LARGE numbers of people braved the rain and wind on a recent Saturday evening to attend Addingham Civic Society’s autumn fayre and to see the presentation of the annual civic pride award to a deserving member of the village.

The event was a great success, raising nearly £800 at the many stalls, raffle and tombola and providing a good opportunity for villagers to meet, catch up and enjoy great cake, said a spokesperson.

"The money raised will go towards the civic society's work in supporting a wide variety of village activities and in providing grants to local organisations through its Community Award Scheme.

"During the event the society’s annual civic pride award was presented to Diana Keeble in appreciation of her dedicated support for vulnerable people in the village. Diana has initiated many social and physical activities through the Covid Support Group and Addingham Good Neighbours."

Following its co-sponsorship, with Addingham Parish Council, of the Climate Action Addingham launch, which took place on Thursday, November 3, the civic society’s next event will be a talk by Martin Lunn, of Earby Astronomical Society, entitled “Star of Bethlehem and a Tour of the Night Sky”. It will take place on Thursday, November 24 at 7.30pm at Addingham Memorial Hall.