“WELL played!” all who were responsible for adorning Skipton town centre and elsewhere with Union flags to celebrate the coronation of King Charles.

I hope, therefore, you can keep them up – or down and back up again – for Skipton’s forthcoming Charities Gala on June 10.

I have not been on the gala committee for many a long year now, but I still endeavour to help where possible. But, mention of the “bring out the bunting” theme, does hark me back to the years when indeed I was much more heavily involved. And, when besides me presenting the aforementioned request, I also presented periodic features inviting anyone bearing any kind of family or musical entertainment…flute, trombone, second fiddle or whatever else of colourful content, to take part in the procession.

Indeed, I was not long ago watching a recording of the 1986 Gala – arguably the greatest show of any kind in town in my life-time – when just about everyone on behalf of their respective organisations took part. And, besides much else in terms of colour and content, there were no fewer than fourteen musical floats groups or bands.

Due to it being a charity establishment, understandably, the gala is on a tight budget. And the only two entertainment pieces which we did have to book – albeit I managed to negotiate them for an absolute song – were the Bosco Caribbean All Steel Band, from Leeds, and the Lunesdale Pipe Band, from Morecambe. All the rest in more local entertainment – even to the point of some having to pay for wagons – never charged a single penny between them.

1986 of course was the year when – besides numerable miles incurred elsewhere – I went over to their practice shed to angle for Custers Country and Western Band, which then went on to star in the gala for the next twenty-seven years.

However, besides all the other wonderful things that year, I still particularly smile when reminded of an Earby Youth Club rock ‘n roll float. On it there is a young lad clad in Teddy Boy gear and jiving for all he is worth. That young lad must be now aged around the 50 mark!

Hark then my request…now as then. “Give it a go and help to make it a show!” June 10!

Roger Ingham
