
Church news: Services. Sunday 3rd September – 9.30am Eldroth Harvest Festival & 11.00 am Clapham Holy Communion

Online Auction: Can you help with a donation for the Austwick online auction that will be running throughout September in aid of the Parish Church? Examples could include,as a local business, offering a voucher or goods, or as individuals could you bake a cake, wash a car, or offer some other household service? Take a look at the website www.jumblebee/austwickchurch to see the donations already made. Any offers gratefully received. Please message or email Thank you!

Austwick W I: Brian Topping entertained members at the August meeting with his tales of a customs officer. He provided an interesting and informative journey through the many situations that he had come across when dealing with passengers travelling through Heathrow airport. He also enlightened us on his involvement in apprehending and investigating smugglers.The next meeting on Thursday Sept 14th at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall is an open meeting. It is entitled ‘Backstage at the Ballet’ and promises to be an entertaining evening.

Parish Council: The meeting will take place on Monday 4th September 2023 at 7.30 pm at Austwick Parish Hall. Time is given at the start of the meeting for electors to ask questions or make statements that relate to the work of the council. The notice and agenda for this meeting is posted on the Parish notice boards and on the Parish Council website at

Piccalillis Pickleball Club: Open play on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at local venues. Equipment provided and fun assured. Please contact us for session times. New members welcome. Carole Scurr – More information on the village website.


Ewecross Historical Society: Member joined members of the Lancaster Archaeological and Historical Society for a Guided Tour of Ripon Cathedral on Saturday, August 19. Arriving at 11am, they had free time before meeting in the Cathedral at 1pm, where the party was divided into three with each group having their own guide. They descended steep stone steps to the oldest part of the building, the awe inspiring crypt, built by St Wilfrid in 672. On ground level the guide pointed out features covering the long history of the building; the tower where two of the arches are rounded and two pointed. Following the collapse of the south east corner in 1450, they could only replace two arches before the money ran out. One of the carvings on a misericord in the chancel inspired the author of Alice in Wonderland. Historians studied the evidence of the different rebuildings covering centuries and styles, and learned of the living history of the Cathedral, revealed all around up to the modern statues and pulpit. The Cathedral is in use every day with a pilgrimage once a year to nearby Fountains Abbey. The party rejoined the coach at 4pm where they thanked John Wilson, Secretary of the Ewecross Historical Society for organising a most pleasant and informative day.


Church news: All Saints’ Church, Sunday, September 3, Holy Communion 5pm. open for English Heritage Weekend Saturday, September 8 to Sunday, September 10.


Church news: St. Mary’s: Each Sunday at 11.15am 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship. 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. 1st Sunday of each month - 8.00am Book of Common Prayer. 11.15am Family Praise.

Iron Horse CMC: Popular country singer songwriter Travis Logan returns to the Iron Horse CMC, held at Carleton Social Club, on September 9th. His wide range of traditional country songs together with ready wit and charm make him an accomplished artist. Listeners and dancers welcome. Tickets are £7 and available on the door which opens at 7.15pm

Coniston Cold and Bell Busk

Church news: St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: on Sunday 3rd September we have a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm to which all are welcome. This is a lovely reflective service with prayers, readings, hymns, and a short sermon. Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals please contact Revd Andrew Steer on


NEW 2U: Sadly, Thursday, August 31 will be the final opening of NEW 2U at the usual time of 2pm to 4pm. There will be excellent bargains to be had, as everything must go. These will include the usual range of household, clothing, toys, electricals, books, CDs. Also, there will be items to help with storage solutions, for both home and garage. All proceeds will be donated to local causes and charities. Refreshments will be available for a donation.


Church news: St Augustine Church: Sunday 3rd September - 2.30pm St Augustine Patronal Festival; Sunday 10th September 9.30am Holy Communion. St Augustine Patronal Festival – Sunday 3rd September, 2.30pm. Time for Creation begins with the St Augustine’s Festival at 2.30 p.m. Church. service followed by refreshments in the Village Hall. Come and celebrate the 126th birthday of the church.


Church news: All Saints Church. On Friday September 1st we will be holding Prayers for the Community in the lounge at New Road Community Centre between 10am and 10.30am. Refreshments afterwards. Everyone welcome to attend. On Sunday September 3rd Communion for Creation Sunday will be at 9.30am, led by Hugh Fielden. Everyone welcome.

Farnhill and Kildwick

Graham Taylor –

Church news: There will be a service of Holy Communion at St Andrew’s on Sunday (3rd) starting at 11am. There will be a mid-week Holy Communion service, in the Parish Rooms starting at 9.30am on Wednesday (6th). St Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10am until about 2pm.


Jumble sale: The annual Jumble sale at the Village Hall will be taking place on the last Saturday in September and donations for both the sale and the tombola are now been taken. Clothing, bags, shoes, toys, household goods, bric a brac, jewellery, and garage and garden items are all accepted. Please no large electrical items nor printers and only small furniture which would fit in a car. New unwanted gifts would be really appreciated for the tombola, so too chocolates or sweets.Please call 07989 585564 to arrange a delivery or collection of items. If you planning to attend an event or class and would like to drop anything off that would be fine, ideally items may be left in the side rooms which adjoin the main hall so access to the entrance and storage space is not restricted. Help on Friday Friday, September 29 would be most appreciated and in particular on the day of the sale, Saturday 30th September with the sale commencing at 10am until 1pm. Light refreshments available. Please contact the number given. This is the largest fundraiser in the Village Halls calendar but it can only be undertaken with the help of many hands.

Church news: St Andrew’s Church: Services. Sunday 8am BCP Holy communion; 11am Family Service - a very relaxed service starting with breakfast at 10:30. Everyone is welcome for either or both.

Fish and chips quiz night: Tuesday 19th September - 6pm to 8pm. Supper served around 6.45pm. Tea, coffee and mushy peas provided. BYOB glasses provided. Teams of 4 but come along even if not in one and we will put teams together. Cost £10pp which includes supper. Bookings and payment in advance to Jo Akroyd (07702883067) or Ali (0792197061) Prize for the winning team.

Alpha course: St Andrew’s Alpha course will be starting on Tuesday 3rd October. For more info. please email or phone Rev Andrew Steer on 01756 749275

Beer Festival: St Andrew’s first beer festival - October 2023 - watch out for more details.


Giggleswick WI: The next meeting will be on the 7th Sept at 7pm at the Settle swimming pool, Kendal Rd & our speaker will be Ann Harding from Victoria Hall, Settle will give a talk on the history of Vic Hall. New members & visitors welcome.

Church news: St. Alkelda’s Church: There’s lots happening in the Castleberg Benefice this weekend. Services on Sunday 3rd are Holy Communion at 9.30am and Choral Evensong at 6pm to which everyone is welcome.

Graveyard Trails: On Sunday 3 September at 2.30pm at St Alkelda's churchyard we'll be discovering some Giggleswick stars of bygone days. It's free to attend but places are limited so please book by calling 07448 135625, email or sign up in person at The Folly in Settle.

Afternoon tea: On 10th September, members of St. Alkelda’s congregation invite you to Langcliffe Institute, from 2 to 4.30pm, for afternoon tea. There will also be a table of homemade preserves to buy and a tombola. We look forward to seeing you.


Ken Leak

Coffee morning: This Saturdays Coffee Morning is an Institute event. With raffle and 200 club draw. All welcome from 10.00am

Manorlands fund raiser: The Coffee Morning on the 9th September at the Institute from 10 till 12 noon will be a fundraiser for Manorlands. There will be a raffle, auction, tombola, a clothes rail, and entertainment from Helisingers, the Hellifield Choir plus other attractions. All welcome.

Wesley centre: There will be a Drop-In lunch from 12 noon today. The Community Pantry will be re-opening from tomorrow from 2 pm. The Sunday service will be from 2 pm with an hour of prayer from 6 till 7 pm. Welcome Mat group will be held on Monday 4th Sept from 2.30pm till 4 pm. Kettlebells exercise class will be held Wednesday evenings from 6 till 8.30pm.

Helisingers: The choir group will meet tomorrow from 9.45 till 11.30am in the Institute. For details contact Sue Alderson on 01729 851108.

Bingo: will be held at Hellifield House this Sunday from 6.30pm. Quizgo: At Hellifeld House on Wednesday the 6th September from 8.15pm.

Slimming World: At Hellifield House will be held on Mondays at 7 pm. Call Daiva on 07591 067861 for details.

Heliarts:The art group will meet on Tuesday 5th September in the Institute from 2 pm.

Heligames:The games afternoon is held on Wednesdays in the Institute from 2 till 4 pm. Cards and board games plus refreshments. A £3 donation is welcome from attendees.


Horton show: The annual show at Horton-in-Ribblesdale will be held on Saturday in the old village school and field adjoining. Outdoors there will be a selection of sheep classes vintage vehicles, tractors and implements. Judging will take place from mid morning onwards. Dogs and pets classes will be judged at approximately 2pm with entries taken on the field. The indoor classes will be displayed in the school which will be open from lunchtime onwards for viewing. Homemade refreshments will be available throughout the day. Fingers crossed for a sunny day.

Church news: A service of evening prayer will be held in St. Oswalds church on Sunday at 6.30.p.m.

Study Grants: The Governors of Horton-in-Ribblesdale C of E Primary school exhibition foundation are prepared to consider applications for grants towards full time continuous courses of advanced study. Applicants must be currently resident in the parish of Horton-in-Ribblesdale and to have lived there and attended a local school for not less than two years. Applications may be obtained from Mrs P Swainson, Little Barn, Studfold, Horton-in-Ribblesdale. BD24 OER and must be returned by September 29.


Church news: St Mary's Church. On Sunday September 3rd Communion for Creation Sunday is at 11.00am, led by Hugh Fielden.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: St Michael’s Kirkby Malham. On Sunday 3rd September we have two services: 8.30am BCP Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel, a lovely peaceful way to start your day, and at 10am Family Worship, a more informal service with hymns lasting no more than 45 minutes. People of all ages are welcome to come to our services. Poetry written by local poets and paintings by Fiona Armer inspired by the Celtic Hymn ‘Deep Peace’ are still on display following our recent art exhibition, for the benefit of visitors. Facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink are also available in church. We welcome enquiries about Weddings, Baptisms (Christenings), and Funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Revd Sue on St Michael’s is open every day of the year from 9am to dusk.

Plant and Jigsaw Sale: Saturday, September 9, Kirkby Malham Vicarage Garden, BD23 4BS, 10am to 12noon. Come and buy locally grown plants to refresh your garden. Donations of spare garden plants would be welcome; all proceeds will be given to St Michael’s Church. We also have a considerable number of ‘nearly new’ jigsaws to sell for church funds, so do come and browse.

Long Preston

Little Footsteps: A free group in chapel begins again after summer break on Monday, September 11, 10.30am - 12 noon. Everyone is welcome to come to play and chat.

Strong and Steady: Classes begins again on 5th September, 1.30 - 2.30pm in chapel every Tuesday with free door to door transport. Still only £4 with coffee & biscuits afterwards.

Pilates: Begins in the village hall from Tuesday 5th September 2.45- 3.30pm.

Church news: St Mary’s church service on Sunday 3rd September will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am.

Craft Club: Every Friday 10.30am - 12pm in the Methodist chapel. Come and learn a new skill, meet new friends. Coffee and biscuits too.

Pilates: Held in the village hall every Tuesday 2.45-3.30pm £5 per session.

Graveyard Trails: The graveyard trails are coming to Long Preston on Sunday, September10 at 2.30pm. We'll be discovering some Long Preston stars of bygone days. It's free to attend but places are limited so please book by calling 07448 135625, email or sign up in person at The Folly in Settle.

Martons Both

Church news: St Peter’s Church, Sunday, September 3, Holy Communion 10.45am. Heritage open day: Saturday 9 September: 10am - 4pm; Sunday 10 September: 12pm - 4pm.


Church news: Holy Trinity Church: B Festival. Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 September. 10am - 5pm daily Admission free. Baptism display, burial records, bridesmaid display, bake sale, buns, brews, biscuits, bells, birds, bugs, bacon butties, blooms in baskets, building biodiversity in our churchyard. Tea, coffee, biscuits and buns available in church all weekend. Graveyard Tour Saturday 1.30pm. Afternoon tea on Saturday 2pm - 5pm, adults £10, children £5 in Rathmell Reading Room. All proceeds from the weekend in aid of the tower windows restoration.


Church news: Settle Parish Church: This year’s Graveyard Trails on Sunday afternoons throughout August led by Sarah Lister and her team have proved very popular with locals and visitors alike. Even a few canine friends came along this week, some showing more interest than others. We are most grateful to Sarah and Ken Lister for researching and sharing the life stories of the residents of Holy Ascension’s graveyard. Sarah’s skills as researcher and storyteller are amazing. Local family history is shared with humour and compassion.

Chris and the “First Saturday Team “ will be back in action after their summer break on Saturday 2 September serving delicious Bacon, Egg or Sausage Butties from 10am ‘til 1pm. Do call in for a cuppa and some tasty refreshments. We look forward to ‘catching up’. All proceeds to Church Funds.

Revd Julie Clarkson leads Family Worship at 11am on Sunday 3 September. Everyone welcome especially families. Stay for refreshments and chat afterwards.

Mothers' Union: On Thursday, September 7 at 10am Giggleswick with Settle Mothers’ Union members will be welcoming mums, dads, grans, carers, babes and toddlers to the popular ‘Stepping Stones’ - the friendly group for families with children from 0 to 4, held weekly during term time.

Settle Badminton Club: The new season starts on Tuesday 5th September. Club nights are Tuesdays 7.30pm at Giggleswick School Catteral Pavillion Sports Hall through to the end of April. All players welcome. The club runs men's and composite teams in the Craven League. For more info, please contact Ian on 07854211114.

Scottish Dancing: Classes recommence on Thursday 14th September at St John's Hall, at 7.30pm. Come for one session or all.

Climate Walk: Organised by Judith Allinson and others in Churches Together in Settle and Craven Conservation Group. The walk on 1 September is further away than usual, and a whole day out. It is to visit the Haweswater area in the Lake District. Anyone interested in joining the walk and sharing transport should contact Judith on 07950469545.

Eco Explorers: A group for families with children aged up to 11 restarts on Monday 11 September at 4pm - 5.30pm at St John's Church, Settle. Please bring an interesting item of nature with you to show others from your garden or from a recent walk. Part of this session will be outdoors.


Church news: Holy Trinity Church. Sunday 3rd September - 9.45am Family Communion with Baptism; Wednesday 6th September: 10.45am Holy Communion (BCP); 12noon Midday Prayer. Sunday 10th September - 9.45am Family Communion with Children’s Club. Morning and Evening prayer daily at 8.30am and 5pm. Time for Creation - 10th September to 8th October. We are looking forward to the Time for Creation season coming up. Please have a look at the posters as we look to engage with the many ways in which we as individuals and a church community can help to being a practical hope and change to the crises of our times.

Christ Church. Sunday at 9.30am - Eucharist; Wednesday 9.30am – Eucharist.

Guided Tour of Stained Glass: Holy Trinity. An informal guided tour of the stained glass of Holy Trinity Church with Jonathan Cooke, an accredited conservation/restorer, will take place on Friday 1st September 2023 at 12 noon. This event is free, but donations may be given towards the new church heating system. The church is open daily 8.30am-5pm. Our café and shop are usually open Wednesday to Friday 10am-2pm, Saturday 10am-3pm.

Skipton Gardeners Club: Meetings will resume on Wednesday, September 20th 2023 in The Soroptimist Rooms, Otley Street at 7.30 pm. Matthew Smith from ‘Brighter Blooms’ at Preston will present , ‘Tulips past ‘til present’.

Craven Speakers' Club: Starts its new Autumn season on Monday 11 September. It meets alternate Mondays at 7.15pm at The Soroptimists Rooms, 28 Otley Street, Skipton. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence in a friendly supportive group and have a fascinating evening out. Free entry for your first two meetings.


Church news: St Mary’s Church, Sunday, September 3, Holy Communion 9.15am. St Mary’s Patronal Festival, Sunday, September 10 at 10am – a joint service in the parish to celebrate St Mary’s Church “Birthday”. open for English Heritage Weekend Saturday, September 8 to Sunday, September 10.