CHOIR Langcliffe Singers continues its 40th anniversary celebrations on Saturday July 1 with 'songs for a summer evening' in Settle.

The summer concert will feature a selection of music chosen by the choir, which will be conducted by Darren Everhart and with Brian Heaton providing the piano accompaniment.

It will include Gerald Finzi’s For St Cecilia, a selection of Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs and Stanford’s Songs of the Fleet, as well as a range of other part songs and choral delights.

Soloists, members of the choir, will be sopranos Margaret Coleman, Sheila Hartley and Catherine Packard, alto Lindsay Young, tenor Tom Emmett, and basses Richard Williams - who was most recently spotted performing at Voices of Craven’s summer concerts - and Max Packard.

The choir began its anniversary celebrations with a performance of Jenkins’ The Armed Man in January, followed by a sell-out programme featuring Mozart’s Requiem and Haydn’s Te Deum at Giggleswick School Chapel, complete with orchestra and professional soloists.

The concert, on July 1 at St John’s Methodist Church, Settle, starts at 7.30pm. Seasonal refreshments will be served in the interval.

Tickets cost £12 (under 16s free) and are available from the cafe in Car and Kitchen, Settle, from Forage and Feast, Settle, and online via the Langcliffe Singers website: