IT was a joyous weekend for the three parishes in the newly formed Castleberg Benefice when Rev Dr Jonathan Womack was welcomed as curate into the clergy team.

On Saturday, Rev Dr Womack, who is a teacher at Giggleswick School, was ordained priest by the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds at Ripon Cathedral. Around 20 people were ordained from across the diocese on the same day.

On Sunday all three congregations from Rev Julie Clarkson's parishes of Settle, Giggleswick and Rathmell with Wigglesworth worshipped together in a united service at St Alkelda's, Giggleswick where Rev Dr Womack presided at his first Eucharist.

Rev Ian Johnson, Jonathan's spiritual mentor over the past year was the preacher. Afterwards, parishioners enjoyed a splendid 'Jacob's Join' lunch and had the opportunity to meet members of Rev Dr Womack's family and friends.

As well as his new role of curate, Rev Dr Womack will continue his work at Giggleswick School where he is chaplain and a teacher.