
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton are holding their regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 3 pm, in the ancient Airton Quaker Meeting House near the Green in Calton Lane, Airton. All are welcome in this the earliest Non-conformist place of worship in the country, dating from the early 1600s. The next meeting for worship will take place next Sunday, 30th July, followed by refreshments afterwards in the Barn. The Meeting House remains open during the week if you are ever looking for a place of peace and quiet when the world around us is so turbulent.

Pop-up Cafe: Monday, 31st July from 10 am to 4 pm in the barn next to the Quaker Meeting House by the side of the village green in Airton. The Town End Tearooms in Airton are closed on Mondays. This will be an alternative for a limited period every Monday until 4th September. It will offer tea, coffee, soft drinks, packets of biscuits and home-baked cakes for local people and visitors alike. Donations will be invited to cover the cost of providing the provisions, with any surplus going to support the ancient and historic Quaker Meeting House.

Experiment with Light Group: Meets every last Thursday of each month in Airton Quaker Meeting House. Next meeting 27th July, 7 to 9 pm. Includes guided meditation, personal reflection time, followed by plenary session. Anyone can join any time. Enquiries 01729 900018.


Church Services: Sunday 6th August 10.20am Austwick Joint Holy Communion.

Village Show: Saturday 5th August 2023 Schedule with all adult and children’s classes, and entry forms are available now – Please collect from Cross Leigh Store, your local village shop and post office.

Parish Newsletter: The May - August newsletter is being distributed in the village and is also on the village website Copy for the September edition should be sent to Mark by15th August.

Barnoldswick and Bracewell

Church services: Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick :Every Wednesday, 10am-12 noon - Cafe in the church is open for light refreshments and a chat. Thursdays, 10:30am - this week Holy Communion. Friday, 10:30-11:45am - Bible Discussion Group. Friday evening, 4-6pm Sacred Space time for you.

The Coach House at St. Mary Le Ghyll will be open Saturdays and Sundays, 11am-3:30pm for tea, coffee and homemade cakes.

We are in need of volunteers to help at the Coach House - please come and see us on the weekends if interested.

Sunday services for July 30: 10:30am - All Together Holy Communion for Healing, Holy Trinity Church, Barnoldswick. No services at Ghyll or Bracewell churches this week.

Community Picnic: Will be held on 9th September at Letcliffe Park hosted by the churches of Barnoldswick with the town council. Barlick Brass Band will be there. Music and dancing, sports and games and fun activities for all ages will be taking place. Further details to follow.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s Message: This coming Sunday is the eighth Sunday after Trinity where we are warned about false prophets. We often use the phrase ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’ but, in both our secular and religious life, the phrase begs the question how do we know what is true and what is false? In our secular lives, this is a challenge for us all in this ‘post truth’ age and the advent of ‘fake news’. We need to exercise great caution and not be swayed by sound bites. When it comes to religion, the Bible says that ‘by the works of the prophet you will know them’. Whilst this might be true, how are we at the same time to discern one faith claim over another? In a pluralist society, this is a challenge for us all. If we are to peaceably live alongside our neighbour, it is a question we all need to try and resolve.

The Wednesday Nighters: Our speaker on the 2nd August is Neil Hanson and his presentation is entitled, Inn and Out at the Top. He is a successful author with 70 published books to his name. As well as his own, much-acclaimed work, he’s also a ‘ghost writer’ for, among many others, sports stars, showbiz legends, explorers, captains of industry, SAS men, fast-jet pilots, a treasure diver, a kidnap negotiator, a leading surgeon and a spy! His talk, Inn and Out at the Top, is a laugh a minute tour of the quirks and foibles, highs and lows of his time running Britain’s highest inn back in the 1970s and 1980s. A hugely engaging storyteller, Neil’s account of grappling with tight-fisted farmers, eccentric characters, bizarre local customs, naturist weekends, ‘lates and lock-ins’, police raids, rats in the attic, close encounters with magistrates and planners, and the shooting of a famous double-glazing commercial, is suitable for all audiences. Entrance is £3 and light refreshments are served after the presentation. If you need any further information please ring 01756 710587.

Modern Sequence Dances: The next dance in Bolton Abbey Village Hall will be on Friday 4th August at 7.30 pm until 11 pm. On this occasion dancing will be to the music of Denis Westmorland. Entrance is £6. Te Church Office is open on Mondays and Fridays until 3 pm and Wednesdays until 12 pm.


Church news: St. Mary’s. Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion; 1st Sunday of each month - 8am Book of Common Prayer, 11.15am Family Praise.

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: there is no service at St Peter’s on Sunday 30th July, but you are welcome to come to the service at one of our sister churches at St Michael’s Kirkby Malham (at 10am) or St Andrews Gargrave (at 11am). On Sunday 6th August we have a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm at St Peter’s. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


Church news: St Augustine's services - Sunday 30th July. To join with Holy Trinity Skipton at 9.45am. Sunday 6th August 9.30am Dales Family Communion.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Sunday July 30th at 9.30am we are holding our monthly service with prayers for healing, led by Rod Geddes. Everyone welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting will be held in the upstairs room of the Institute tonight (Thursday 27th), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

Church news: There will be no service at St. Andrew’s on Sunday (30th). Instead there will be a service of Holy Communion for the whole KCB parish at St. Mary’s Bradley, starting at 10.00am. St. Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10.00am until about 2.00pm.

Pilates: Classes for both beginners and improvers will continue at Farnhill Institute on Monday (31st) – classes at 5pm, 6.15pm and 7:30pm. Numbers are limited, so please contact or ring 07549 199670 for details and enrolment.


Coffee Morning: Gargrave Village Hall Management committee jointly with volunteers from Gargrave Library will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday in the Village Hall. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and a great variety of homemade cakes will be on the menu. A book and bric a brac stall will aid Village Hall funds and proceeds from the raffle will boost the Library funds. The Library 100 club draw will also take place. A warm welcome is guaranteed.

Flea Market: Broadway Fairs will be hosting the Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday in the Village Hall. There will be a good selection of stalls selling

Vintage, Collectables, Gifts, Books, Bric a Brac, Jigsaws and Crafts. The event opens at 9.30am. with light refreshments available until 3pm. Admission is just 50p. Enquiries 01757 229805. The next Fairs will be held over the August Bank Holiday with Sheila of Broadway Fairs running the event on Sunday 27th August and handing over the reins to Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee ( 07989 585564) for one of their fairs on Monday 28th August.

Sheep Dog Trials: Gargrave Sheep dog trials organised by Gargrave Show committee will be held on Sunday at Holme Bridge Farm by kind permission of the Beckwith family. Come along from 9.a.m and enjoy watching the skills of the dogs and their handlers. Entry for spectators is free and there will be homemade refreshments and a raffle.

Gargrave Show: Preparations are now well underway for this years 117th annual Gargrave show which will be held on Saturday 19th August in the field in front of Eshton Hall. Schedules are available in local Village outlets or online at Further details please contact 07966 912210 / 07876 594028.

Church news: St Andrew’s Church: Sunday 30th July 8am BCP Holy Communion 11am It’s a 5th Sunday month so you can expect a relaxed cafe style service with the chance to discuss a chosen topic over a cuppa. All welcome.


Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church. Rev. Julie Clarkson and the parishes of the Castleberg Benefice meet together to worship on Sunday 30th July in St. Alkelda’s at 10am. Please note this different time. We look forward to welcoming Rev. Derek Walmsley, Diocesan Director of Ordinands and author of the book ‘God Calls Everyone’, who will preach at this service. In the afternoon, at 3pm, we meet together again at Holy Trinity, Rathmell, for Songs of Praise. Come and sing some favourite hymns and enjoy the hospitality afterwards.

Giggleswick Show: The committee are delighted to announce that this year the show will be opened and prizes given by renowned Gardner and broadcaster John Foley. Entries are open on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th August at Giggleswick Parish Rooms or by contacting Hon. Secretary Ruth Dugdale.

Richard Whiteley Theatre: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Wednesday 2 August – The HandleBards return to Giggleswick on their 10th anniversary tour with a brand-new, outdoor production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Pedalling around the UK by bicycle, with all the necessary set, props and costume in tow, the HandleBards return by popular demand - and, as usual, we can expect riotous amounts of energy, a fair old whack of chaos, and a great deal of laughter. Peter Pan (Wednesday 30 August – 7pm). This summer, Slapstick Picnic are ripping up the recipe book and whipping up a theatrical treat like no other in outdoor venues all across the UK: a three-actor production of J.M.Barrie’s classic play Peter Pan. Tickets from

Giggleswick WI: The next meeting will be on Thursday August 3, at 7pm. Meet at Settle Area Swimming Pool, Kendal Road. Guest speaker will be Les Chandler whose subject will be ‘The Most dangerous plants in the world’. New members are welcome.


Coffee Morning: Grassington & District Peace Group welcomes Grassington Pride in the Dales to their coffee morning on Sat July 29 from 10am to 12.30pm at Church House. Locals and visitors also extremely welcome. Coffee, raffle, produce stall, lively conversation. All funds to education of women and girls in Afghanistan.

Halton Gill

Sports Gala: Halton Gill Sports Gala, Littondale, will be held on Sunday 27th August starting at 1pm. Events include fell races, human sheepdog trial, children's fun races, tug of war. Refreshments on sale. Free car parking. A family event in beautiful surroundings


Ken Leak:

Wesley centre: Please note there will be no Community Pantry from July 29th. It will re-open on September 1st. There will be a Drop-In Lunch today from 12 noon. Going forward into August, there will be no Drop-In Lunch on August 17th. The Sunday service is at 2 pm. The Welcome Mat Group meets on Monday 31st July 2.30 to 3.30pm. Wednesday is Kettlebells night from 6 till 8.30pm.

Music night: The Black Horse Jamming/Music session will be tomorrow night from 8 pm. Musicians welcome to join in.

Coffee morning: There will be a Coffee Morning in the Institute on Saturday from 10am. Plus raffle. All welcome.

Institute: Please note that going forward the Yorke Room will be subject to renovation, and bookings will be restricted in some cases to the Main Hall only. This may be the case for a couple of months. Any questions please check with the Bookings Sec Ken Leak on 07837 727268.

Hellifield House: Slimming World meets at Hellifield House on Mondays at 7 pm. Contact Daiva on 07591 067861.

Helisingers: The Hellifield Choir group meets Friday morning from 9.45am in the Institute. Contact Sue Alderson on 01729 851108.


Church news: A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St. Peter`s church at Stainforth on Sunday at 10.30.a.m.


Church news: St Mary’s Church. On Sunday July 30th Morning Worship is at 11am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 30th July we have a service of Holy Communion with hymns at 10am led by Revd Heinz Toller to which all are welcome. Poetry written by local poets and paintings by Fiona Armer inspired by the Celtic Hymn ‘Deep Peace’ are still on display following our recent art exhibition, for the benefit of visitors. Facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink are also available in church. We welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on St Michael’s is open every day of the year for visitors from 9am to dusk.

Long Preston

Church news: St Mary’s church service on Sunday 30th July will be an informal service with Janet Wood at 11am. The service at the Methodist Church will be with Rev Roger Fox at 11am. Everyone is welcome to join us at either church.

Over 50s Free Coffee and Cake: This month’s meeting is today 27th July in the village hall from 1.30pm - 3.30pm. There will be the usual book/jigsaw swap as well as the free raffle. Anyone over 50 is welcome.

Craft Club: Continues every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist Chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends. Coffee and biscuits too.

Pilates: Sessions in the Village Hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.


Over 50s: Our next meeting will be on August 2nd at 2pm in the village hall when our speaker will talk about Lathersdale soaps. There will be goods to purchase on the day. Friends and visitors are always very welcome.


Swimming Pool 200 Club: The July draw for the 200 club was made by Karen Shuttleworth of Settle Stingrays at the pool open evening and AGM on July 20. The winners were: £50 Susan Gibson 193; £30 Barbara Cox 89; and £20 Eileen Edwards 120. Congratulations to the winners, who have been notified and thanks to all club members for their continuing support for the pool.

Camp Day: A free day camp for families interested in exploring nature is being held at Lower Winskill Farm, above Langcliffe, on Tuesday 15th August & Wednesday 26th August. Various nature activities are planned for the Eco Explorers who attend, including looking at rocks & flowers, games, art and stream dipping. More information, and to book [essential], contact Sally Waterson, 07753618381.

Church news: Settle Parish Church. Last Thursday’s session of ‘Stepping Stones’, the group for families with children from 0 to 4, led by members of Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union, provided much excitement and fun. The usual toys and activities had been substituted for some lovely, bright soft play equipment from ‘Pop up and Play’. This was the last meeting up of ‘Stepping Stones’ families before the summer break. Mothers Union members will be in action again, ready for more fun and friendship, on Thursday 7 September.

Graveyard trails: Each Sunday, throughout the school holidays, Sarah Lister will be leading the very popular “Graveyard Trails”. Do make sure you book your place - by phone 07448 135625 or in person at The Folly. The first 2023 trail starts on Sunday 30 July at 2pm at Holy Ascension. Sarah will be sharing the lives of the ‘Stars’ of Settle’s Victoria Hall. More details can be found on Settle Graveyard Facebook page.

Pop-up Pantry: Sadly it seems inevitable that the need for Settle’s Pop Up Pantry/Food Bank will be greater during the school holidays. Donations are always welcome and vital. It is now becoming essential to purchase extra supplies each week to keep up with need. Non perishable foodstuffs can be left in the grey cupboard in the church porch or if you’d like to offer a financial donation please contact Paul Cochrane - ( or have a word with Revd Julie Clarkson.

Cafe: Our Tuesday Café will be open throughout August. Refreshments are available from 10.30am ‘til 1pm each Tuesday. Do call in for a cuppa, a bite to eat and a chat.

Services: On Sunday 30 July all 3 of Revd Julie’s parishes will worship together at St Alkelda’s, Giggleswick at 10am. Derek Walmsley, Diocesan Director of Ordinands, is the guest preacher. We are looking forward to Derek’s visit. Everyone is most welcome to join us. Stay for a chat and cuppa afterwards.


Temperance Hall Fund: The Trustees of Skipton Temperance Hall Fund are once again able to offer grants to charities and organisations working within the Craven District. Criteria for applicants must be: 1 - Support the temperance cause in some way. 2 - Provide help to Craven residents in need. 3 - Encourage a healthy lifestyle. 4 - Provide help to people with drug or alcohol problems. 5 - Involved in youth work. Any organisation seeking a grant must apply in writing to Mrs G Alcock email: or post to: 60 Tatton, Tarn House Country Park, Stirton BD23 3LQ. Applicants must provide full details of their organisation, information on success in one of the 5 areas specified, within the Craven area, a copy of their most recent annual accounts. The closing date is Friday, August 11.

Church news: Holy Trinity services - Sunday 30th July 9.45am Family Communion. 4pm Sacred Space. Wednesday 2nd August 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP). 12noon Midday Prayer . Sunday 6th August 9.45am Family Communion. Morning and Evening prayer daily at 8.30am and 5pm.

Peace and Justice Group: Tuesday 1st August, 7pm – 9pm. The first meeting of the group will take place in the café on Tuesday 1st August, 7-9pm. This is a new group and anyone who wishes to join will be most welcome. For more information please speak to Revd Doug or email the office:

Visiting Choir Concert: Saturday 5th August, 7pm. The St Nicholas Singers, from Blundellsands, Liverpool, will hold a concert at Holy Trinity on Saturday 5th August at 7pm. Works by Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Haydn. All welcome. Proceeds to church funds.

Choral Evensong: Sunday 6th August, 4pm. Join us at Holy Trinity with the St Nicholas Singers on Sunday 6th August at 4pm.

Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist

Friends of Raikes Road Burial Ground: The Friends group invites you to come along to our open day to view this previously forgotten and neglected Victorian cemetery in the heart of Skipton on Saturday 29th July, 11am-3pm; Please wear stout footwear as the ground is uneven. A guided walk will take place at 11.30am. The Burial Register will be available for family searches. If anyone would be interested in joining the “Friends” of Raikes Road Burial Ground we would be ever so grateful for some help on our working days on Mondays weather permitting 10am to 2pm. Please bring a packed lunch and plenty of water/flask of tea or coffee for yourself.