
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton are holding their regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 3 pm, in the ancient Airton Quaker Meeting House near the Green in Calton Lane, Airton. Our next meeting for worship will take place next Sunday, 14th May. The Meeting House remains open during the week if you are ever looking for a place of peace and quiet when the world around us is so turbulent.


Field and Local History Society: Mike Haken, chairman of the Roman Roads Association, will be presenting an illustrated talk on ‘Roman Roads’ on Wednesday May 17 2023 at 7.30pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Admission free for members, £3 for guests.

Church news: Services Sunday 14th May 9.30am Holy Communion Austwick & 7.00pm. Lambing Service Eldroth

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Parish Newsletter: The May – August newsletter is being distributed in the village and is also on the village website.

Austwick W I: John Reid was the guest speaker at our April meeting. He spoke about Settle shops in the past and present and concentrated his talk on the Station Road area. Our next meeting will be members night on Thursday May 11th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

Afternoon Fellowship: Wednesdays, 2.00pm-3.30pm The Afternoon Fellowship is a monthly meeting held at Austwick Parish Hall. Each meeting features a guest speaker on a topic of interest, followed by a time for conversation with refreshments. No charge for admission. More information from our Churches Weekly Newsletters or from our Secretary Catherine

Menday, 01524 251787,

Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 22nd May at the earlier than usual time of 6.00 pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Time is given at the start of the meeting for electors to ask questions or make statements that relate to the work of the council. This meeting will be immediately followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm. All registered electors are welcome to attend and participate. The notice and agenda for both these meetings is posted on the Parish notice boards and on the Parish Council website.

Street Market & Cuckoo Festival: Monday 29th May 2023 Fun for all the family from 9.30am-4.00pm. Volunteers and supporters very welcome.

Bradleys Both

WI: Next meeting Monday May 15 at 7.30 pm at the village hall. Enjoy an eye opening presentation on local history hosted by Skipton Library. We are also delighted to be able to share details about a new BBWI book group. Visitors and guests are always welcome; we’d be delighted to see you - come and meet us! Non-WI members £4. Refreshments included.

Please note that Bradleys Both WI meetings begin at 7.30 pm. Doors open from 7 pm


Iron Horse CMC: One of the best acts on the UK country music scene John Doherty returns to the stage at the Iron Horse CMC on May 13th at Carleton Social Club. With a huge repertoire of old and contemporary country songs John is always popular with dancers and listeners. Tickets are £7 and available on the door which opens at 7.15pm.

Church news: St. Mary’s Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: on Sunday 14th May there will be a service of BCP Communion at St Peter’s at 9.30am. Looking ahead, there will be a Pet Service on Sunday 21st May at 4pm, to which you are welcome to bring your pets for a special service in celebration of our furry and feathered friends. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


NEW2U: Throughout May, NEW 2U is having a promotion of ‘Soft Furnishings’ for the home. This will include curtains, bedding, cushions, pictures, & lighting. Also, in the shop, there is a wide range of spring clothes for all ages & sizes, from birth upwards. New arrivals this week are a range of teenage/ladies’ sizes 4 -10 Spring/ Summer clothes. Also, the ever- popular £1 rail. Unfortunately, due to us having excess stock & limited storage space, donations of goods are not able to be accepted for the foreseeable future. We are grateful for your help & understanding regarding this, & respectfully ask that no goods are left on the Church doorstep, as they will not be able to be processed. Thankyou. Opening Times are: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-4pm, & Saturdays 10am-12noon. All proceeds are donated to worthy local causes & Charities.

Coffee Morning: All are invited to a Christian Aid coffee morning on Sat 13th May at St Andrew's church hall , Cowling, 10 am to 12 noon. Entry £2.50 to include coffee/ tea/squash & biscuit and quiz entry. Cake stall, raffle and children's activity. New2U also open. Entry through the Bancroft room to the right of the building.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday May 14th Communion will be at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: There will be a service of Morning Worship at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (14th), starting at 11.00am. There will be a mid-week Holy Communion service, in the Parish Rooms, starting at 1.30pm on Wednesday (17th). On Sunday (14th) at 5.00pm, Kildwick Church will host a performance by Leeds Baroque Choir and Orchestra. The programme is entitled “O Sing unto the Lord: Music for the Restoration Chapel Royal”. Tickets from £18.00.

St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.

Local History Group: Meet next Thursday (18th) at 7pm in the upstairs room of Farnhill Institute. A talk will be given on “The Industrial Revolution in the Pennines”. The meeting is open to all and admission is free.


Picnic supper dance: Village Hall on Friday evening. Live music will be provided by the Lancashire musician Alan Cookson. Please bring along your own picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person payable onthe door. A raffle will be held to aid Hall funds. The music will commence at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

Craft and Collectable Fair: Village Hall Management Committee on Sunday in the Village Hall. There will be lots of stalls selling vintage, collectables, jewellery, bric a brac, books, jigsaws and crafts. There will also be stalls raising funds for Manorlands Hospice, The Cats Protection League and the Village Hall. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m. The event commences at10.a.m until 4.p.m but please call in earlier if it is more convenient as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. Admission is just 50p. Further enquiries please call 07989585564.

Coronation tea: A homemade afternoon tea accompanied by live music from the popular local band Silhouette was enjoyed on Sunday afternoon in the Village Hall. The music encouraged some of the audience to take to the floor and a happy afternoon was had by all, some went home with commemorative gifts from the Royal raffle but more importantly with some great memories to mark the Kings coronation. Thanks to everyone on Gargrave Village Hall Management committee and their friends for all the work involved in putting on the event, the decorating of the hall, preparation of the tea, serving the meal and all the work afterwards. Special thanks to the two ladies for the bulk baking of scones and cup cakes.

Church news: 8am BCP Holy Communion in church. 11am Sung Eucharist - in Gargrave C of E Primary School. (Please note that the 11am service will be held in Gargrave Primary School for next 3-5 weeks due to the heating works taking place in church. The 8am service will continue in church. No midweek groups will be able to meet in church during this time).


Richard Whiteley Theatre: Fanboy (Thursday 18 May – 7.30pm). Fringe first winning performer and playwright Joe Sellman – Leava returns to Giggleswick with his brand-new production explore our relationship to our past and future selves. A must for Star Wars fans! Tickets from


Glusburn and Cross Hills Gardening Society: Last meeting of the season on Friday, May 19 at 7.30 pm at Glusburn Community and Arts Centre, Colne Road. A talk by Olivia McEwan on behalf of Incredible Edible Skipton. Incredible Edible aims to show how ordinary people can transform their own landscapes and turn allotments and disused plots into abundant sources of healthy food, involving the community and promoting sharing and developing hands on food knowledge.We look forward to seeing you. £3 for members, £4 for non-members


Grassington Town Hall: Saturday 13th May - Handbell Ringers of Great Britain, 10am-5pm. Admission £1. Community Cinema - The Woman King (15), 7.30pm. Tickets £5

Wednesday 17 & 18th May - GTAG “Stitching in the Dales” two day workshop.

Wednesday 24th May - Grassington Crafts 9am-5pm, Royal Ballet Sleeping Beauty, 7.15pm. Tickets £15

Weekly What’s On: We have about 20 different sessions running weekly for all ages and interests. Tai Chi, indoor bowls, pilates, kids dance & music theatre, lunch club, arts & horticultural activities.


Kenneth Leak:

200 Club: The winners for May are: 3rd: No 31 Ruth Beresford £10. 2nd: No 45 Margaret Foster £15. 1st: No 42 Naomi Edwards £25.

North Craven Flower Club: The Flower Club will meet tonight in the Institute at 7.30pm. The guest demonstrator will be Jill Perrings with a demonstration entitled 'King and Country'.

Coffee Morning: There will be an Institute Coffee Morning this Saturday from 10.00am.

Book Group: The group will meet today in the Institute from 7.30pm in the Yorke Room.

Parish Council: The council will meet on Wednesday the 17th May at 7.30pm in the Yorke Room of the Institute.

Heligames: There will be a Games afternoon in the Institute on Wednesday the 17th May from 1 till 4 pm. The games afternoons on forthcoming Wednesdays are being undertaken on a trial basis. There will be a charge of £3 per person, to include tea and biscuits.

Entertainment: Tickets are available for Nicola Mills - Opera for the People - on Friday 19th May. Tickets are £10. A BYO event. Contact Karen on 01729 851070 for details.

Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch from 12 noon today. There will be a Film Afternoon today from 2.30pm. The Community Pantry is open tomorrow from 2 - 3 pm. Lego Church will be from 10.30pm on Sunday. The Chapel Service will be from 2 pm. The Welcome Mat group meets on Monday from 2.30 to 4 pm. Kettlebells exercise group is held on Wednesdays from 6 till 8.30pm.

Bingo: Bingo will be at Hellifield House this Sunday 6.30pm.

Messy Monkeys: Children's group is held on Wednesdays from 10.30pm in the Institute. Term Time sessions. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.


Coffee and Cakes: The Golden Age Committee will be having a Coffee & Cakes afternoon in the Village Hall at Horton in Ribblesdale from 2pm on Saturday . There will also be a cake stall, Tombola and raffle to help raise funds towards this year’s trip which will take place on Wednesday the 21st June. The destination for the annual Golden Age trip will be Chester, with lunch in the city and supper at the Calf’s Head at Worston on return. The trip including transport, lunch and supper is free for men aged 65 and over and ladies 60 (or both if one qualifies) and have lived in the parish for 2 years. If you don’t receive an invite and would like to join us please let us know. If you don’t qualify for a free place you would still be very welcome to join us but there would be a charge to cover your meals. For more information or to book your place come along on the 13th May or email Helen at

Lambing Service: St. Oswalds churchyard on Sunday at 3.p.m. If the weather is inclement the service may have to move inside the church which could be fun with some of the four-legged congregation.There will be sheep themed refreshments served after

the service.


Church news: St Mary's Church. On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May, St Mary's Church will be open during the Scarecrow Festival, between 12noon and 4pm. On Sunday May 14th, Morning Worship will be at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 14th May there is a service of Holy Communion at 10am, with a focus on Christian Aid. St Michael’s welcomes enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.


Langcliffe teas: Sunday May 21, 2pm - 4.30pm. Langcliffe Singers is holding this annual fundraising event in Langcliffe's Village Institute on Sunday 21st May. Proceeds will be in aid of the choir. Please come along and support the efforts of the choir: our volunteers who bake delicious home -made cakes & scones, prepare trifles & other delicacies and staff the event on the day. Tea & coffee & soft drinks will also be provided. We are always grateful to our members and local businesses who provide the prizes for the tombola & raffle which may include artisan cheeses and quality wine.

Long Preston

Bacon Butties: There will be a bacon butty morning on Saturday 13th May in the village hall from 10am. Proceeds are for the over 70's group.

Little Footsteps: Look forward to seeing you again on Monday 15th May from 10am in the Methodist Church

Welcome Space: The Methodist Church is open every Monday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm to have a brew and/lunch. There will now be a small charge for this as the funding has now stopped. Please ring Annette on 840096 to book your lunch giving a week's notice please.

Church news: St Mary's Church service on Sunday 14th May will be morning prayer with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The service at the Methodist Church will be with Rev Stephen Dawes at 11am.

Strong and Steady: Gentle exercises every Tuesday 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel followed by coffee and biscuits. Only £4 a session. If you would like a lift for this activity, please call Sandra at Age UK. 01729 823066

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.

Village Hall 200 club: The winners for the May draw were, Mike Brown, Dave Jowitt and John Cressey.


ACE Settle: Saturday 13 May 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Action on Climate Emergency Settle and area’s (ACE Settle) May Green Cafe at St John’s Methodist Church Hall. Church St. Settle. BD24 9JH. Hear more about ACE Energy Group’s work on developing a local energy club, identifying the best sites for roof-top solar installations and how to use a thermal imaging camera to check where your accommodation might be losing heat.

Cafe run by ACE. coffee, teas and biscuits available 10.30-11am. Free. Visit our website at: Facebook and Twitter @ACESettle.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Many events to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III took place last weekend. On Saturday morning visitors and locals popped into Holy Ascension for bacon butties and stayed to listen to the lovely Passerini Brown Duo who played a wonderful mix of traditional songs and favourite hymns. Folk stayed on to watch the live stream of the Coronation.

Bellringers: At 3pm on Saturday bellringers started to ring a full peal of 5040 Plain Bob Triples to commemorate King Charles III Coronation. This marathon took the team, led by tower captain, Stuart Heath, just over three hours. Congratulations to all who took part. The bells sounded wonderful as they rang out across the town and it was a most impressive achievement as the team had rung another coronation peal at St Alkelda's the previous evening.

Cycle Ride: Cyclists are invited to join in the Bowland and Ewecross Deanery Cycle Ride on Saturday 13 May. This promises to be a fairly leisurely ride following the quiet, back roads. Meet at Holy Ascension at 10.30am then head over to Eldroth on to Keasden, toward Clapham station with a break for coffee and snacks at the Goat Gap Café. After refreshments it's on to Newby and via the back road to Clapham, Austwick, Wharfe and along Stackhouse Lane back to Settle for 3pm. There should be time to call in and visit churches en-route.

Churches Together: Members are preparing for the annual Christian Aid Week, from Sunday 14 May to Saturday 20 May.

Join the "Big Brekkie" at Holy Ascension on Saturday 20 May from 10am 'til 1pm. Do call in for a 'full English' or a coffee. More refreshments and a chance to meet friends at the Christian Aid Coffee Evening on Wednesday 17 May from 6pm 'til 7.30pm at St John's Methodist Church. To round off the week you are invited to Afternoon Tea at the Friends Meeting House, Kirkgate on Saturday 20 May from 3pm 'til 4.30pm. Gardeners will be pleased to learn that during the week they can pop into the Meeting House garden and, for a donation to Christian Aid, select some plants and seedlings for their garden. Volunteers will be popping Christian Aid envelopes through letterboxes in Settle and the surrounding villages. Your donations/envelopes can be returned to the collection points in either Lamberts News or the Co-op. Many folk are struggling with rising prices and the cost of living here in the UK however members of Churches Together in Settle and District are hoping that during this Christian Aid Week our local community will continue to generously support communities and individuals both here and in some of the poorest countries in the world.

On Sunday, 14 May, Revd Julie Clarkson leads the service of Holy Communion at 11am. Being the second Sunday of the month this service will be live streamed. To follow the service from home go to


Car boot sale: Riverside Field Sunday 14th May from 7am to 1pm, toilet and catering on site. The cost is £10 for cars and £15 for vans and cars with trailers. Buyers free entry and car park available. Search Silsden Car boot on Facebook for further details or contact Zoey or Jonny on 01535500170.


Church news: Christ Church. Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Beer Festival: Thursday May18 to Saturday May 20 at Skipton Town Hall. Keighley and Craven CAMRA. Over 60real ales on a traditional gravity service, plus real ale on KeyKeg and a range of Cider and Perry, wine and soft drinks. Food will also be available at all sessions provided by Drake and Macefield who will be bringing their award-winning pies. Doors Open: Thursday May 18 : 3pm until 10pm; Friday May 19 : 11am until 10pm; Saturday 20th May: 11am until 8pm. Entrance Fee – payable on the door: Thursday £2.00; Friday & Saturday £3.50; CAMRA Members - £1.00 per session on production of a valid membership card

Dementia Forward: Dementia discussion event in Skipton Town Hall on Monday May 22 , for anyone with an interest in dementia and the services available locally. This free event will include a dementia awareness session, a panel discussion with guests, including Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry Dr Kamath, and a marketplace of relevant local organisations, charities and care providers. The event is open to everyone. So if you are living with dementia or directly involved in the care of someone with dementia, or if you would like to improve your dementia awareness and understand ways that you or your business can support people in our community, please come along and join the discussion.

The Dementia Discussion will take place from 1pm to 4pm at Skipton Town Hall. Thank you to Skipton Rotary for supporting this event. For further information, or for support from Dementia Forward, please call the Helpline on 03300 578592 or email