A SUPPORT group for women struggling to cope with the symptoms of the menopause - or just wanting to share their experiences - is due to meet for the first time this year at Skipton Town Hall on Monday, January 16.

The GP led group, which will meet every fortnight, is run by Skipton's Dyneley House Surgery along with the Wharfedale, Airedale, Craven GP Alliance (WACA).

Called Let's Talk Menopause’ and Women’s Health Talk, women will be able to ask questions, listen to peers as well as share their experiences.

The event is free, open to all and will include refreshments. The first, on January 16, will run at The Hub, Skipton Town Hall, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, and from then on, every other Monday. Reserve a place at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/483682787237.