LANGLIFFE Singers has been marking its 40th anniversary and recently held a celebratory concert in the grand surroundings of Giggleswick School Chapel.

The choir was solely founded by Valerie Baulard, who is now retired and living in Morecambe, where she recently spoke to the choir's chair of trustees, Margaret Coleman.

After an illustrious career in opera and recitals Valerie moved to Langcliffe with husband Howard, where in 1983 from seven local women and a boy treble the choir took its roots - and at one time reaching more than 80 members.

In a previous article, the Craven Herald said Valerie Baulard was the choir's co-founder. We apologise for any offence that may have caused.

We also incorrectly said Robin Knipe had reviewed the 40th anniversary concert, when it was in fact Allan Evans.