AN unconscious caver, 22, who had fallen on her way to Yordas Cave, near Thornton in Lonsdale, yesterday (Sunday), was assisted by Clapham Cave Rescue Organisation members. 

The call had been made by Yorkshire Ambulance Service at 3.12pm. The rescue was made under snowy conditions and although the caver had regained consciousness, she was mildly hypothermic.

The team placed her in a warm casualty bag and, making use of the snow, quickly sledged her off the hill in a Bell stretcher.

Two hours later that same day as the members were cleaning equipment from the earlier incident, they got prepared to set off to Malham Tarn after a callout at 5.15pm from North Yorkshire Police feared a group of walkers had not returned from a walk in that area.  After making further enquiries, the duty controller confirmed that the overdue party was accounted for and safe so the team was stood down.