A SWINDEN Quarry agency worker admitted damaging a fellow agency worker's car after he made vulgar comments about his mother.

Skipton magistrates were told Andrew Robson, 36, of Osgathorpe Drive, Sheffield, had been having 'banter' over the radio system on September 1 last year at Cracoe.

Prosecutor Nadine Clough said the banter became insulting towards Robson's mother. Robson damaged the vehicle belonging to Joseph Griffths, also an agency worker, with a steering lock, which Mr Griffiths said caused £6,317.41 of damage.

Mitigating, Nick Leadbeater said his client warned the complainant not to continue insulting his mother but he continued.

Magistrates ordered Robson pay a fine of £300, a surcharge of £120 and costs of £85. They awarded no compensation because of insufficient information being given over the cost.