COUNCILLOR Sheila Bentley has been elected the new Mayor of Skipton.

Cllr Bentley, who has spent the last year as deputy mayor, and will serve as the town's civic leader until May, 2024, was voted unopposed at yesterday's (Thursday) annual meeting of Skipton Town Council. She follows Cllr Rick Judge into the role.

Cllr Peter Madeley was elected deputy mayor. He and Cllr Winston Feather were both put forward by fellow members of the council, with Cllr Madeley taking eight votes to Cllr Feather's four.

Cllr Madeley, a Labour member who serves Skipton West, is a former mayor of Skipton, serving in 2019/20, and was a member of the former Craven District Council. He stood for North Yorkshire Council for the Skipton West and West Craven division last year, but lost to Andy Solloway on the drawing of straws after both received the exact same number of votes.

Cllr Bentley, an Independent member serving Skipton North, said she was delighted to be elected to the role.

She told the meeting that it had been the late Cllr Alan Hickman, a former mayor of Skipton, who had persuaded her to seek election to the town council by telling her that the council 'needed more ladies'.

"It is thanks to Alan Hickman that I am here today," she said.

Her predecessor, Cllr Rick Judge, Ind, East Skipton, said it had been a great honour to be mayor in a year which had included great change such as the creation of the new North Yorkshire Council, and the impact of the financial crisis.

He spoke of how the council had frozen its precept for the third year running, while maintaining a good level of services to its residents. He also spoke of the welcome return of Pride in the Park, due to take place in Aireville Park this summer, with the help of Craven College, and an event for Yorkshire Day, being jointly organised by Skipton BID.

The annual meeting of the town council also saw the election of committee members and chairs of committees, and also the adoption of standing orders and regulations.

Cllr Aidan Higgins, Lab, South; was elected chair of the finance committee and Cllr Chris Harbron, Ind, East; was elected chair of audit, scrutiny and planning. Cllr Karen McIntyre, Ind, South; is chair of public services, and Cllr Brian McDaid, Labour, West; chair of management and staffing. Cllr Peter Madeley, Lab, West; was elected chair of market and events committee.