A CHARITY taking aid to Ukraine has been given sacks of winter clothing and toys from kind-hearted children and parents of Ingleton Primary School.

The donations collected by the school will be transported to the charity's headquarters in Scotland before being taken out to Ukraine and distributed to some of the most vulnerable mothers and children suffering the grip of winter and the daily threat and fear that the war brings.

Joe Mycielski, who lives in Kirkby Lonsdale, has been working with schools, including Ingleton School and Sedbergh School, to collect items to take out to help victims of the war with Russia.

And, working with the Siobhan’s Trust – Ukraine, he has been going to the country, helping to deliver aid with the charity's seven adapted 'pizza vans', from which volunteers cook donated pizza, in addition to other food.

The charity, whose motto is 'make pizza, not war', originally set up a feeding station on the Polish/Ukrainian border, and now provides a mobile service with its food trucks venturing out across the whole country, from its bases in Lviv and Zaporizhzhia.

Mr Mycielski, who is due to fly out to Ukraine this week, said the concerted effort, in Ingleton had shown care and concern for those affected by the deadly war. Many other local communities were also supporting the effort he said which sees clothing, food, toys and medical and sanitary supplies delivered through safe and trusted routes.

He said: "It is fitting that Ingleton Primary School’s motto is 'Tall oaks from little acorns grow' as little by little we are making a huge difference to many of the most vulnerable Ukrainians.

"I can't thank headteacher Jo Colledge, her pupils, parents and staff enough for their kindness. I will be back in Ukraine soon with Siobhan’s Trust and look forward to seeing the smiles that their generosity will bring.”

The charity can feed up to 5,000 people a day from its mobile kitchens For more information or to help, contact Joe Mycielski through Siobhan’s Trust at https://siobhanstrust.uk/