
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton are holding their regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 3 pm, in the ancient Airton Quaker Meeting House near the Green in Calton Lane, Airton. All are welcome in this the earliest Non-conformist place of worship in the country, dating from the early 1600s. Our next meeting for worship will take place next Sunday, 28th May, followed by refreshments afterwards in the Barn. The Meeting House remains open during the week if you are ever looking for a place of peace and quiet when the world around us is so turbulent.


Church news: Services: 28th May 9.30am Pentecost Holy Communion Austwick. 11.00am Clapham Holy Communion. 7.00pm Keasden Evening Service. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. All welcome.

Street Market & Cuckoo Festival: Monday 29th May 2023 Fun for all the family from 9.30am-4.00pm. Volunteers and supporters very welcome. Fun for all. See village website for all the details.

Parish Newsletter: The May - August newsletter is being distributed in the village and is also on the village website

Afternoon Fellowship: Austwick Parish Hall, Wednesdays, 2.00pm-3.30pm The Afternoon Fellowship is a monthly meeting held at Austwick Parish Hall and features a guest speaker on a topic of interest. There is no charge for admission. A voluntary collection of at each meeting helps to support our running costs. More information from our church's weekly newsletters or from our Secretary Catherine Menday, 01524 251787,

Austwick WI: The May meeting was Members Night, when the committee was treated to an evening arranged by members. An entertaining quiz and delicious refreshments were organised by Gwen Cleverly and Pat Broadhead and enjoyed by all. Also in May Ribchester WI was welcomed to Austwick with a walk around Oxenber Woods to see the wild flowers followed by afternoon tea in the Parish Hall. The next meeting on Thursday June 8th at 7.30 in the Parish Hall will be a change to the programme and will now be a talk by Sarah Lister on The Navvies.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s Message: This Sunday is Whit Sunday when we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in Jerusalem. This is an important moment for the Church. Not only did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples but it also galvanised them to go out into the world and to found the Christian Church here on earth. The coming of the Holy Spirit also reminds us that we all have different gifts to offer and that we all have our part to play in the life of the Church, however great or small. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit enables us to understand one another whatever race or culture we come from. We are all one Christian community with one accord. Let us take this opportunity to dedicate afresh our individual gifts to the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Priory Concert: Saturday 3rd June at 7.30 pm by Aires and Gracenotes entitled ‘And a Nightingale Sang …..’ They are a local group of musicians, this will be an eclectic mix of classical, traditional and popular songs and melodies. Ticket are £15 and include a glass of wine or juice during the interval. They are available on the door or from where there is more information about this concert and the other Priory Concerts.

Bolton Abbey Dances: The next modern sequence dance will be on Friday 2nd June from 7.30 pm to 11 pm in Bolton Abbey Village Hall. On this occasion dancing will be to the very popular Silhouette Dance Band. Entrance is £6 and tickets are on the door.

The Wednesday Nighters: There will not be a meeting in June, the next one will be Wednesday 5th July in Bolton Abbey Village Hall at 7.30 pm. On this occasion David Turner will give a presentation on ‘The Barden Reservoirs and the People Who Built Them’. More information will be given nearer the time. Everyone is always welcome.


Gardening Club: Susan Dobson of The Yorkshire Dales Flower Company will demonstrate how to make a beautiful hanging basket. The completed basket will be raffled on the night. Please join us on Thursday 1st June, 7.30pm at Bradley Village Hall. Members £1.50, non members £3.00, refreshments included. Everyone welcome.


Church news: St. Mary’s: Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise


Church news: All Saints Church. On Friday May 26th, Earby Astronomical Society will be meeting in the Church at 7.30pm. Admission £1.00. Refreshments available. Everyone welcome. On Sunday May 28th at 9.30am we are holding a service with prayers for healing. This will be led by Rod Geddes.

Embsay and Eastby

Church news: St Mary’s Biodiversity Count. Tuesday 6th June – anytime from 12 noon to 6pm. There will be a local expert to help you with identifications. Wednesday 7th June from 3pm to 6pm. Others with some knowledge, and charts, will be available to help with identification. Refreshments will be available in the afternoon.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: on Sunday 28th May there is service of BCP Holy Communion for Pentecost at St Peter’s at 9.30am, to which all are welcome. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


NEW 2U: The shop has a range of various pre-school and primary school uniform items suitable for both boys and girls, from 2yrs to 11yrs of age. They are in ‘as-new’ or new condition, with most items being 50p each. On Sunday May 28th, visit us at our stall at the village hall spring fair between 10am - 2pm. We will have a range of craft items, and children’s books and toys for sale. Throughout all June, at our base at St. Andrew’s, we will be having a clearance sale of baby equipment, toys, games, and books. All items in good condition, and at our usual bargain prices. Come along and get yourself a few bargains - all proceeds are donated to local worthy cases and charities. Based in St. Andrew’s, Walton St, Cowling, Opening Times are: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 - 4pm, and Saturdays 10am - 12noon. Refreshments available for a donation.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Calendar Photo Competition: The closing date for entries to the 2024 calendar competition is 31st May. Photographs should be emailed to and be of recognisable scenes in Kildwick or Farnhill. Maximum 3 entries per person. Please see the institute webpages – access via – for full details.

Parish Council: The next meeting will be held in the upstairs room of Institute this evening (Thursday 25th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion, starting at 11.00am on Sunday (28th). St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm


Film: The Community Library will be showing the widely acclaimed film ‘Woman at War in the Village Hall on Friday evening. This well acted and thoughtful comedy drama, with sub titles, from Iceland tells the story of Halla who, away from her life as a Community Choir Leader, is an environmental eco-warrior who sets out to disrupt the operations of an aluminium plant in the stunning Icelandic landscape. In the middle of her campaign a long-forgotten application to adopt an orphan child from Ukraine is approved and the film revolves around her attempts to reconcile her dangerous and illegal activism with the upcoming adoption. The customary Cafe style seating will be in place, so please bring you own refreshments. Gargrave Village Hall doors open at 7.00pm with the film starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5.00 on the Door with accompanied under 16s free.

Flea Market: Broadway Fairs will be hosting the Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday. There will be lots of stalls selling Vintage, Collectables, Books, Jigsaws, Bric a Brac and Crafts. The event opens at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Enquiries please call 01757 229805

Church news: St Andrew’s Church: Sunday 28th May: 8am BCP Holy communion (in Church); 11am Family Communion in Gargrave Primary School. If all goes well with the new heating installation, then we should be back in church for the beginning of June.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church : On Sunday 28th May the Feast of Pentecost (Whit Sunday) will be celebrated with three services to which everyone is invited. They are Holy Communion (BCP) at 8am, Family Worship at 9.30am and the Sunday Evening Service at 6pm. At the 9.30am service we will be welcoming Frida and Nora into the church family as they are brought, by their parents, wider family and friends, to be baptised.


Community and Arts Centre: Saturday 27th May, James Phelan The Greatest Magician. Last few tickets remaining, booking essential.

Film Night: Friday 2nd June, Fisherman’s Friends 2, One and All. Doors 7pm, film 7.30pm. Book online or pay on the door, tickets £6. Contact or 01535 630 223.

Wellbeing Café: Open 10-12 every Monday, No need to book, just come along.

Weekly What’s On: We have about 30 different sessions running weekly, for all ages and interests. Dance, drama, fitness, wellbeing, art, cooking and social activities. For more details, visit our website or pick up a copy of our timetable. Office Closure - Please note the office will be closed w/c Monday 29th May for one week.


Grassington Hub: 01756 752222

Ukraine Aid Concert: FAST Aid Support Transport in association with the Rotary Club of Skipton present a Ukraine Aid charity concert. Featuring local musicians Callum Spencer and Lucas Watt. Grassington Town Hall 24th June 7pm. Tickets £10 available from the Hub or online at

Community Cinema: Friday 16th June: Living - Overwhelmed at work and lonely at home, a civil servant’s life takes a heartbreaking turn when a medical diagnosis tells him his time is short. Influenced by a local decadent and a vibrant woman, he continues to search for meaning until a simple revelation gives him a purpose to create a legacy for the next generation.

Hub Daytime Activities: Monday 3:30pm – 5:30pm Knit n Natter. Drop in, no need to book, free. Thursday 1.30pm – 3.30pm Family History. Drop in, no need to book, free.

Donations towards refreshments would be welcomed.

Hub Warm Space: With free tea, coffee and biscuits Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm.

Weekly What’s On: We have about 20 different sessions running weekly for all ages and interests. Tai Chi, indoor bowls, pilates, kids dance & music theatre, lunch club, arts & horticultural activities. For further details, visit our website:


Church news: Organ Recital at St Peter’s Church. Geoffrey Woolatt, Sub Organist - Manchester Cathedral. Music by Bach, Handel, Robert White, Mendelssohn. (Recital lasting approx. 80 minutes). Saturday, June 17 at 2.30pm. Tickets £8 from The Hub, Grassington Tel 01756 752222 or at the door


Kenneth Leak. email:

Wesley Centre: There will be a Drop-In Lunch today from 12 noon. The Community Pantry is open tomorrow from 2 - 3pm. The Family Chapel service will be from 2pm on Sunday. The Welcome Mat group will meet on Monday 29th from 2.30 till 4 pm. Kettlebells exercise class is held on Wednesdays from 6 till 8.30pm.

Coffee morning: The Coffee Morning in the Institute this Saturday will be hosted by the Methodist Church. All welcome from 10 am.

Music session: The Music Jamming Session will be held in the Black Horse tomorrow night from 8 pm. All welcome to join Frank and company on your instruments. Or join in the singing.

Hellifield house: Hellifield House Bingo will be held this Sunday from 6.30pm. The next Quizgo night will be Wed 31st at 8.15pm.

Chess: Contact Ian on 07760 190222 for details about the Chess sessions on Wednesday 31st at the Black Horse.

Messy Monkeys: Children’s activity group is held on Wednesday’s in the Institute from 10.30 am till 1.30pm. The next sessions will start on June 7th. Contact Amanda Belt on 07398 284126.


Church news: Thanks to everyone who helped with the Lambing Service which was held recently in the churchyard at St. Oswalds church. It was a moveable feast this year what with the Coronation and all, but the 14th May was co-incidentally also Rogation Sunday when prayers are always said for farmers. Huge thanks to Jeanette, Harrison, Peighton and Leila and their families for showing – and telling us about - their sheep. Thank you to Katie Collin for sharing news of all the work that goes into Wensleydale Show in Leyburn which this year will be held on Saturday 26th August 2023. There were fifty seven people of all ages outside in the churchyard and grateful thanks are extended to friends from Ingleton Methodist Church, Churches Together in Settle, the bell-ringers and all who baked, brought and served the delicious cakes.

A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 10.30.a.m. The service will conclude outside as the wind blows the Easter candles out with Whit Sunday, the last of Easter. On Tuesday 30th May St Oswald’s annual meeting will begin at 7.30pm in church.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday May 28th, Morning Worship will be at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden. All welcome.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 28th May there is a service of Holy Communion at 10am, led by Revd Heinz Toller. Everyone is welcome at all of our services, whatever their denomination or tradition. St Michael’s welcomes enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.

Long Preston

Little Footsteps: Toddler Group will look forward to seeing you again on Monday from 10am in the Methodist Church. This is a free activity so come and join us for a play and a brew. There will be no group during half term.

Welcome Space: The Methodist Church is open every Monday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm to have a brew and/lunch. There will now be a small charge for this as the funding has now stopped. Please ring Annette on 840096 to book your lunch giving a weeks’ notice please.

Church News: St Mary’s Church service on Sunday 28th May will Morning Prayer with Rev Colin Blake at 11am. The service at the Methodist Church will be with Bill Murfitt at 11am.

Strong and Steady: (gentle exercises) for those who wish to be more mobile and independent, Every Tuesday 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel followed by coffee and biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. If you would like a lift for this activity, please call Sandra at Age UK. 01729 823066

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends.

Pilates: Continues in the village hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.

Over 50s coffee and cake: This month’s meeting is today 25th May from 1.30pm in the village hall. Everyone is welcome to this free gathering.


Coffee Morning: With craft stalls at the Reading Room Saturday 27th May 10- 12 noon.


Swimming Pool 200 Club: The May draw was made by pool staff members Jayne Turner and Paul Lethebee. The winners were: £50 Trudi Wilson 17; £30 Mark Bailey 28; and £20 Susanne Corner 90. Congratulations to the winners, who have been notified and thanks to all club members for their continuing support for the pool.

Family fun: Settle Quakers are running a Family Fun Morning on Saturday, 3rd June from 10am to 12.30pm. There will be a treasure hunt, games, quizzes, exploring the Meeting House and a barbecue. Do come along and join the fun. For more information phone David and Louise (Resident Friends 01729 822313)

Book fair: The next fair will be held at the Victoria Hall

Settle on Bank Holiday Monday May 29th from 10am to 4pm. Entrance 50p for Adults, Students and accompanied Children free of charge. Refreshments are available all day and all proceeds go to the upkeep of the Victoria Hall.’’

Church news: Settle parish church. Many thanks to everyone who supported our fundraiser for Christian Aid last Saturday morning. The “full English” breakfasts and bacon butties went down well. We are very pleased to add almost £400 to the total raised by the Churches Together in Settle and District throughout Christian Aid Week 2023. Chris will be back in Holy Ascension’s kitchen cooking up more delicious Butties on the First Saturday of the Month, Saturday 3 June from 10am ‘til 1pm.


Skipton Little Theatre: See How They Run by Philip King (Comedy); June 13 - 17. Saturday Matinee: Tickets: £10.00 Under 16s: £5. Email:

Civic Society: A communal reading of Simon Armitage’s Homer’s Odyssey in the amphitheatre, behind Pizza Express, off Museum Walk, High Street, on Saturday, June 3. It starts at 10am and will finish at about 3pm. All are welcome to go along, listen, or join in with a reading. For further details, email: with the subject “”Odysseus””.

Church news: Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.


Farewell Service: At St Andrew’s, Slaidburn on Saturday 3 June at 3pm with Rt Revd Bishop Nick Baines. Slaidburn with Tosside parish has been in the Bowland and Ewecross Deanery since 1919, later this year the parish will move into the Blackburn Diocese. Tea and cake at 2pm preceding the service.


Plant Sale: Garden Club plant sale on Saturday (May 27) at Tosside Community Hall from 10am. Refreshments available, including coffee, tea and cakes.