
Church news: Advent Sunday 27th November 9:30 Austwick Holy Communion 11:00 Clapham Easy Church: A Simple Service for Advent including a Baptism 7:00 Keasden Songs of Praise

Lawkland YFC: Dominoes & Whist Night Tuesday 29th November ・ 7.00pm Austwick Parish Hall. Entry on door £3.00 - come and join in the fun, win prizes and support young farmers’.

Film Night: Friday 2nd December - “West Side Story” (12C) 2022 new version directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg - Christmas presentation with bar!

Austwick WI: Julia Chapman made a very welcome return to the November meeting. Her talk entitled ‘ From page to screen’ explained the processes involved in translating a book into a TV program. Julia described how ‘Date with Death’ from the popular Dales detective series has been made by a French production company into a 90 minute film. She showed illustrations of the locations and actors involved. The next meeting on Thursday Dec 8 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall will be our Christmas meeting and is a change to the program. Instead we will have Avelina Wright, a soprano, who will entertain us with Christmas renditions followed by mulled wine and light refreshments.

Parish Newsletter: September December is now available and on the village website: The Newletter has a wide variety of local information about social groups, now meeting after Covid19 stopped activities.


Parish Meeting: There will be a Parish Meeting on Thursday 15th December in Burnsall Village Hall. Seasonal refreshments will be served from 7.30pm - the meeting will begin at 8pm.

Christmas Fayre: The Annual Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 3rd December from 10am – 3pm at St Wilfrid’s and St John’s. There will be many stalls including Home Baked cakes, jams and preserves; White Elephant; Good as New; Books, CDs, DVDs and Videos; Toys and Games; Raffle for a huge hamper; Tombola; and many other fine attractions. Breakfast butties available from c9am and then Hot Turkey Sandwiches and Homemade Soup will be on sale at lunchtime, Tea and Mince Pies throughout the afternoon. Guest stalls include: All Plants North - wreaths, plants, arrangements, Christmas Tree (orders taken), Jewellery, Scarves, Soft Toys, RNLI, Rosie’s Centrepieces Children’s Books, Candles, Toiletries and Christmas Gifts. Contributions of the following items would be much appreciated: Good as New/ White Elephant/ Bric-a-Brac (no clothes, no electrical goods or rubbish please); Books and Quality Magazines/ Journals; CDs and DVDs; Home Baked Cakes, Mince Pies and Preserves; Quality Christmas Food for the Hamper; Tombola prizes. These can be taken to Burnsall Village Hall from 10am on Friday 2nd, or on Saturday morning no later than 10am. Proceeds for St. Wilfrid’s Fabric Funds Thank you to everyone for your continued support and anyone who wants to help before or on the day please contact Ed or Brenda on 01756 720335 or 07793408910. More stalls always welcome.

Advent Carol Service: The Advent Carol Service takes place this Sunday at St. John’s, Appletreewick at 6pm. This will be a service of Advent readings and carols.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is Advent Sunday. It is the start of the Church Year and marks the start of a four week countdown to Christmas when we will celebrate the birth of the Christ child. I am sure that we have all begun to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. However, we are far less likely to have prepared ourselves for the coming of Christ into our lives. The season of Advent gives us all the opportunity to prepare ourselves for this event in what is also a period of penitence and self-reflection. Holding both celebration and self-reflection in tension is never easy but we all need to ensure that the light of Christ is not obscured in our run up to the Christmas celebrations.


Christmas fair: Carleton School PTA is hosting a Christmas fair and cafe with handmade crafts, jewellery and children’s and nursery items for sale, as well as cakes at the cafe; perfect for those looking for ideas for gifts this Christmas. Present will be local wood turners and artists, handmade cards, hand painted baubles and decorations, Christmas gifts ideas, handmade candles and skin care products to name but a few. The school’s PTA is serving homemade soup and cakes. There will also be a brass band playing carols and mulled wine available. The event is taking place at Carleton Village Hall on Saturday, November 26, between 10am and 4pm. Admission is free.

Church news: St Mary’s: Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am BCP. 11.15am Family Praise.

Mince Pies: St. Mary’s Church. If you haven’t already ordered your homemade mince pies, the closing date is Sunday 27th November - Freshly made for eating now or freezing ready for Christmas. £3.50 for 6. Gluten and vegetarian options available. Flower Arranging Demo: Wednesday 30th November at 7pm with Chelsea award winning ladies from Blush Florists . Come and see the experts at work, buy a raffle ticket or two to have the chance of winning one of the fabulous arrangements, to grace your Christmas table. Tickets £10 to include a glass of mulled wine.

Nativity Festival: 2nd to 4th December. A beautiful array of different nativities, old and new. Ticket only preview evening on Friday 2nd at 7.00pm. Tickets £7.50 including a glass of wine and canapes. Saturday 12 noon until 3.30 and Sunday 12. 30 until 3.30. Refreshments available. Entrance free.

Advent Coffee Morning: Saturday 3rd December 10am – 12 noon. Entrance £3.00 to include hot drink and homemade mince pie. Cake stall, raffle and books. Reading corner and colouring for the children. All enquiries to Stella on 07759971664


Church news: Holy Trinity Church. On Sunday (Advent Sunday) there will be a service of Holy Communion at 10.45am, led by Rev Helen Collings. Holy Trinity Choir will be leading the singing of beautiful Advent hymns and will also the anthems ‘And the glory of the Lord’ (Messiah) ‘Ave verum corpus’ (Mozart) and ‘A Gaelic Blessing’ (Rutter) conducted by James Ashworth, organist and Musical Director. Refreshments will be served after the service to which you are all warmly invited.


Church news: All Saints’ Church. On Saturday November 26th is Messy Christmas between 3pm and 5pm. Crafts, activities, music, stories and refreshments. Accompanied children of all ages are welcome. On Sunday November 27th, Communion for the first Sunday of Advent is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome. On Thursday December 1st at 7.30pm is the Advent Carol Service, accompanied by Earby Brass Band. Everyone welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting will be held in the Institute tonight (Thursday 24th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Church news: St. Andrew’s church. There will be a service of Holy Communion on Sunday, starting at 11.00am. The church is now open to visitors most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.


Cinema club: Ali and Ava at Gargrave Village Hall on Friday evening. The film tells the story of two people on a Bradford estate who develop a deep connection despite the lingering legacy of their past relationships and cultural differences. Written and produced by Otley born Clio Bernard the film stars Adeel Aktar, Claire Rushbrook, Mary Shackleton and Shaun Thomas. The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring along your own refreshments. The Village Hall doors open at 7.p.m with the film starting at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are £5on the door. Don`t forget the Christmas film at the Hall on the 16th December which will be Downton Abbey: A new Era.

Flea Market: Broadway Fairs will be holding a Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday in the Village Hall. There will be lots of stalls selling Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Jigsaws, Books, Crafts and festive gifts and decorations. The event opens at 10.a.m. until 3.p.m. Light refreshments available all day.

Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrews church on Sunday at 8.a.m followed by an Advent Sunday family communion service at 11.a.m. Sunday 27th November Family communion service. This is a relaxed service followed by refreshments. You are very welcome to join us for the service or for the cuppa afterwards.

Sale of Work: Saturday 26th November St Andrew’s Church 10-12am. £2 entry for tea/coffee and a mince pie. We have a very talented craft and chat group that meets on a Tuesday afternoon in church and this is an opportunity to purchase some lovely Christmas gifts.

Village Hall AGM: The Annual General meeting of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will take place on Wednesday 14th December at 7.p.m in Committee Room One at the Village Hall.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair last weekend. Our wonderful community raised over £2000 which will help to keep the building a bit warmer during the winter. This weekend we have Advent Sunday, the beginning of the church’s year as we prepare for Christmas. There are three services to choose from and you will be welcome at all of them. Holy Communion is at 8am, a quiet, said service to begin the day. Family Worship is at 9.30am with hymns and a talk, led by one of our Lay Worship team, and followed with refreshments with time to chat. The doors open at 6pm for refreshments before the Sunday Evening Service starting at 6.30pm. This is more informal, with a music group and a guest speaker. Tomorrow is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women marking the start of the UN’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. On Saturday Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union members invite you to join them in a Global Day of Action! Meet at Settle Parish Church at 12.45pm and, from there, walk to the Market Place for a one minute silent vigil at 1.03pm highlighting the 1 in 3 women globally who are impacted by violence in their lives.

It’s also Christmas Lights Switch on.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (30 November – 03 December 7.30pm) CS Lewis’ fantasy tale of talking animals, mythical creatures and a White Witch who controls everything. Tickets from


Christmas Concert: Grassington Town Hall (The Devonshire Institute) City of Bradford Brass Band Christmas Concert on the 18th December 2022 with a 7pm start. Tickets are available by Tel. on 01756 752222 or via Ticketsource; http:

Gladrags event: Wharfedale Support Group Manorlands, this Saturday, November 26, from 10.30am, Gladrags boutique will host a special Christmas event when 10 per cent of takings are for Manorlands. Please cone and enjoy fizz as you browse the beautiful clothes and accesssories. You are sure to be belle of the ball.

Christmas Markets: Wharfedale Support Group Manorlands will have its usual stall at Grassington Christmas Markets. On Saturday Dec 3 from 10am our star baker Heather will have her rocky road and delicious cakes and wreaths stall. On Saturday Dec 10 our usual tombola stall with some lovely prizes. Please come along and enjoy the magical atmosphere with buskers, brass bands and lots of stalls.


Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch at the Wesley Centre today from 12 noon. The Community pantry is open from 2 till 3 pm tomorrow. There will be a Café Church event on Sunday from 2pm. The Strong and Steady Class is on Monday from 3.30 to 4.30pm. Helitots/Babies will be held Tuesday from 9.30 to 11 am.

Coffee Morning: This Saturday in the Institute, hosted by the Methodists. From 10 am all welcome.

Hellifield House: Bingo will be held this Sunday from 6.30pm. Quiz Night will be held on Wednesday 30th Nov at 8.15pm.

Music session: There will be a Music Jam Session at the Black Horse this Friday from 8 pm. All welcome.

Chat: The Black Horse will be the venue for a social chat session, with tea and coffee. Tuesday 29th November from 3 till 4.30pm.

Kettlebells: Kettlebells exercise class is held in the Institute on Wednesday evenings between 6pm and 8.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191 for details about joining a session.

Messy Monkeys: Messy Monkeys is a regular term time group for children. Held in the Institute on Wednesday’s from 10.30am. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126

Christmas Show: For info on this years Xmas Show, which will be held at the Institute on the 2nd and 3rd December please contact Ann on 01729 851102/07880 705364. Entitled ‘Showtime’ and performed by the HeliSingers, the event will be from 7.30pm on both nights. The tickets for Saturday Night are currently Sold Out. Contact Ann for remaining ticket availability.

Christmas Lights: Hellifield Village Lights will be switched on tomorrow evening (25th). There will be refreshments in the Village Institute following the switch on at 6.30pm. All welcome

Horton in Ribblesdale

Church news: Twenty four people including children attended the recent Remembrance service which was held entirely outside at St. Oswalds church.Altogether nearly ninety people paused to remember around our simple village memorials in Langcliffe, Stainforth and Horton. As the years go by and more housing goes to weekenders and holidaymakers it’s inevitable that local links to or knowledge of ‘the lost generation’ will fade. It’s up to us to ensure that it doesn’t and that names are read loudly and clearly. A service of Holy Communion will be held in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday November 27th Communion for the first Sunday of Advent is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Long Preston

Christmas film: The Polar Express will be shown in the village hall on Sunday 27th November at 3pm. Tickets are £5 each and will include popcorn. Tickets are available from the post office.

Christmas Fayre: Village hall, Saturday 26th November from 10am - 12pm. There will be lots of stalls run by local groups as well as refreshments and a raffle.

200 Club: The winners of the November 200 club draw were, Barbara Thompson £25, Janet Benzie £15, John Goodall £19

Christmas lights: The switch-on will take place on Saturday 3rd December at 5pm in the village hall. Tickets are £3 and will include mulled wine and a mince pie. Children are free. Settle and Giggleswick Brass Band will be providing some festive music to entertain us.

Free playgroup: Little Footsteps continues in the Methodist Church. Parents and Grandparents, bring the little ones along. These are free sessions from 10am - 11.30am. Call in and have a play, coffee and a chat.

Health and Well-being: Stay Warm Initiative. This new group meets in the Methodist Church every Monday from 1pm - 3pm. Come and have your blood pressure checked by a nurse over a tea/coffee and biscuits. You cans have a chat about your health and well-being as well as pick up booklets/leaflets which could be helpful to you. Or just cone and keep warm and meet some new friends. These sessions will be supported by Townhead Surgeries and Age UK.

Used postage stamps and blister packs:We are once again collecting used stamps for a local charity. The hedgehog and Animal welfare group based in Settle. We are also collecting used tablet packets/ blister packs that can be recycled. Please start saving them. These can be dropped off on a Monday, Friday or Sunday morning at the Methodist Church or at 3 Ribblesdale Estate anytime.

Church News: St Mary’s church service on Sunday 27th November will be Morning Prayer with Rev James Rodley at 11am. Methodist church service on Sunday 27th November will be with Rev Tracey Darling at 11am. Also starting this Sunday is a new Messy Play for families with children aged 4+. This will start at 9.30am - 10.30am. An hour of fun and activities.

Strong and steady class: Every Tuesday in the Methodist Church at 1.30pm. We always welcome new members. £4 with coffee and cake afterwards.

Craft therapy: Friday in the Methodist Church. 10.30-12pm. Learn new skills, meet new friends over a coffee. Free just a small donation towards coffee.

Pilates: Tuesday in the village hall at 2.45pm - 3.30pm. Sessions are £5.

Coffee and cake for over 50s: This month’s get together is today Thursday 24th November 1.30pm -3.30pm in the village hall. There will be the usual free raffle, book and jigsaw swaps. Howard Whittaker of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue will be our guest speaker giving lots of useful tips an keeping safe and well at home.


Church news: Parish Church. It’s a privilege to be the regular venue for Settle Orchestra’s concerts in North Craven.The performance, under the new conductor - Xinjie Yang, last Saturday was wonderful. Christ Church, Skipton is the venue for the second concert on Saturday 26 November.

Cafe Church: Last Sunday afternoon a goodly number of folk ventured out to our monthly Café Church despite the rain. Many thanks to musicians, Jonathan and Roy. On this occasion Revd Julie led our worship. We meet for Café Church next month on the 18 Dec at 3pm. A busy time of year but why not take an hour away from the hectic pre-Christmas rush and join friends at Cafe Church?

Settle Lights: Do visit our ‘church’ stall at Settle Lights Switch On, Christmas Market on Saturday 26 November, from 12noon ‘til 5.30pm. We’ll have lots of seasonal treats on sale plus you’ll be able to get your copy of Andy’s Annual Quiz. Please get in touch with Margaret Roberts, 01729 822848 or Dorothy Bearpark if you have donations for the stall.

Mothers’ Union: Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union members are taking part in a ‘Global Day of Action’, on Saturday 26 November, raising awareness and calling for an end to the violence and abuse suffered by 1 in 3 women across the world. You are invited to join them in Holy Ascension at 12.45pm before a silent demo at 1.03pm, in the Market Square.

Advent Angels: Busy knitters around Settle and villages beyond have crafted a wonderful host of Advent Angels. Please bring your angels to Holy Ascension on Friday 25 November, 2pm so they can be made ready for their ‘flight’ around our parishes.

Food Bank: Hampers are being prepared for the Settle Pantry/Food Bank. If you would like to donate seasonal “goodies”, please either deliver them to the Pantry on Fridays from 11am till 12noon or hand them to churchwardens, who will ensure your gifts are passed on.

Services: Revd Julie Clarkson leads an online Celtic Evening Prayer on Wednesdays at 7.15pm. Email for the link. On the first Sunday of Advent, Sunday 27 November, Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am. All are welcome. Refreshments and time for a chat afterwards.

Don’t forget our monthly ‘First Saturday Bacon Butties Morning’ on Saturday 3 December. Call in for a cuppa, a butty or cake. This month we welcome back musician Sally-Anne with some seasonal tunes to lift the spirits whilst you enjoy refreshment.

Scottish Dancing: Settle Scottish Dancing Class welcomes beginners, new members and visitors each Thursday at 7.30pm at Settle Methodist Church, BD24 9JH including tonight 24 November and 1 December. 01729 268618. £3-00 (Beginners first night free). No partner is needed.

Library: Settle Community Library - Looking forward to welcoming Sarah Demmick, the poet, launching her latest work on Thursday 24th November at 11am. All are welcome. Knit and Natter group will meet on 1st December and 15th December., 10.30am. All welcome to come along, meet the friendly group and help each other out with craft problems. The Christmas Reading Challenge is launched on Saturday November 26th for all aged 0-11. More details in the library or on Social media.

Don’t forget that the library has a warm space for you to use our free wifi or catch up on your reading. More information of events will be on our website, facebook page or twitter. Or contact the library on 01609 534535.


Craven U3A carol service: Christ Church at 2 pm on Wednesday 14th December for a traditional service of 9 carols and readings followed by hot drinks and mince pies. The recorder ensemble will also perform. Our festive monthly meeting on 3rd December is, as always, at 10 .a.m at Champions Church and we look forward to a light-hearted and entertaining talk by ex Bluebell Girl and raconteur Bunty Leder.

Skipton and Craven History Society: Next meeting is on Thursday 24th November at 7.30 pm at the Swadford Street Centre. Tony Burkitt will give a talk on ‘The Rise of the English Medieval Cathedrals.’

Retired Mens’ forum: The next meeting of the Skipton Retired Men’s Forum will be held on Tuesday 29th November in the Soroptimist Rooms on Otley Street. Tony Burkitt will give a talk on “The rise of Medieval English Cathedrals - Part 1”. Refreshments at 10:00 and talk at 10:30. Visitors will be most welcome.

Church news: Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist. Sunday November 27th at 6.30pm Advent Carol Service. All welcome.

Little Theatre: Vintage Hitchcock by Joe Landry (Thriller). 22nd – 26th November 2022. Directed by Alan Parkinson. Evening performances start at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm. Saturday matinee performance starts at 2pm. Doors open at 1.30pm. Admission is £10 (Under 16’s £5). Not suitable for very young children, Teens are fine. Contact us on 0752 714 1176 or email:

Book online:

Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: St Oswald’s Church welcomes the following visiting vicars to take their Christmas services during the Interregnum. Advent 1: Holy Communion with Jonathan Oldfield. Sunday 4th December 9.30am. Morning Prayer:Elizabeth Cooper 9.30 am. Sunday 4th December : Crib Service at 4.00pm with Colin Blake. Sunday 11th December: Holy Communion: Ian Greenhalgh 9.30 am; Sunday 11t December Christingle at 4.00pm with Tony Willmont and Common Ground Ceilidh band. St Oswald’s Christmas Coffee morning: Saturday 10th December: 10.30am. All Welcomed.