ROTARIAN Colin Hargreaves has been installed as President of the Rotary Club of Skipton Craven for the Rotary Year 2023/2024, taking over the position from retiring president Geoffrey Maldwyn-Jones.

Colin, a retired dental surgeon, from Hebden, joined the club 15 years ago and was previously president in 2012.

During his time with the club he has served as the lead organiser of the Great Skipton Santa Fun Run, treasurer and secretary.

Colin said: “After 15 years as a member of Skipton Craven Rotary Club I have the pleasure of being elected to my second term as president of the Club and I am looking forward to leading the members through our social calendar and the many fundraising activities we undertake each year.

"The need for financial help, both in the local community and in the world at large, in these unsettled times, has never been required more. I hope that with the help of the residents of Skipton and Craven, our Rotary Club members and our partners at Skipton Step into Action we can offer support to many of those in need locally and abroad.

"I am looking forward to helping to guide the club and our members through the next twelve months.”

This year the hugely successful Great Skipton Santa Fun Run will take place on Sunday, November 26, for the 14th time, starting from Skipton High Street at 11am. The success of the event is dependent upon the generosity of those people registering for the event, Skipton Town Council, and the hard work of club members and their friends on the day.

As usual the Santa Sleigh will be visiting 11 or more parts of Skipton and surrounding villages in December.

Both these events and the annual Christmas supermarket collections enable Rotary to support many charities and good causes locally.

Community service has always been at the heart of what we do and the Club is honoured to receive the Freedom of Craven District in recognition for services, support and fundraising for residents and local charities in Skipton and Craven.

The club received the honour being given the Freedom of Craven District during the last meeting of Craven District Council before it ceased to exist on March 30, 2023. Rotary Club of Skipton Craven was one of many recipients of the honour and was bestowed in recognition for services, support and fundraising for residents and charities in Skipton and Craven.