Communion is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.


Exhibition: Langcliffe Church is hosting an exhibition entitled “Langcliffe’s Got Talent”. We will be showcasing many different skills and crafts by the people of Langcliffe. The exhibition will be open Saturday 5th November 10.00 am – 4.00 pm and Sunday 6th November 12.00 pm – 4.00 pm. Admission is free but there will be a pot for donations. We will be selling tea/coffee and cake. Some craft items will be for sale and the Book Stall will also be open as usual. All are very welcome, do come along.


Young Farmers: Lothersdale young farmers are holding a treasure hunt from October 21 to October 31 open to anybody to take part all this week to raise money for the charity yellow wellies. Entry forms are available from the Hare & Hounds in Lothersdale. Great prizes to be won. Lothersdale young farmers will then hold a results night on Monday, October 31 night in the village hall with Halloween activities. £5 per car.

Over 50s: Unfortunately the meeting arranged for Wednesday 26th October had to be cancelled due to road works outside the village hall and lack of parking. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 9th November when the speaker will be Les Chandler talking about garden wildlife. New members and guests are always welcome.

Long Preston

Used postage stamps and blister packs: We are once again collecting used stamps for a local charity. The hedgehog and Animal welfare group based in Settle. We are also collecting used tablet packets/ blister packs that can be recycled. Please start saving them. These can be dropped off on a Monday, Friday or Sunday morning at the Methodist Church or at 3 Ribblesdale Estate anytime.

Church News: St Mary's service on Sunday 6th November will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The Service at the Methodist Church on Sunday 6th November will be with Rev Roger Fox at 11am.

Remembrance Sunday: On Sunday 13th November, the Churches will join for the Remembrance Service starting at the war memorial at 10.50am followed by a service at St Mary’s church at 11.15am.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Pilates: Tuesday in the village hall at 2.45pm - 3.30pm. Sessions are £5. Sessions will stop if we cannot get more people to attend on a regular basis.

Playing Fields: Thank you to everyone who has supported the Monster Mash party and completed the Spooktacular Trail. Result of the competitions will follow next week.


Reading Room: The Annual General Meeting for Rathmell Reading Room will be held on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm, everyone welcome. Thank you to all who attended & donated to the latest event last weekend, the Halloween Cheese & Wine social raised £266.80 for Reading Room funds.


Church news: Settle Parish Church. Unfortunately Revd Julie Clarkson has been struck down with a second bout of Covid and was unable to take services last weekend. However we are blessed with a number of retired clergy and Lay Worship Leaders who can take over in an emergency. We were pleased to welcome the family, godparents and friends of Arlo James Johnson last Sunday. Arlo was baptised by Revd Jules Cox. Rev Jules also wished him a Happy first Birthday and led us in the singing of the 'Happy Birthday' song. Stephen Hogg (Lay Worship Leader) led the Memorial Service, which Revd Julie had prepared, on Sunday afternoon. It was well attended by families and friends whose loved ones had died during the year. The simple and comforting service was much appreciated by those grieving their loved ones.

On Saturday 5 November the monthly First Saturday Bacon Butties and other treats will be on sale from 10.30am till 1pm. Do call in for a cuppa and a butty. All proceeds to Church Funds.

The ever popular "Andy's Annual Quiz" is now on sale. Copies can be purchased at various shops and the Tourist information Centre in Settle and also in church. Still only £2 a copy. It's ideal entertainment for all the family. Next Sunday at 11am we meet for Family Worship. Do join us. We can assure you of a warm welcome.

Settle Catholic Church: Settle Churches came together on Friday evening 28 October at Settle Catholic Church as part of One World Week to discuss the idea of Peace and what we mean by Peace. With war raging in Europe, it attracted around 30 people. Dr Ute Kelly, Associate Professor in Peace Studies at Bradford University led the meeting with the title of “Exploring the Meanings of Peace in a Changing world”. Ute encouraged the audience to discuss our ideas on what we meant by peace and then concluded by telling what various writers and philosophers have said over the years. Marian McNichol of Settle Quakers chaired the evening. Afterwards she said: "It was interesting to realise that ideas on what constitutes peace have changed over time and current definitions include ideas of justice as well as the ending of direct violence."

The event was a successful relaunch of the Justice and Peace Group with enthusiasm among those attending for more regular events on justice and peace issues.

Settle Photographic Group: Next meeting Monday 7th November at 7:30pm, St John s Methodist Church Hall (and on Zoom). Evening to feature presentation on Commercial Drone Operations by SkyLark Aerial Photography. New members always welcome (£4.00 for non-members) For further information at or please email


Music night: Sarah McQuaid. Saturday, November 12, Silsden Town Hall. Doors open 6.30pm. Tickets £15 (earlybird £10) . 01535 959561.


Friends of Craven Museum: On Wednesday 9th November, Sue Wrathmell will talk on “A close look at some historic buildings in Skipton’s Heritage Action Zone.” The meeting starts at 19:30 in the Education Room, Skipton Town Hall. (Entrance from 19:15, using the Stage Door, Museum Walk (between the back of the Town Hall and Starbucks)). Membership is £10 for the year, visitors welcome, £2 per meeting.

Skipton RSPB Group: The next indoor meeting is on Wednesday, 9th November 2022.

Our returning speaker is Richard Baines, Director of Yorkshire Coast Nature, guide, author and environmentalist, who has given several excellent presentations in recent years. His topic this time is entitled: 'Birding in North and East Yorkshire: Where to go, what to see and how your birding can help bird conservation'. The meeting will start as usual at 7.30p.m. at the Baptist Church Hall, Rectory Lane, Skipton. Admission £4 with refreshments.

Retired Men's Forum: The next meeting of the Skipton Retired Men’s Forum will be held on Tuesday 8th November in the Soroptimist Rooms on Otley Street. David Alred will give a talk on the “Canadian Rockies”. Refreshments at 10:00 and talk at 10:30. Visitors will be most welcome.

Church news: Christ Church Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist. Commemoration of All Souls Wednesday 2nd November 9.30am: Said Eucharist at Christ Church. 7.00pm: Memorial Service - a joint service with

St Mary’s Carleton, at Christ Church. Please print clearly the names of those you wish to be remembered on the lists at the back of the church.

Craven Speakers' Club: The Club invites members of the public to attend its annual "Evaluation Competition" (reinstated after a two year Covid break) on Monday 7 November at 7.15 for 7.30pm, 28 Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EW. What will you see? A member of the club gives an 8 minute speech they have prepared. Then the competing evaluators have the challenge to evaluate the speech in turn, highlighting several good features that make it a good speech - and explaining why they work. They should also give a couple of ways in which the speech can be improved, demonstrating how the improvements can be made. An outside judge will be present to determine who gives the best evaluation. After the competition and coffee break there will be the usual "Topics Session" which is lots of fun. It is a bit like "Just a Minute" - except the speakers have to talk on their surprise topic for two minutes. The group welcomes visitors to increase the size of the audience and new members who may wish to take part. The meeting after that will be on Monday 24th November, and will be a regular meeting with two speeches and topics.

Skipton and Craven History Society: 'The next meeting of the Society is on Thursday, 10th November at 7.30pm at the Swadford Street Centre. Ian Adams will give a talk on 'The Death and Rebirth of the English Country House'.

Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: St Oswald’s Church welcomes the following visiting vicars to take their 9.30am service during the Interregnum. Sunday 6th November: Morning Prayer with Ian Greenhalgh. Sunday 13th November: Remembrance Service with Colin Blake. Sunday 20th November: Morning Prayer with Glyn and Elizabeth Cooper: Sunday 27th November: Holy Communion with Jonathan Oldfield. Sunday 4th December: Crib Service at 4.00pm with Colin Blake. At St Oswald’s Church : Christmas Coffee morning: Saturday 10th December: 10.30am All Welcome.