GRASSINGTON Primary School has maintained its 'Good' status following an inspecton by Ofsted on November 18.

Grassington is part of the Upper Wharfedale Federation, which comprises of four small, rural schools: Cracoe and Rylestone, Burnsall, Grassington and Kettlewell. November 18 was a 'Federation working day' and KS2 pupils from across the federation were at Grassington.

Inspectors in their report said: "Pupils are happy and proud to attend this small, friendly school. They feel safe and nurtured. If they have any concerns, they know who they can speak to."

Inspectors noted that pupils were exceptionally well behaved and respectful. Older pupils support younger ones.

"Teachers are knowledgeable across subjects. They revisit concepts with pupils before they teach new Inspection report. This enables pupils to build on what they already know. As a result, pupils remember detailed information across the curriculum."

The report added that phonic lessons are delivered well. Pupils are good readers and teachers quickly identify pupils that initially struggle to read. Pupils receive immediate support that helps them to catch up quickly.

Pupiles enjoy a range of after-school clubs. Leaders ensure that pupils learn about and have experiences that help them to understand different cultures and faiths.

Areas suggested for imnprovement are: "Leaders have not planned the exact support pupils with SEND need to be successful in the wider curriculum areas. As a result, some pupils with SEND do not consistently receive the right help at the right time in subjects other than English and mathematics. Leaders should ensure that they precisely identify and implement what pupils need to be successful in these subjects."

The report adds: "Leaders have not planned the precise knowledge that they want children to be able to know in the early years. As a result, children do not progress as well as they should in the areas of learning other than literacy and mathematics. Leaders need to identify what they want children to know and remember. They should support staff in planning the areas of provision to reflect the intended curriculum so that children are well prepared for Year 1."

Insopectors also noted the arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Executive headteachers Claire Greenwood and Chris Parkhouse said following the inspection: "Each and every one of the pupils made us very proud that day- as they do every day. The staff and governors at Grassington are an amazing, caring and hardworking team and this report highlights only a few of the amazing things they do every day for pupils at Grassington."