A SECOND submitted application to build up to four residential homes on land to the rear of 48 Eshton Road, Gargrave, has been turned down by North Yorkshire Council.

The application was outline with all matters reserved except access and had been submitted by Hall Varley Homes Limited.

Nineteen responses from individuals were received, 12 in support, seven in objection.

One of those in support said: "The development of four dwellings is preferable to the unsightly agricultural buildings."

Another said: "The site is a sensible location for much needed housing in Gargrave."

Gargrave Parish Council had objected to the application stating it considerd 'the application constitutes overdevelopment of the site, uses a narrow access and does not conform with highways regulations. The visibility splay is insufficient given the volume of traffic'.

Highways also objected stating: "The Local Highway Authority notes the site could, in principle, achieve suitable on-site parking and manoeuvring." However it goes on: "The access does not meet the Local Highway Authority’s design standards and consequently may lead to the rise in vehicles waiting in the carriageway and preventing the free flow of traffic on an open stretch of road.

"Eshton Road is a very busy, overused road including large commercial vehicles. The proposed access will further exacerbate on-road parking; insufficient manoeuvring for large vehicles; the access is sited on a blind corner. Despite input from specialist highway consultants, insufficient visibility splays are achievable. A recommendation for refusal on this basis is made."

The final officer's report read: "The site consists of a large parcel of land with an existing vehicular access to Eshton Road, located between 48 Eshton Road and Rowan House to the south. The point of access turns into an access road running eastwards into a set of buildings used as a stables. The parcel of land curves southwards with menage located to the rear of the stables. Beyond the menage is grass land. The site is located within the Settlement Boundary defined within the Gargrave Neighbourhood Development Plan (up to 2032). The site is not allocated for any land use within either the NP or the Craven Local Plan 2012 to 2032.

A previous full application for four dwellings on a broadly similar parcel of land was refused on November 30, 2021 for impact on highway safety; housing mix, inefficient use of land; impact on surrounding occupiers’ residential amenity and lack of sequential approach (flooding).

Reasons for the latest refusal are: The proposal will lead to an unacceptable impact upon highway safety. The proposal constitutes the inefficient use of land contrary to Craven Local Plan.