
Church news: Sunday 12 February 9.30am Austwick & 11.00am Eldroth Holy Communion. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Austwick WI: The next meeting on Thursday Feb 9th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall is a talk entitled ‘The Falkland Islands’ by Alison Webb.

Flim Night: Next Presentation Friday 10th February 7.00pm for 7.30pm ELVIS!(12A) Austin Butler as Elvis).

Show: Three Peaks Players - Last Tango in Little Austwick--Tickets for the show at Austwick Parish Hall on the 25th February Doors open 7.00pm (adult content over 16s), now available from any of the members, Austwick Village shop or drop us an email: One Act performance followed by a quiz.

Young Farmers: Lawkland Young Farmers Club. Sunday 26th February Muck Chuck- full details on the village website

Field and Local History Society: Our next talk will be on Wednesday 15th February at 7:30pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Louisa Blundell, Project Manager and Living Lune Partnership Officer of the Lune River Trust, will be speaking on the work of the Trust. Admission is free for current members, £3 for guests. Refreshments will be available following the talk.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This coming Sunday is the second Sunday before Lent otherwise known as Sexagesima. It is the second of the preparatory Sundays for Lent which, in turn, is a season of self-reflection and penitence. This Sunday is also, fittingly, Racial Justice Sunday and marks the 30th anniversary of the racist killing of Stephen Lawrence. This anniversary is a key moment for church and society because this appalling event clearly revealed the ugly face of racism in the United Kingdom. Not only of the hatred of those who took this young man’s life, but also of the institutional racism that characterised the appalling investigation into his killing. In this preparatory season for the season of Lent, let us reflect on Stephen’s death thirty years ago and our failings as a society too.


Ewecross talk: Dr. Andrew White, former curator of Lancaster Museum gave a fascinating talk, ‘Crossing the Sands’ to Ewecross Historical Society members in Bentham Methodist church on Monday evening, January 30th. From his research of many documents, including those from the Monasteries surrounding Morecambe Bay, Parish Records and Hiring Fairs, Dr White built up a kaleidoscope of activity over many centuries. Employees of the Monasteries were the first Guides, with the earliest recorded drowning being of Michael De Furness in 1269. Following the dissolution of the Monasteries local people, some of them fishermen took over as Guides, also called Carters. As today, the Guide would mark the safe route with laurel branches. Quicksands occur where ships have been lying in the sand at low tide, called ship holes’, and also in the old channel of the rivers after they create a new channel. Dr White read accounts written by many famous people, including William Wilberforce, George Fox who crossed to his Quaker centre at Ulverston, and Mrs Gaskell, who stayed at Silverdale and described the Guide riding a white horse blowing his horn. Travellers crossed the sands every day on routes to different destinations including the Hiring Fair at Ulverston. A sad fate befell one of these in the 1850s when a cart carrying young farm labourers from the Whit Fair drove into a ship hole and were never seen again and also the recent tragic fate of the Chinese cocklers. Andrew said that there is nothing better than crossing the bay on a good day, and was surprised by how few people were drowned crossing for business or pleasure, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s carriage driving. At the next meeting on February27th, Angus Winchester will speak on ‘common Land’


Pantomime: Treasure Island, brought to the stage by Carleton Theatre Group. Carleton Village Hall, February 16 to 18. 7.30pm, Saturday matinee 2pm. More information and tickets from:

Church news: Mary’s Church: Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion; 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am BCP; 11.15am Family Praise

Coniston Cold

Church news: Sunday 12th Feb St Peter’s Coniston Cold 8am BCP Holy Communion.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Thursday evening the church will be open between 7.00pm and 7.30pm for private prayer and reflection. All are welcome to attend. On Sunday February 12th there will not be a Communion service at All Saints. Everyone is welcome to attend the Communion and confirmation service at 10.30am at St Mary’s, Kelbrook.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: There will be a service of Morning Prayer at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (12th), starting at 11.00am. St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm

Knit & Natter: The group will meet on Tuesday (14th), between 1.30pm and 3.30pm at Farnhill Institute. People are invited to come along with their knitting, crochet or stitching, or just to have a chat - all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits served. £2.

Local History Group: Meet next Thursday (16th) at 7pm in the upstairs room of Farnhill Institute. A talk will be given about an album of local photographs taken in the early years of the 20th century. The story behind the album is an interesting one and the photos themselves are impressive - some are unique. The meeting is open to all and admission is free (although cash donations to help with costs would be appreciated).


Dance: A picnic supper dance will be held in the Village Hall on Friday evening. Live music will be provided from 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m by the talented Organist Elizabeth Harrison. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds.

Church news: A Prayer book communion service will be held in St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8.a.m and a Sung Eucharist will be held later in the morning at 11.a.m.

Pay as you Feel Cafe: Beginning on Thursday 23rd Feb in Neville Crescent Common Room (next to Neville House Residential Care Home). A two-course home cooked meal will be served from 5-6:30pm. This will run for 6 weeks ending on 30th March. As part of the warm space initiative, this will hopefully nourish your body as well as your soul!

This is aimed primarily at Gargrave/Bell Busk/Coniston Cold areas but if we have spaces you are very welcome to join in. Offers of help also much appreciated and we are having a shared meal on the 9th Feb from 6pm. The price is up to you but please let us know if you intend to come (and any special diet requirements) Phone Jen Rowlands on 07897 657 618 to book/ask questions


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. Our services on Sunday 12th are Holy Communion at 8am and Morning Worship at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome and there will be refreshments after the 9.30 service with an opportunity to chat.

There is a sheet in church to sign up for the 3 Parishes Away Day at Tosside Community Hall, February 18th, from 10am - 4pm. Do come along with your thoughts about our church life, what we are doing and what we could be doing in the future.

Make a note in your diary for February 25th and 26th when John Bell will be with us for a ‘Big Sing’ and the Sunday morning service.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: Empire of Light (Sunday 19 February – 2pm)

From Academy Award-winning director and writer Sam Mendes, Empire of Light is an intimate and moving story about love, friendship, and connection, set in a coastal town in Southern England against the social turmoil of the early 1980s.

A Man Called Otto (Sunday 19 February – 6pm). Based on the comical and moving number on New York Times bestseller, A Man Called Otto tells the story of Otto Anderson (Tom Hanks), a grumpy widower who is very set in his ways. Tickets for both from


Community & Arts Centre: Panto - Snow White performed by Glusburn Youth Theatre. Tickets on sale now. Very limited availability for the matinees on Sunday 12 and Saturday 18 February. Evening performances on Wednesday 15, Friday 17 and Saturday 18 at 7pm. Book online at or via the centre office.

Weekly What’s On: We have about 30 different sessions running weekly, for all ages and interests. Dance, drama, fitness, well-being, art, cooking and social activities. New weekly art & craft drop-in on Thursday mornings 10am-12noon. For more details, visit our website or pick up a copy of our timetable. Contact or 01535 630 223.


Wesley Centre: There will be no Drop - In Lunch today. The next one will be on Thursday 16th of February at 12 noon. There will be a Warm Space tomorrow from 12 noon and the Community Pantry will be open from 2 till 3 pm. Lego Church will be held on Sunday from 1030 till 12 noon and the Church service will be at 2 pm. Warm Space will be held on Monday 13th with Soup and Sandwiches. The Strong and Steady Group will be Monday afternoon from 3.30 till 4.30pm. Exploring Faith will be held Monday evening between 7.30pm and 8.45 pm.

The Mindful Movement and Meditation Group meets tonight in the Institute from 6 till 7 pm. Details from Julie Phillips on 07954 783801.

The Book Group meets tonight in the Institute from 7.30pm.

The North Craven Flower Club meets tonight at 7.30pm. This is a practical night, where members are asked to share ideas for Spring arrangements which will be made on the night. Bring along your flowers, foliage, and bulbs. Refreshments are being provided by the committee.

The Coffee Morning on Saturday at the Institute from 10.00am will be a Mothers Union event. All welcome.

200 Club: February winners are: 3rd 169 Dot Cardus. 2nd 189 Robert Phillip. 1st. 146 Audrey Edwards.

Quizgo Night: Next Wednesday, February 15, at Hellifield House from 8.15pm All welcome.

Kettlebells: Exercise sessions are held on Wednesdays in the Institute, from 6 till 8.30pm. Contact Josephine Elsmore on 07813 792191.

Messy Monkeys: The children’s group is held Wednesday mornings in term time, in the Institute from 10.30pm. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.

Helisingers: The choral group, will be meeting in the Institute on Friday mornings from the 17th of February from 9.30 till 11.30am. The group which is led by Sue Alderson performed at the recent Institute Christmas Show, and were a resounding success. Sue would welcome new members to join the choir. Please contact Sue on 01729 851108 if you would like more information.

Women's Institute: The next meeting of the W.I. will be on Thursday the 16th February in the Institute from 7.30pm.


Show AGM: The Annual General Meeting of Horton-in-Ribblesdale show committee will be held at 7.p.m on Tuesday 14th February in the Village Hall. Everyone welcome.

Church news: A short and said service of Holy Communion will be held in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 9.a.m. The second Sunday before Lent.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday February 12th there will be a Communion and confirmation service at 10.30am. This will be a joint service with members of All Saints, Earby. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Long Preston

Coffee/Bacon Buttie Morning: Long Preston mowers would like to thank everyone who attended the bacon butty morning last week. They raised £450.

Used postage stamps and empty blister packs: We are still collecting used stamps for The hedgehog and Animal Welfare group based in Settle. We are also collecting empty tablet packets/ blister packs that can be recycled. Please make sure the unused tablets are safely disposed of. These can be dropped off on a Monday, Friday or Sunday morning at the Methodist Church or at 3 Ribblesdale Estate anytime.

Church News: St Mary’s service on Sunday 11th February will be Morning Prayer with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The services in the Methodist Church will be with Rev Dr Tracey Darling at 11am.

Little Footsteps: Every Monday during term time at the Methodist Chapel, 10am - 11.30am. A free playgroup for all children.

Warm Spaces: Monday afternoons the Methodist Chapel will be open as a Warm Space 1-3pm. Everyone welcome for a free coffee, cake, a chat, read the papers or a game of dominoes. The village hall will be open every Wednesday morning from 10am - 1pm. There will be teas and coffees, toasted tea cakes and crumpets available. Come and read the paper, or a magazine or do a puzzle. All ages are welcome.

Strong and Steady: For those who wish to be more mobile and independent, Every Tuesday 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel followed by coffee and chocolate biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome.

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.

Rainbows: Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet every Tuesday during term time in the village hall. Rainbows from 4.30-5.30, Brownies 6pm - 7pm, Guides 7.15-8.45.

Food Bank: The Skipton Food Bank collection point is in the Methodist Church which is open to receive donations on a Friday morning from 10am - 12pm.


Church news: Settle Parish Church. The celebration of Candlemas which falls on the 2nd February each year proved a great opportunity to make Christingles at Holy Ascension. In the morning members of the ‘Stepping Stones’ group - Mums, Grans and toddlers had great fun fashioning their Christingles with oranges, red sticky tape, cocktail sticks, dried fruit, grapes and candles. Despite all the obvious hazards everyone was kept safe and for a brief minute we managed to enjoy the candlelight as we sang the old favourite Sunday School song - “This Little Light of Mine”. On Thursday evening Revd Julie Clarkson welcomed the youngest members of 1st Castleberg Scout Group, the Beavers, and their leaders to Holy Ascension. She helped them make their Christingles and afterwards the Beavers joined in a short and lively service which explained the history and symbolism of the Christingle. The Beavers are hoping that this visit will help them achieve their Faith Activity badge.

Bacon Butties were very popular on the First Saturday morning of February. We were relieved that our ‘chef’, Chris, had brought along extra rations - ‘just in case’ They were certainly needed. It was lovely to see the Narthex full of happy customers and hear the buzz of conversations. Next First Saturday is 4th March. Butties, cake, scones, coffee or tea served from 10am ‘til 1pm. Make a note in your diary.

We are looking forward to our 3 Parishes Awayday on Saturday 18 February, 10am ‘til 4pm at Tosside Community Hall. Everyone in the 3 Parishes is welcome to come along. If you need or can offer a lift please sign up on the list in church. Don’t forget to bring something to share at the ‘Jacob’s Join’ lunch. We’re hoping to share food, fellowship and ideas as we consider the mission and way ahead for the parishes of Settle, Giggleswick and Rathmell.

Another date to remember is Saturday 25 February when John Bell from the Iona Community will lead ‘The Big Sing’ at St Alkelda’s from 2pm ‘til 4pm. John Bell suggests that “ you don’t need music and you don’t need to be religious”. Just come along to discover songs from all over the world which link ‘joy and justice’.

On Sunday 26 February, John Bell will be the preacher at the service of Holy Communion at 10am at St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick. Everyone welcome.

Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion on Sunday 12 February when we welcome Revd Jules Cox as the preacher. The service is at 11am. Everyone most welcome. Do stay for refreshments and a chat afterwards.


Skipton Retired Men’s Forum: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th February in the Soroptimist Rooms on Otley Street. Ray Bartlett will give a talk on “A Journey Round Cuba”. Refreshments at 10:00 and talk at 10:30. Visitors will be most welcome.

Parkinson's support: Skipton & District Parkinson’s Support Group would like to invite people affected by Parkinson’s to the following events: The Hub Club. A support, information and socialising opportunity for people living with Parkinson’s, their family and friends, in an informal environment. Join us on Thursday 16th February 2:00pm-3:30pm at The Hub, Skipton Town Hall. Hot drinks and biscuits included for only £2 per person, and a warm welcome awaits. If you’d like to find out more, please contact Barbara Bentley on 01756 797742, or just come along.

Parkinson’s Physical Activity & Exercise Class. An exercise class specifically for people living with Parkinson’s and wanting to maintain and improve their strength, fitness, mobility and independence. Delivered by Eat, Move, Be Happy on Monday 27th February 6:00-7:30pm in the Dance Studio at Skipton Academy, Gargrave Road, Skipton. Book online at or by calling Anna Sherin on 07813 703585. £5 per session.

Church news: Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist