
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton are holding their regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 3 pm, in the ancient Airton Quaker Meeting House near the Green in Calton Lane, Airton. All are welcome in this the earliest Non-conformist place of worship in the country, dating from the early 1600s. Our next meeting for worship will take place next Sunday, 4th June, followed by refreshments afterwards in the Barn. The Meeting House remains open during the week if you are ever looking for a place of peace and quiet when the world around us is so turbulent.

Light Groups: Open to all, Airton Quakers are planning a first “Experiment with Light” evening on Thursday, 29th June, starting at 7pm and finishing at 9pm, in the Quaker Meeting House next to the village green in Airton. Details of Light Groups can be found online on the “Experiment with Light” website. The format involves a guided meditation (via recording) for about 40 mins. It will be followed by 20 mins personal reflection time, with help-yourself refreshments and a group reflection of around 30 mins, finishing with a 10 mins plenary. Just come along or ask for more information on 01729 900018.


Church news: Church Services. Sunday 4th June 9.30am Holy Communion Austwick & Eldroth. 11.00am Holy Communion at Clapham. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church. Our weekly Wednesday Morning Holy Communion Services (Book of Common Prayer) 10.30am at Austwick Church.

Parish Newsletter: The May - August newsletter is being distributed in the village and is also on the village website

Afternoon Fellowship: Austwick Parish Hall, Wednesdays, 2.00pm-3.30pm. Each meeting features a guest speaker on a topic of interest. Admission free. A voluntary collection of at each meeting helps to support our running costs. More information from our Churches Weekly Newsletters or from our Secretary Catherine Menday, 01524 251787,

Austwick WI: The next meeting on Thursday June 8th at 7.30 in the Parish Hall will be a change to the programme and will now be a talk by Sarah Lister on The Navvies.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. It is one of the crowning glories of the Church calendar when we can say, like the Seraphim, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts”. Although the Trinity is hard to understand, it makes perfect sense in the light of the last few weeks. We celebrated the Ascension of our Lord on Ascension Day followed by the Feast of Pentecost last week where the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Jerusalem. We can now clearly see Father, Son and Holy Ghost and are called to live life in the power and mutual love that the Trinity represents.

Summer Concert: The next concert at Bolton Priory takes place on Saturday June 3 at 7.30pm. Four local musicians present a programme with the title ‘And a Nightingale Sang’…….. It is an eclectic mix of classical, traditional and popular songs and melodies, and includes music by Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Cole Porter and Rodgers and Hammerstein.

Rachel Van Heel, Dawn Lloyd, Linda Carr and Peter Reasbeck, the member of Aires and Gracenotes, formed their musical partnership in 2008. Previously, both Rachel and Dawn had extensive experience of opera, oratorio and recitals. Linda and Peter have chosen to devote their pianistic talents principally to the highly skilled art of accompaniment.

A love of art song brought the four musicians together. They regularly give fund-raising concerts in a variety of settings across Yorkshire and Lancashire in support of numerous charities. This concert is in aid of Bolton Priory.

Tickets at £15 include a glass of wine or a soft drink and are available on the Priory website or on the door on the night of the concert. Free parking is available at the Priory.


Iron Horse CMC: Tanya Turner is making her first appearance at the Iron Horse CMC held at Carleton Social Club on June 10th. An accomplished singer and guitarist from the North East she is always popular with both listeners and dancers. Tickets are £7 and available on the door which opens at 7.15pm.

Church news: St. Mary’s. Each Sunday at 11.15am. 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.


Church news: St Augustine: Sunday 4th June: 11.30am Dales Family Service. Sunday 11th June: 9.30am Morning Prayer.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday June 4th there is no service at All Saints. Everyone is invited to a United Service at St Mary’s Church, Kelbrook, at 10.30am, where the preacher will be Jim Hope.

Embsay with Eastby

Flower Club: A demonstration by Jo Purdy from Scarborough entitled Mama Mia, June 6, 7.30pm start in Embsay Village Hall. Visitors welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: St. Andrew’s Church. There will be a service of Holy Communion, starting at 11.00am on Sunday (4th). There will also be a mid-week Holy Communion service, in the Parish Rooms, starting at 1.30pm on Wednesday (7th).

On Saturday June 10th, starting at 3pm, there will be a concert of music given by Ad Hoc Baroque, a small-scale chamber ensemble. The programme is entitled “Travellers’ Tales – a musical Grand Tour”. Tickets £8 on the door; students and young people free. St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.


Book fair: The Village Hall will be packed to the rafters with a huge selection of books for sale on Saturday. The organisers of the Book Fair can literally fit no more stalls into the venue. The selection of books include paperbacks and hardbacks covering a wide range of subjects from general titles through to specialist and antiquarian volumes. Light refreshments will be available from 9.30.a.m until 3.p.m. Admission to the event is just 50p. Further enquiries please call 01524 752968 or 07989 585564.

Taekwondo Tots: A new class is commencing at Gargrave Village Hall for youngsters aged three to five years. Taekwondo Tots is a fun packed martial arts class and is commencing on Friday 9th June from 9.45.a.m until 10.15.a.m. Please call Charlotte for further details and to book a place on 07790421872.

Church news: 4th June 8am BCP Holy Communion ( in church). 11am Family Service (in Gargrave Primary School). Followed by a picnic (weather permitting)and some games for the kids. All welcome to service and/or picnic. Please bring your own picnic/drinks/seating/blankets. We hope to be back in the building for the service on the 11th June.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. On Sunday, 4th June, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am followed by time to chat over coffee. Evensong takes place at 6pm. The choir will be singing the introit Locus Iste by Bruckner and the anthem The Call, a setting of George Herbert’s words by Stuart Beer. Everyone is very welcome to these times of worship. If you enjoy singing the choir meets at 6pm on Thursday evenings to practice. Singers of all ages are welcome.


Town Hall: Thursday 8th June, 7pm - an evening with Kate Strasdin, author of The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes, 7pm, The Octagon, tickets from £10 available from The Stripey Badger.

Weekly What’s On: We have about 20 different sessions running weekly for all ages and interests. Tai Chi, indoor bowls, pilates, kids dance & music theatre, lunch club, arts & horticultural activities. For further details, visit our website:


Kenneth Leak:

Coffee mornings: This Saturday in the institute from 10.00am. Includes 200 Club Draw and Raffle. The Christian Aid Coffee Morning on the 20th May raised £740.12 including donations. Many thanks to all who attended and contributed to the event.

Slimming World: Hellifield House will be hosting a Slimming World group on Monday evenings at 7 pm. For details of the group contact Daiva on 07591 067861.

Wesley Centre: On Tuesday the 6th and the 20th of June there will be free ‘foodie sessions’ presented by North Yorks Council. With giveaways, prizes and refreshments. The Community Pantry is open tomorrow from 2 - 3 pm. The service at the chapel on Sunday is from 2 pm.

Helisingers: The choir will be resuming practises in the Institute from Friday 2nd June. In the Institute from 9.30am. Details from Sue Alderson on 851108.

HeliArts: The group will meet in the Institute on Tuesday the 6th June in the Institute from 2 till 4 pm.

Mothers’ Union: The M.U meets in the Institute on Wednesday 7th June from 2 - 4 in the Yorke Room of the Institute.

Book Group: Meets on Thursday the 8th June in the Yorke Room of the Institute from 7.30 till 9.30pm.

Messy Monkeys: Children’s activity group meets in the Institute in term time, on Wednesday mornings in the Institute from 10.30am. Contact Amanda Belt for details on 07398 284126.


Church news: A service of Evening Prayer with hymns for Trinity Sunday will be held in St.Oswald’s church on Sunday at 6.30.p.m. Afternoon teas will be served in Langcliffe Institute on Sunday afternoon with proceeds in aid of St. Oswald’s church funds.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday June 4th we are holding a United Service at 10.30am. The preacher will be Jim Hope. Everyone is welcome.

Long Preston

Little Footsteps: Toddler Group will look forward to seeing you all on Monday from 10am in the Methodist Church. This is a free activity so come and join us for a play and a brew

Welcome Space: The Methodist Church is open every Monday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm. Have a hot, 2 course meal i.e. fish pie/chicken casserole followed by apple crumble and custard. There will now be a small charge of £3 for this as the funding has now stopped. Please ring Annette on 840096 to book your lunch giving a week’s notice please.

Church News: St Mary’s Church service on Sunday 4th June will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The service at the Methodist Church will be with Rev David Goodall at 11am.

Strong and Steady: (gentle exercises) for those who wish to be more mobile and independent, Every Tuesday 1.30-2.30 in the Methodist Chapel followed by coffee and biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. If you would like a lift for this activity, please call Sandra at Age UK. 01729 823066

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends. Coffee and biscuits too.

Pilates: Continues in the Village Hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.


Over 50s: Our next meeting will be on June 7th at 2.00pm in the village hall when our talk will be on “Life in television”. Friends and visitors are always welcome.


Soil Matters: Action on Climate Emergency (ACE) Settle and area. Saturday June 10 10.30 am – 12.30 pm at St John’s Methodist Church Hall. Soil is the basic building block for everything we grow, an amazing microcosm of bugs, worms, molluscs, fungi and microscopic creatures. Find out why soil is so important, what makes it alive and abundant, and how it can help us grow more nutritious food, with soil scientist Martyna Krol. Discover how we can adapt our gardening to help protect the soil from extreme weather caused by climate change.Cafe run by ACE: coffee, teas and biscuits available 10.30-11am. Free. All Welcome. For more information, visit our website and social media accounts.

Community Library: Knit and Natter group meets each first and third Thursday, 10.30. Next meeting is 1st June. Free, all welcome. Asthma and Lung UK charity Peer Support Group ‘Breathe Easy’ has first session on Wednesday 14th June, 2-3.30pm. Will meet second Wednesday of each month. Free, open to all. Stay and Play group meets Fridays, 11am during term time for under 5s . During Refugee week, there will be a fundraising coffee afternoon held on 24th June from 12.30pm. Check or call library 01609 534535 for details of these or any groups or events.

Church news: A busy weekend ahead at Holy Ascension, on Saturday 3 June the regular ‘first Saturday of the month Bacon Butties’ will be on offer from 10am ‘til 1pm. Do call in for a cuppa and a bite to eat. Revd Julie Clarkson leads the Family Service on Sunday 4 June at 11am. Everyone is most welcome to join us. Stay for coffee and chat afterwards.

Holy Ascension’s next fund raising event is the “Langcliffe Teas” at Langcliffe Institute on Sunday 11 June from 1pm ‘til 4pm. Offers of help on the day, homemade cakes, scones etc and tombola prizes would be most welcome and gratefully received. Please get in touch with Margaret Roberts, 01729 822848, if you’d like to help or are happy to bake or have items for the tombola. This is always a popular, busy event enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

Our big news this week is the announcement that Revd Dr Jonathan Womack, chaplain and teacher at Giggleswick School, is to be ordained priest at Ripon Cathedral on Saturday 24 June at 4pm by Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines. . Jonathan and his family worship at St Alkelda’s when school commitments allow. After his ordination Jonathan will serve his curacy across our 3 Parishes of Settle, Giggleswick and Rathmell with Wigglesworth. Revd Jonathan’s first service as priest will be on Sunday 25 June, a Communion Service for all 3 Parishes at St Alkelda’s at 10am. There will be a Jacob’s Join lunch afterwards. Do make a note, in your diary, of this special celebration. Also please get in touch with Revd Julie, 01729 825955 if you’d like to attend the service at Ripon Cathedral.


Skipton Gardeners' Club: Members and visitors appreciated the return visit of Michael Myers, Lecturer in Horticulture and Countryside, at Craven College, to the May meeting. Amusing and comprehensive advice accompanied excellent photos of many gardens to show innovative ways of combining, ‘Favourite Plant Associations’. Next meeting, Wednesday, September 20 at 7.30pm in The Soroptimist Rooms when Matthew Smith from ‘ Brighter Blooms’ will present ‘ Tulips, Past ‘ til Present’. Everybody welcome.

Wednesday Women: Drop in between 10 to 12:30 every Wednesday at the Quaker Meeting’s Community Room - Quaker Meeting House, The Ginnel off Newmarket Street. Women meet here for friendship, crafts, and refreshments. Everyone welcome.

Church news: Holy Trinity, Skipton; Sunday 4th June; 9.45am Holy Communion with Children’s Club. Wednesday 7th June: 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP); 12noon Midday Prayer; Sunday 11th June: 10.30am Holy Communion with Children’s Club.

Notices and Events: Lunchtime Concert – Saturday 3rd June, 12noon; Join us at Holy Trinity for an hour of vocal and instrumental music. You are welcome to bring your own lunch to eat during the concert or visit our café. No ticket required - donations towards the new carbon neutral heating system. Trinity Sunday 4th June: Our 2023 Trinity Season will begin on Saturday 3rd June with a Lunchtime Concert. We will look forward to welcoming Revd Canon Phil Stone, from the Scargill Movement, who is joining us for our patronal festival on Trinity Sunday.

Feast of St Barnabas – Sunday 11th June: Dean John of Ripon Cathedral will join us on Sunday 11th June. During this service we are looking forward to the commissioning of Bev McDade as Lay Worship Leader for the parish.

Sunday Café Opening: Our café will be open on Sunday 4th June when the Car Show returns to Skipton and also for Sheep Day on Sunday 25th June.

The church is open daily 8.30am-5pm. Our café and shop are usually open Wednesday to Friday 10am-2pm, Saturday 10am-3pm.

To get in touch with us please contact the church office by email or phone 01756 793622 (Wed/Fri).

Christ Church: Services - Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist. Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Skipton Bridge Club: Dame Esther Rantzen is often in the news, reminding us of the negative effects of loneliness on both our physical and mental health. Maybe you are new to the area or have experienced life changes that have affected your social life. It can be daunting to start on a new path, at any age! If you would like to build a network of friends and learn a new skill, or develop a rusty one, come along to Skipton Bridge Club. Our members range in age from 40s to 90s and are a testament to the value of bridge. A sociable game, it is an easy introduction to new people, great for short-term memory and keeping the brain sharp. We hold beginners sessions from 7.30pm - 9.00pm on the 1st, 3rd (and 5th) Monday of each month. There are tables at levels ranging from complete novice to improving player, each led by a club member. Tuition is informal and relaxed. There are duplicate sessions from 1845-2200 every Tuesday and Thursday. No partner is needed at any of the sessions. Cost is £2.50 which includes refreshments. We meet in the warm and comfortable Champions Church, Carleton Road, Skipton. If you would like more information, please call Jesca on 07813 003635 or find us on Facebook.