
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton are holding their regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 3 pm, in the ancient Airton Quaker Meeting House near the Green in Calton Lane. All are welcome in this the earliest Non-conformist place of worship in the country, dating from the early 1600s. Our next meeting for worship will take place next Sunday, May 21. The Meeting House remains open during the week if you are ever looking for a place of peace and quiet when the world around us is so turbulent.



Church news: Services - 21st May 9.30am Holy Communion Austwick. 11.00am Easy Church Clapham. 2.00pm Eldroth Pentecost Praise: A Family Celebration

Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Parish Newsletter: The May to August newsletter is being distributed in the village and is also on the village website

Afternoon Fellowship: Austwick Parish Hall, Wednesdays, 2.00pm-3.30pm The Afternoon Fellowship is a monthly meeting held at Austwick Parish

Hall and open to everybody in our surrounding area. Each meeting features a guest speaker on a topic of interest, followed by a time for conversation with refreshments. There is no charge for admission: a voluntary collection of at each meeting helps to support our running costs.Come along; bring a friend; meet new friends. More information from our Churches Weekly Newsletters or from our Secretary Catherine Menday, 01524 251787

Annual Parish Meeting: A meeting of the parish council will take place on Monday 22nd May at the earlier than usual time of 6pm in Austwick Parish Hall. Time is given at the start of the meeting for electors to ask questions or make statements that relate to the work of the council. This meeting will be immediately followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm. All registered electors are welcome to attend and participate. The notice and agenda for both these meetings is posted on the parish notice boards and on the parish council website.

Street Market & Cuckoo Festival: Monday 29th May 2023 Fun for all the family from 9.30am-4pm.


Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This week we celebrate Ascension Day. Ascension Day marks the end of Christ’s appearances on earth as he ascends into heaven. It is celebrated across the Christian World and for good reason. First of all, it reminds us that the Christ who came down to earth at Christmas has now ascended to heaven. Secondly, it shows us that heaven and earth co-exist at the same time and gives us reassurance about our own heavenly home. Thirdly, as Christ tells us, we are not left alone here on earth but supported and sustained through the Holy Spirit which will come upon us on Whit Sunday (Pentecost). Finally, Christ may have ascended to heaven, but remains present on earth through his Church and in our lives. We have every reason to celebrate Christ’s Ascension.

Church news: Ascension Day Thursday 18th May. There will be an Ascension Day Service in the Priory at 7 pm.


Burton in Lonsdale

Musical evening: Burton Village Hall is pleased to welcome Sarah McQuaid to Burton on the 21st May. Sarah has a beautiful voice, imagine Joni Mitchel with Karen Carpenter together. Born in Spain and raised in Chicago, she now performs in the UK on tour. Look up and listen to some tracks, then join us on the 21st in Burton Village hall for a great evening. Tickets £10 on the door. 7.30 start. Some refreshments available. With 6 albums to her name, and an Arts Council Lifetime Achievement Award, the evening will provide something for everyone.



Church news: St. Mary’s. Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.



Art Group: 70th Art Exhibition in the Village Hall at Clapham from Saturday 27th May to Sunday 4th June. There will be an exciting and eclectic selection of framed paintings, mounted works and drawings on display which will celebrate the creativity of its members. The Exhibition will be open daily from 10am to 5pm. Entry is 50p with accompanied children are free. Delicious homemade refreshments will be available in aid of St. James’s Church.


Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold on Sunday 21st May there is a pet service at 4pm, to which you are welcome to bring your pets for a special service in celebration of our furry and feathered friends. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on



Church news: Sun May 21 will be the last morning service scheduled at St Andrew’s Methodist Church before we cease to worship there. At 11.15 we will hold a Songs of Praise in the chapel - entrance via Bancroft Room to the right of the building. All welcome. Or come at any time from 10.45 for a cup of coffee/tea and a chat before the service. For requests for hymns to sing please contact Anne on 07811135417. New2U and Friday coffee mornings will remain open until the end of August. There will be a big celebration service for the life of the church on August 20.



Church news: All Saints' Church. Tonight, Thursday May 18th, Earby Brass Band is holding a concert in the Church at 7.30pm. Admission £3. There will be refreshments and a raffle. Everyone welcome. On Saturday May 20th it is Messy Pentecost, between 10.30am and 12noon. Accompanied children of all ages welcome. Windmills and kite making, stories, music and refreshments. On Sunday May 21st, Communion for Ascensiontide is at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. All welcome.

Croquet: There is a four nations croquet match to be held at Pendle and Craven Croquet Club, in Earby, this weekend saturday and Sunday May 20 and 21. All wecome to watch. 


Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Local History Group: The group will meet this evening (Thursday 18th) at 7pm in the upstairs room of Farnhill Institute. A talk will be given on “The Industrial Revolution in the Pennines”. The meeting is open to all and admission is free (although cash donations to help with costs would be appreciated).

Church news: St. Andrew’s church. There will be a service of Holy Communion, starting at 7.30pm this evening (Thursday 18th, Ascension Day). On Saturday (20th), starting at 7.30pm, Kildwick Church will host a performance by the choir “Masterworks Chorale”. The programme is entitled “Fairest Isle”. Tickets, £15.00. Holy Communion, using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer ,will be celebrated at 9am on Sunday (21st), followed by the usual Holy Communion service at 11am. There will be a mid-week Holy Communion service, in the Parish Rooms, starting at 1.30pm on Wednesday (24th). St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10am until about 2pm

Knit & Natter: The group will meet on Tuesday (23rd), between 1.30pm and 3.30pm in the upstairs room at Farnhill Institute. People are invited to come along with their knitting, crochet or stitching, or just to have a chat - all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits served. £2.



Plant Sale: This will be held in aid of church funds on Saturday commencing at 10.a.m at the Summerseat in Gargrave. Labelled plant contributions will be accepted there from 9.30am or may be delivered to 3 St. Roberts Close during the week.

Church news: A service of BCP Holy Communion will be held in part of St. Andrew`s church on Sunday at 8am. Everyone is reminded that the church is closed for other services and events whilst the new heating system is installed. The 11.a.m service of Morning Worship will be held at Gargrave Primary school. The work is expected to continue for another 2-4 weeks.



Community and Arts Centre: Saturday 20th May, 7.30pm (doors and bar 7pm). A Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel. Live singer-songwriter duo Tickets £15. Monday morning Wellbeing Café with free art activity will continue to run on all the bank holidays throughout May. Open 10-12 every week, no need to book, just come along.

Weekly What’s On: We have about 30 different sessions running weekly, for all ages and interests. Dance, drama, fitness, wellbeing, art, cooking and social activities. For more details, visit our website or pick up a copy of our timetable. Contact or 01535 630 223.



Coffee morning: Friends of Threshfield Primary School are having a coffee morning at Church House, Grassington. There will be a cake stall and raffle. Saturday, 20th May 9am to 12 noon.

Trail Race: The Grassington Trail Race and Family Day. Sunday 21st May 2023 from 10.30am. A 5-mile route start and finish at Grassington School. Registration from 8.30am at Grassington Primary School. £15 entry on the day, £13.50 if booked in advance at Kids races, cakes, bacon butties and more. All proceeds to Grassington Primary School PTA.

Devonshire Institute: Sleeping Beauty. The Sleeping Beauty holds a very special place in The Royal Ballet’s heart and history. It was the first performance given by the Company when the Royal Opera House reopened at Covent Garden in 1946 after World War II. In 2006, this original staging was revived and has been delighting audiences ever since. Frederick Ashton famously cited the pure classicism of Marius Petipa’s 19th-century ballet as a private lesson in the atmospheric art and craft of choreography. Be swept away by Tchaikovsky’s ravishing music and Oliver Messel’s sumptuous fairytale designs with this true gem from the classical ballet repertory. May 24. Running time is approx. 3 hours and 25 minutes (including 2 intervals). Tickets £15 available at the Hub or online at

Grassington Hub Daytime Activities: Monday 3:30pm – 5:30pm Knit n Natter. Drop in, no need to book, free. Thursday 1.30pm – 3.30pm Family History. Drop in, no need to book, free. Events are free, but donations towards refreshments would be welcomed. Call the Hub on 01756 752222 for more information.

Warm Space: With free tea, coffee and biscuits Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm. Call the Hub on 01756 752222 for more information.



Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church: Thursday this week is Ascension Day and Holy Ascension, Settle, will be celebrating with a service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm, to which everyone is invited. There are still events for Christian Aid Week to enjoy on Saturday. A ‘Big Brekkie’ at Settle Parish Church from 10am to 1pm and Afternoon Tea at the Friends Meeting House 3 to 4.30pm. On Sunday join us at St. Alkelda’s, at 9.30am, for a service of Holy Communion and do stay for a chat and refreshments afterwards.



Kenneth Leak email:

Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In lunch today from 12 noon. The Community Pantry is open tomorrow from 2 - 3 pm. The service at the chapel on Sunday is from 2 pm. The Strong and Steady class is on Monday 22nd from 3.30 till 4.30pm. Kettlebells exercise class is on Wednesdays from 6 till 8.30pm. Contact Josephine on 07813 792191 for details about Kettlebells and Pauline on 07931 511652 for information on all Wesley Centre activities.

Coffee morning: This Saturday’s Coffee Morning at the Institute is a fundraiser for Christian Aid. From 10.00am all welcome.

Women’s Institute: The W.I. meet tonight in the Institute from 7.15pm For details about joining the W.I. contact Carol on 01729 851660.

Entertainment: There will be entertainment tomorrow evening in the Institute from 7.30pm when singer Nicola Mills will present ‘Opera for the People’. This is a return visit by Nicola, and the first class soprano will perform her renditions of popular opera and classical cross-over. This is a BYO event and tickets are £10.00. For details of this and future events at the Institute contact Karen on 01729 851070/0775 6862086

Walk: The Village Walk will take place this Sunday, with a meet up in the main car park at 10 am. All are welcome to come along. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear and bring a drink along. Children should be accompanied and all dogs must be on leads. Contact Rebecca on 07443 493169.

House quiz: The next Quiz night at Hellifield House will be Wednesday 24th from 8.15 pm.

Messy monkeys: Messy Monkeys children’s group is held on Wednesday mornings in term time in the Institute from 10.30am. Contact Amanda on 07398 284126.

Chess: At the Black Horse is on Wednesday 24th at 8 pm. Contact Ian on 07760 190222 for details.



Church news: Coronation Sunday was celebrated at St Oswald’s church when the Revd Heinz Toller presided in a service of Holy Communion. The Peace was shared with handshakes for the first time since March 2020. The laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil was also offered. The oils were blessed by Bishop Nick on Maundy Thursday. The minister’s hand hovers above the recipient’s head before the sign of a cross is made with oil on the forehead, with this prayer –I anoint you in the name of God who gives you life. Receive Christ’s forgiveness, his healing and his love.

May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant you the riches of his grace, his wholeness and his peace.

A bee-friendly lilac tree was planted after the service near to the shrubs which were planted last year for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and her death in 2022. A community lunch was held in the school on Bank Holiday Monday and thanks are extended to the great team for all the preparations. Fifteen children were able to spread into the classrooms of the old school where they created crowns, craftwork and played giant snakes and ladders. Edith won the prize for the best homemade crown and Leila for pinning the jewel on Charles III. Geoff won the booby prize for sticking it on the wall somewhere in the vicinity.

A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held on Sunday in St. Peter`s church at Langcliffe at 10.30.a.m.



Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday May 21st, Communion for Ascensiontide is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden.


Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 21st May there is a service of Holy Communion at 10am, led by Canon David Bruno. St Michael’s welcomes enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.

Malhamdale Local History Group: Tonight, Thursday 18th May, 7.30pm at Kirkby Malham Parish

Hall. “We didn’t take any fault – Life in a N. Yorks village during WW2”. A talk by Vivienne Rivis. Using material gleaned from oral history interviews, official documents held by The National Archives and local sources including school logbooks, Vivienne will explore what it felt like to be a local child or an evacuee in the war years. Illustrated with archive photos and sound recordings.



Bric-a-brac sale: Langcliffe Church on Saturday and Sunday 20th & 21st May 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Refreshments will be served on Saturday.


Long Preston

Little Footsteps: Toddler Group will look forward to seeing you again on Monday 22nd May from 10am in the Methodist Church. This is a free activity so come and join us for a play and a brew.

Welcome Space: The Methodist Church is open every Monday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm to have a brew and/lunch. There will now be a small charge for this as the funding has now stopped. Please ring Annette on 840096 to book your lunch giving a weeks' notice please.

Church News: St Mary's Church service on Sunday 21st May will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The service at the Methodist Church will be with Rev Roger Fox at 11am.

Strong and Steady: (gentle exercises) for those who wish to be more mobile and independent, Every Tuesday 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel followed by coffee and biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. If you would like a lift for this activity, please call Sandra at Age UK. 01729 823066

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.

Over 50s coffee and cake: This month's meeting is on Thursday 25th May from 1.30pm in the village hall.



Over 50s: Our next meeting will be on May 24 at 2pm in the village hall when our speaker will talk about “From sheep to rug”.



Coffee morning: In the Reading Room with craft stalls on Saturday May 27, 10am - 12 noon.



Church news: Settle parish church:Thursday 18 May is Ascension Day. At one time this special day was given more prominence and often school children enjoyed a half day holiday. At Holy Ascension, Settle there will be a service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm today, Thursday 18 May. Everyone is most welcome to join us to mark this significant day in the church year.

Throughout this Christian Aid Week members of Churches Together in Settle and District have been working in the local community, hosting fund raising events to support the charity’s work. Christian Aid works to create opportunities for folk disadvantaged and made vulnerable by climate change and natural disasters to lift themselves out of poverty. This Saturday, 20 May, look out for 2 more Christian Aid events in Settle. Pop into Holy Ascension for the “Big Brekkie” from 10am ‘til 1pm for bacon butties, try a ‘full English or just enjoy a coffee and homemade cake.

Afternoon teas for Christian Aid will be on offer at the Friends Meeting House on Saturday afternoon from 3pm. Join us for Morning Worship at Holy Ascension on Sunday 21 May at 11am. Stay for coffee and chat afterwards. Our monthly, informal Café Church takes place at 3pm on Sunday 21 May too. There’ll be more refreshments and ‘live music’ on offer as we ‘do church’. Everyone is sure of a warm welcome. Do come along and see if Café Church is your style of worship.

Book Fair: The next Settle Book Fair will be held in the Victoria Hall Settle on Bank Holiday Monday May 29 10am to 4pm. Entrance 50p for adults with students and accompanied children free of charge. All proceeds go to the upkeep of the Victoria Hall.



Incredible Edible Skipton: Volunteer sessions take place every Wednesday, and every first and third Saturday of the month. This week we’re meeting Saturday 20 May, 10.00-12.00am, and Wednesday 24 May 10am -midday and 6pm -8pm. Meet at the Incredible Edible allotment on the Middletown allotments site. All welcome - no experience needed.

Italian Circle: The next meeting of the Skipton Italian Circle will be held on Thursday, May 25 at St Stephen’s Parish Rooms, St Stephen’s Close, Skipton .Our talk will be on ‘FERRARA’ and given by Andy Botherway. Join us from 7.30 pm for light refreshments, greetings in Italian or English or a glass of vino. Visit and Facebook @skiptonitaliancircle

Skipton beer festival: Thursday 18 to Saturday May 20 at Skipton Town Hall. Keighley and Craven CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) are delighted to again hold Skipton Beer Festival in in the historic Town Hall, High Street, Skipton. Over 60 Real Ales on a traditional gravity service, plus Real Ale on KeyKeg and a range of Cider and Perry, wine and soft drinks. Food will also be available at all sessions provided by the prestigious town butchers Drake & Macefield who will be bringing their award-winning pies. Doors Open: Thursday: 3pm until 10pm; Friday : 11am until 10pm; Saturday: 11am until 8pm. Entrance Fee – payable on the door: Thursday £2.00; Friday and Saturday £3.50. CAMRA Members - £1 per session on production of a valid membership card.

Church news: Christ Church. Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist; Eucharist for Ascension Day on Thursday 18th May . Christ Church at 7.30pm.


Sutton in Craven

Brass band: Community brass band Sutton's Got Brass will be playing in Sutton Park on July 16 between 2pm and 4pm for anyone to go along and enjoy.


Thornton in Lonsdale

Church news: Sunday Services held at St Oswald’s Church at 9.30am during the Interegnum with visiting clergy and speakers. St Oswald’s Church will be open from Wednesday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm for visitors and private prayers.

Fund raising event: Saturday 20th May at St Oswald’s Church, 7.30pm Sedbergh Town Band. Tickets £7.00 from Rosemary Hartley 015242 41384

Coffee morning: Saturday 27th May at St Oswald’s Church from 10.30am. Proceeds for St Oswald’s church general fund.