
Quaker Services: Quakers in Airton have regular quiet meetings for worship every Sunday at 2pm in the ancient Quaker Meeting House by the Green in Airton, on Calton Lane. Worship lasts for an hour. All are welcome to this the earliest place of non-conformist worship dating from the 1600s. Refreshments in the Barn follow each meeting. The Meeting House is open every day of the week for those who need a place of refreshment and peace in the midst of a turbulent world. There is also bunk barn accommodation for up to 12 people, and meeting space may be hired. For more information, email or phone 01729 900018.


Church News: Sunday, January 21, at 9.30am Austwick Holy Communion & 9.30am Eldroth Holy Communion (Rev Mark Evans). 11am at Clapham East Church.

Events and meetings: Austwick Quiz Night on Friday, January 26, at 7.30pm, in the parish hall. Tickets on sale at Cross Leigh Store. £4.50 or at the door £5. Bring your own drinks but soft drinks will be serviced during the interval. Teams of maximum four, bring your friends and meet new ones. Austwick Burns Supper and Ceilidh Parish hall 7pm for 7.30pm start on Sunday, January 27. Details on the village website.


Barnoldswick History Society: Meeting on January 25 at 7.30pm at the OAP Centre in Frank Street will include a talk on Barnoldswick Snippets by Alan Roberts and will discuss the society’s archives and will include the audio tape and slides which accompanied the television programme made at Gisburn Road School in the 1960s.

Bolton Abbey

Rector’s message: On this Third Sunday after Epiphany there is a distinct military theme to the readings. In the first reading we hear that Elisha persuaded the King of Israel to treat the prisoners of war with compassion. The King followed the advice of the prophet and the prisoners were then properly treated and released. This reading could not be more timely as we remember the hostages held in Gaza and all those held as prisoners of war in Israel and Ukraine/Russia. In the second reading we learn about the faith of the centurion who seeks out Jesus to help heal his servant. As Jesus remarks he has “not found so great faith, not even in Israel”. Both readings tell us that, if we put our faith in Christ, then nothing is impossible and peace and justice will prevail. The church office is open on Mondays and Fridays until 3pm and Wednesdays until noon.


St Mary’s Church: Each Sunday at 11.15am; 3rd and 5th Sunday – Bread, Wine & Worship; 2nd & 4th Sunday – Parish Communion. St Mary’s “Coffee Pot” is open each Friday from 2pm-4pm Coniston Cold and Bell Busk St Peter’s Church Coniston Cold: On Sunday, January 21, there is a service of Compline Evensong at 4pm, a lovely reflective service of prayers, readings, hymns, and a short sermon, to which all are welcome. St Peter’s Church services are normally at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month (BCP Holy Communion), and at 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month (Compline Evensong). For any enquiries about weddings, baptisms, or funerals, email Rev Andrew Steer on


A treat for half term: Cononley Village Institute is hosting the Garlic Theatre puppet show The Nosy Little Troll on Thursday, February 15. A tale of a Nosy Little Troll wandering through the forest following a stinky smell – what can it be. A wonderful Norwegian tale with live music and storytelling. This performance is the only one in the area and is suitable for three to eight year olds. Matinee performance at 3pm, doors open at 2.30pm. For more information, visit or to buy tickets at Adult £8, children £5. Children under two are free (sitting on adult knee).

Cononley Cinema Club: The Great Escaper (12A) on Sunday, January 21, at the Cononley Village Institute. Doors open 6.30pm for a 7pm start. With outstanding performances by Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson, and based on the true story of Bernie Jordan’s “escape” to attend the 70th anniversary of D-Day, this is a compassionate, thoughtful and cheerful film not to be missed.

Farnhill and Kildwick

St Andrew’s Church: There will be a service of Morning Prayer on Sunday (21) starting at 11am. There will also be a mid-week service of Holy Communion on Wednesday (24), at 9.30am. St Andrew’s is open to visitors on most days, when the building is not in use, from about 10am until about 2pm.

Coffee morning: A coffee morning will be held at Farnhill Institute on Saturday (20) between 10am and 11.30am. People will be able to see the new flooring in the main hall and kitchen, and discuss event ideas with members of the Institute Committee.

Knit & Natter: The Knit & Natter group will meet on Tuesday (23), between 1.30pm and 3.30pm, in the upstairs room at Farnhill Institute. People are invited to come along with their knitting, crochet or stitching, or just to have a chat – all are welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits served. £2.

Farnhill Parish Council: The next meeting of the parish council will be held in the Institute next Thursday (25), starting at 7.30pm. The first 15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for public participation. All members of the village are welcome to attend.

2024 calendar now on sale: The 2024 Kildwick and Farnhill Village Institute annual calendar is now on sale; price £10, including a posting envelope. Available from White Lion, Kildwick; Coffee & Crumbs; Crag & Coffee; and elsewhere in the village.


St Andrew’s Church: Services – January 21: 8am BCP Holy Communion; 11am Morning Worship – a time to explore God’s Word in more depth in a slightly more relaxed worship time. We always have coffee afterwards and you are very welcome to come just for coffee and to chat or have prayer if the service itself is not where you are at at the moment.

Events: Saturday, January 20, eco church group are putting on two films – about 3pm-5pm with homemade cakes and coffee. Email Chris Bolas for more information at 6.45pm-8pm Saturday Praise – our monthly extended time of praise and prayer. All welcome.


St Alkelda’s Church: On Sunday there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9.30am led by Rev Julie Clarkson. Do stay for a hot drink and a chat afterwards.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 starts on Thursday (today). Daily reflections can be seen on the website or a few booklets are available at the back of church. Everyone is invited to Settle Parish church on Sunday afternoon, at 3pm, when Cafe Church will focus on this year’s theme Go and do likewise. Regular weekly happenings are Holy Communion at 9.30am on Wednesday, choir practice at 6pm on Thursday and bell ringing practice at 7.30pm, also on Thursday.


Opera: Rusalka (live by satellite from The Royal Opera House) on Sunday, January 28, at 2pm, at Grassington Octagon. This poetic contemporary new staging of Dvorak’s lyric fairytale reveals our uneasy relationship with the natural world and humanity’s attempts to own and tame it. Tickets £16. For tickets, visit or Ticketsource.


Wesley centre: There is a warm space with complimentary soup and sandwich lunch at the Wesley Centre throughout January and February from noon to 1.30pm. Also available on Fridays from 1pm-3pm. Community Pantry is open on Fridays from 2pm-3pm. Sunday service from 2pm. Strong & Steady class is on Monday, January 22, from 3.30pm. Kettlebells exercise class is on Wednesdays from 6pm-8.30pm.

Women’s Institute: WI meets tonight at 7pm in the Institute. Contact Carol on 01729 851160 for details of events and membership.

Helisingers: Helisingers Choir meets on Mondays from 2pm in the Institute and on Fridays from 9.45am. Contact Sue on 01729 554149.

Coffee morning: There will be a coffee morning in the Institute from 10am with raffle this Saturday.

Messy church: Messy Church activity group meets this Sunday in St Aidan’s Church 10.45am for 11am start.

Hellifield house: Bingo will be held this Sunday from 6.30pm. Slimming World is held on Mondays from 7pm-9pm.

Games afternoon: For those who enjoy cards, board games etc, Wednesdays in the Institute from 1 till 4 pm.

Messy monkeys: Children’s activity group held in term time on Wednesdays at the Institute. Contact Amanda on 07398 284126.

Institute event: Tickets are available for the Valentine’s event on February 10 at the Institute. Tickets £12 to include pie and peas supper. Entertainment from Hellifield band Time Banditz. Music from the 70s, and 80s. Pop, Rock and Soul. Period dress welcome. From 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm. Contact Karen on 01729 851070.

200 Club: The Institute 200 Club winners for January are: No 141 Barry Hills;No 20 Kelly Belcher; No 27Jim Pope.


Service: A service of Holy Communion for the combined parishes of Horton-in-Ribbesdale, Stainforth and Langcliffe will be held in St Peter’s church at Stainforth on Sunday at 10.30am. The service will be celebrating Christian Unity week.

Horton in Ribblesdale Golden Age: The committee is holding a couple of events this year to help with raising funds for the annual Golden Age trip in June and the organisers would love to welcome everyone to join them for the outing, not just those that qualify for the trip. The first fundraising event to be planned is a dinner and disco at the Knights Table at Stainforth on Saturday, February 17, 7pm for 7.30pm, tickets will be at £25 each in advance. For more details, contact Linn 07776 322871 or Helen 07810 025951.


Pantomime: The forthcoming Ingleton pantomime is a massive community effort with more than 90 members in roles involving not only acting and chorus dancing but also lighting, sound, special effects, props, set construction, scene painting, stage crew, choreography, costumes, hair and make-up, front of house and ticket sales, etc. The group, as well as individual members, have recently received six National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) nominations for their contribution to last year’s production of Hansel and Gretel. The winners will be announced at a formal dinner in Barrow on February 16. Tickets for this year’s Ingleton Theatre Group production, Dick Whittington, to be staged from February 21-24, go on sale at a coffee morning from 10am-11.30am on Saturday, January 20, both to be held at Ingleborough Community Centre. Adult tickets are £7, children and concessions are £5. Family tickets (two adults and two children) are £20. There will be a raffle, tombola and cakes, as well as lashings of hot drinks and refreshments to stave off the cold weather.

Kirkby Malham

Church News: On Sunday, January 21, we have a service of Holy Communion at 10am to which everyone is welcome. Facilities for visitors to make themselves a hot drink and information about the interesting history of our 15th century church are available. We welcome enquiries about weddings, baptisms (christenings), and funerals; for more information please see our website or contact Rev Sue on

Parish Hall: Burns Night, Thursday, January 25, 6.30pm for 7pm. Haggis toasted by a wee dram, followed by Cranachan (veggie option available). Bring a poem to recite and wear Tartan if you wish. Bar open. £15 per ticket, please book in advance by Monday, January 22, on Malhamdale Local History Group: Tonight (Thursday, January 18), Village Diaries, at 7.30pm Kirkby Malham Parish Hall, a look back through the activities of the villages in 2023. All welcome. £3 non members. Further information from Linda on Long Preston Used Postage Stamps: Used postage stamps are still being donated to the local Hedgehog Charity. They can also be dropped off at the Methodist Church on a Sunday or Friday morning or anytime at 3 Ribblesdale Estate.

Church News: On Sunday, January 21, the service at St Mary’s will be Holy Communion with Rev James Rodley at 11am. The service in the Methodist Church will be with Liz Harps also be at 11am. Everyone is welcome.

Little Footsteps will start again on Monday, January 22, in the Methodist Church. Come along and play, chat and snack at this free group.

Health and Wellbeing starts again in the Methodist Church on Monday, January 22, at 1pm. Come and have a two-course meal followed by coffee and cake and a chat with a nurse.

Strong and Steady (gentle exercises) continues at 1.30pm-2.30pm in the Methodist Chapel. This is followed by coffee and chocolate biscuits. Only £4 a session. Everyone welcome. Free transport availability.

Craft Club continues every Friday at 10.30am-noon in the Methodist Chapel. Bring along the project you are working on. Have a brew and a chat.


Salterforth WI: The president, Donna Martin, welcomed members, wishing everyone a happy New Year, full of fun and friendship. A short business meeting followed in which the 2024 resolutions were discussed and voted upon. The overall opinion was that “dental health matters” should be a priority this year and therefore that was the resolution members wished to go forward at this year’s AGM. The business concluded and members then enjoyed a pie and peas supper followed by a beetle drive which was won by Mary Mitchell with the highest score and Christine Lloyd with a booby prize for the lowest score. All good fun. The next meeting will take place on February 8, at 7.30pm, in Salterforth Village Hall. All are welcome.


Settle and District Gardening Club: Flowers and Fables - Ancient stories growing in your garden. A fascinating talk by Gillian Hovell, award-winning writer for the RHS. Followed by Q&A, informal discussion, refreshments, raffle and plant sales. Wednesday, January 24, from 2pm-4pm, at Quaker Meeting House, Kirkgate, Settle. £5 for visitors.

St John’s Methodist Church: Movie night at 7pm on Saturday, January 20, when we will be showing Charlie Chaplin in ‘City Lights’ with live musical accompaniment by Philip Taylor. Everyone is welcome; admission is free.

Swimming Pool: Open evening on pool finances, Wednesday, January 24, 7pm at the pool. Come along to hear about our current funding issues, the measures being taken to address them and what you can do to help. Questions can be sent in advance to Warm Space Film Club: At St John’s Methodist Church will be meeting every Thursday afternoon from January 18 until March 28. Refreshments from 2pm. Film starts at 2.30pm. This week, January 18, the film is Mama Mia. All welcome. Or just come and have a cup of coffee/tea.

Settle Scottish Dancing Class: Welcomes new members and visitors. Thursday evenings, 7.30pm-9.30pm, at St John’s Methodist Church.

Settle Parish Church: After the Christmas break, Mothers’ Union members were pleased to welcome back families to the Stepping Stones group, which meets every Thursday morning during term time. The church was filled with chatter and laughter as both adults and children enjoyed fun, food and friendship. During this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18 to January 25) we shall be using the reflections and worship materials prepared by Christians in Burkina Faso based on the parable of the Good Samaritan. We look forward to welcoming friends from Churches Together in Settle and District to informal worship which will be following part of the Week of Unity service at our Café Church on Sunday afternoon, 3pm, January 21. Rev Dr Jonathan Womack, teacher and Chaplain at Giggleswick School, who is also serving as curate in the Castleberg Benefice, leads Morning Worship at 11am on Sunday, January 21. Do join us and stay for a coffee and a chat afterwards. It will be grand to see you.


Burns Night Celebrations: Saturday, January 27, at 7.30pm, at The Three Links Club. Haggis, Neeps, Tatties, Whiskey Gravy and a tot of whiskey. Members £6.50, non members £8. Scottish-themed entertainment. Tickets can be purchased by phoning Annabel on 07534 904745.

Skipton and Craven History Society: The next talk is on Thursday, January 25, at 7.30pm, at the the Swadford Street Centre, Skipton. St Petersburg - Russia’s Window to the West by Robert Fort. Non-members welcome; £3 entrance charge.

Skipton Retired men’s Forum: Tuesday, January 23, in the Soroptimist Rooms on Otley Street. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 10am and at 10.30am, Richard and Martin Wadwell will give a presentation on “Guide Dogs for the Blind”. Members and visitors welcome.

Vigil for Holocaust Memorial Day: There will be a vigil held on Friday, January 26, at 5pm outside Skipton Town Hall, which will be lit up in purple, to remember all those who have suffered and died in genocides. Holocaust Memorial Day includes Cambodia, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia and the Jewish people, gay people, Roma and dissidents who suffered during the holocaust of the Second World War. Organised by Craven District of Sanctuary All welcome.

Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am – Eucharist; Wednesday at 9.30am – Eucharist.