A GROUP of friends and colleagues from Castleberg Hospital in Giggleswick, near Settle, climbed the UK's highest mountain Ben Nevis to raise money for children’s cancer charity Candlelighters.

The five friends endured very challenging conditions in Scotland including unexpected thick snow at the summit which had to be very carefully navigated with the help of walking poles and, on occasion, by sliding on the seat of the pants but, they persevered and completed the ascent and descent in a very decent around eight hours. And, they ended up raising almost £1,500 - much more than their initial target.

A spokesperson for the group said: "It was a very tough walk but we persevered for such a worthy cause. We set a target of £500 initially but that total has now almost tripled."

The Just Giving page will remain open for a few more days - find it at JustGiving, castleberg girls fundraiser for the Candlelighters Trust.